iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 414 points –
iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F

iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F::Widespread reports are circulating about the iPhone 15 overheating, seemingly across all models. Measurements taken with an infrared camera show...


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46.6˚C in normal units.

Stupid us units had me thinking there would be fires everywhere for a moment.

F makes more sense for this. It’s 0-100 on a scale of a human feeling too cold to too hot.

In situations where what’s being discussed is touching human skin: weather, a hot phone, water temp, etc… F does give you a quicker idea of things.

That said, downvote me away!

It only gives YOU a quicker idea because you are used to it.

I don’t deny that. But it’s also a well suited 0-100 scale for weather. It’s rare for a native C person to agree. I accept and expect the downvotes because hurr durr usa is dumb. To be clear, C is way better for anything other than things that touch my skin.

What's this 0-100 scale you're using? Just a personal comfort gauge that you're assuming everyone uses? I'm American and it doesn't even make sense to me. 70ish is room temperature, 98 is body temperature, 32 is freezing. That's a really weird scale which doesn't have any nuance to it especially since temperatures reach above 100 or below 0 in a lot of places. Add on that people like different temps and it's really confusing.

For anyone willing to learn, a lot of devices have conversions from F to C. I have about half of my temp reporting equipment split so I can better understand C since all I personally knew was F. It also helps to have the formula in your head and convert it anytime you see F so you'll slowly be comfortable knowing both of them. (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 = Celsius, usually just do / 2 for a simpler time: i.e. 72F - 32 = 40 / 2 = 20C (really 22.222C but it gets you in the ballpark at least). It's even easier to use the formula since 32 is Fahrenheit's freezing temp so just always minus that away and divide by 2.

Like others have said, Fahrenheit is just easier for us because it's what we grew up with and learned. It has nothing to do with the actual system besides personal experience. Thinking the "0-100" is a scale that makes sense when the bottom 3/4 is colder than comfortable room temperature is just being irrational.

The average temperature in the continental United States is just over 50 degrees while the extreme highs and lows are 100 and 0. Could make an argument that 0 is a bit too low.

Coincidentally, perhaps, but nonetheless you can’t deny it’s pretty good range for temperature of air in the US.

No need to downvote, I can handle someone having a different opinion.

Fahrenheit doesn't give a shit about human temperature, he based it on some obscure things (which I can't remember right now). It doesn't even fit with human temperature, I think human temperature is like 97 or 98 °F or something like that. The argument was made only to have some argument, it's not a property of Fahrenheit.

It does make exactly as much sense as Celsius with one important distinction - Celsius plays nicely with other SI units.

Seriously, the only correct answer to how many foot-pounds does it take to heat 1 fl oz of water by 1° F is fuck you.

I don’t mean it’s body temperature. I mean it’s good for describing temperature felt by a human. The weather is a scale of 0 being too cold to 100 being too hot. The typical person never sees temperature outside this range in their weather, but a good bit of the full range.

When describing weather, you don’t care about 213 being boiling temp and converting to SI. In all Other uses, yes, C is better.

That’s just you being used to the imperial system. I have no problem describing the difference between 0°C, 20°C and 40°C.

I’m not saying it’s impossible to describe the difference in Celsius. What I’m saying is that the resolution is finer, and with the scale of 0 to 100 is quick to understand.

The fact is we like to have a scale between zero and 100 for things. That’s what Fahrenheit is for weather. I understand you don’t agree, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is. I use both C and F. I prefer F for weather.

Honestly, I get your point, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a property of the scale, rather your increased familiarity with it. When someone says 68F I don’t have a mechanism to understand that, it’s not part of my experience. Saying 68% of too hot doesn’t help much at all. Whereas I can tell you exactly what I 40C feels like; and how that compares to anything from -15C to 45C, because of my familiarity with the scale.

Yes, familiarity with the scale definitely helps. But 50 degrees is halfway between burning up and freezing your ass off. Aka, light jacket weather.

And if anyone’s wondering that’s 116°F in more normaler units

Edit: it’s a multi layered joke guys chill. Joke is Americans can’t read, the °F is in the title. The other joke is that American grammar is shit

Lemmy can be pretty hostile to non-European standards. It's weird... I wonder if Europeans are just using more accounts than Americans, and stacking votes.

If not... Then yikes, if Lemmy is losing the American audience, that's bad news, friends.

Celsius and Fahrenheit are both European units. It's just that Fahrenheit is used by less than 5% of the world's population, so it's completely reasonable to expect a post title on an international website like this to use Celsius.

To be fair, the Fahrenheit measurement should be pretty intuitive here. Fahrenheit is easy because 0 degrees is "really fucking cold" and 100 degrees is "really fucking hot." So anything triple-digits should be easily recognizable as "yeah that's way too fucking hot for a phone."

This is also why I prefer Fahrenheit to Celsius in general (even though I am an engineer and am not a die-hard patriot or anything like that). It is a more practical scale for everyday usage.

And Celsius is 0 for freezing water and 100 for boiling water, sounds much more practical to me

Why are Americans so bad at geography 🤦

You do know there's a world outside of the US and Europe, yeah? Like other places are a thing that exist? And guess what - they all use Celsius!

This isn't a Europe Vs US thing. This is a US Vs the world thing, with Americans expecting their way to be taken seriously by everyone.

Don't be surprised when people want to use the actual standard.

It's an incredibly euro-centric view to think that the rest of the world uses the metric system. Heck, even the UK mixes and matches units contextually. Plenty of global industries apply their own standards.

I've never seen an American on the Internet suggest China move from Chi to Feet, for example. Europeans just assume that they use Meters because they're polite enough to just do the conversion on their end for international trade.

You do realise we're talking about Celsius here, don't you?

The UK absolutely uses Celsius, as does the vast majority of the world. To my knowledge it's just the US and Liberia.

There is nothing Eurocentric about saying Celsius is the standard. There is, however, extreme US-centricity in thinking Fahrenheit is the normal one.

Whats the speed limit on British highways?

Is it miles per hour?

Yes, the UK mainly uses metric but for a few things they use imperial or both. For road signs they're mostly imperial - what does that have to do with Celsius?

You're not making yourself look good here by deliberately going off-topic.

Let me begin by apologizing for asking about things across the pond.


Oh no, I don't look good right now?!?! Fuck man it's all over, this was all I had left

Are you stupid? Lemmy isn't hostile to the US. We are hostile to idiots who do not recognize standards. That this includes most of the US is just a coincidence.

Hate to break it to you (and your superiority complex) but Fahrenheit is also a standard.

No it isn't, nobody uses it. I can't sayb"my proprietary unit is a standard that only I use".

In the US.

For me a standard that I mean as standard is globaly used by scientists

Cool, so Celsius is not a standard because it isn't global.

As far as I know even US scientists are using Celsius and centimeters.

Shit man, I use Celsius and I'm in the glory hole of america.

I will say this: fuck imperial-measurement-deciders for naming 1/1000 of an inch a "mil". Fuckin pricks.

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We've had enough of USdefaultism over there on reddit.

Yes, every European has at least 3 lemmy accounts, as required by the European constitution.

There are a lot more Europeans online than Americans (not to mention a few billion internet users on other continents), so when Americans post temperatures exclusively in Fahrenheit it comes across as kinda thoughtlessly parochial.

There are a lot more Europeans online than Americans

  1. I don't believe this at all lol

  2. The audience for this is English speakers. While much of the world reads English non-natively, those people often turn to news source in their native languages. If this article were in French, using Fahrenheit would be silly.

  3. Most iPhone users are American. This data shows that just a few years ago 43% of iPhones were sold in the US, with Japan in 2nd at 14% and China at 13%. Even adding up the UK, France, Germany, and Australia they combine for 20%, though once again I'd expect French and German articles fod those audiences.

Europeans just can't handle the fact that colonization is over lol.

Damn, how can a first world country produce so much of this?!

Lol, second comment this morning I've seen someone complaining about their fundamentally incorrect statement is recieving "unfair" hostility...

No, you're just wrong and people downvoted you because of it

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