AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala to politics – 506 points –
AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala

This stupid topic again

But sure


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I'd vote for AOC, tbh

Bernie is too old, she'd be my top pick in Congress by far.

But the Party probably wants to go maximum hail corporate neoliberal, especially when there isn't a pesky primary to deal with, because thats what they're paid to do.

You know, someone who will come to continue to protect our beloved economy... from our society and the needs of our people. Better than fascism, but just extending the meaningless subsistence in service to the owner class.

AOC isn’t even in the conversation though. I think she’d face fierce opposition to even getting the nomination. She’s a pretty divisive figure.

She’s a pretty divisive figure.

Not for anything she does, AFAICT.

Republicans are terrified of her. She's young, attractive, charismatic, outspoken, and intelligent to say nothing of her being a woman of color. They are giving her the full Hillary treatment. It seems like she'll be a bit harder for them to tarnish that way, but not for lack of trying.

Yes, I agree, but we ought to draw a distinction between someone who acts divisively from someone who's the target of the right-wing hate machine.

she'll be a bit harder for them to tarnish that way

Well Hillary is only one or two of those traits you listed. I like Hillary, but she is not charismatic. I think she had good policy sense and could have been an excellent president, but policy doesn't win elections.

I should be clear I’m talking about public perception here, not my personal opinions or any assessment of her policies.

When she voted to disallow train workers striking was pretty disheartening. Who'd expect someone so pro-worker to knock the teeth out of a union.

Probably voted that way because she was assured Biden would continue to hammer out a better deal for the rail union, which he did! Better healthcare, more PTO, and the addition of paid sick days!

Here’s the article right from the rail union thanking Biden for not giving up on their fight.,agreement%20for%20paid%20sick%20leave.%E2%80%9D

The fact that she’s a conservative bogeyman is kind of besides the point. The neoliberal, corporate-friendly leadership of the DNC would NEVER let her get close to the nomination. They did the same thing to Bernie 8 and 4 years ago.

That’s exactly what I was referring to.

To be clear, the Democratic leadership is not all powerful. The people can push through a nominee leadership hates if we unite. But given the nature of this nomination process, party leaders have an exceptional amount of power this year, and the people have very little.

Wha...what do you mean not in the conversation, you are literally conversing with someone about her, on a front page post about her. She is popular, and no presidential candidate has ever not been divisive. Not being trump is divisive.

The conversation among those who will decide the nominee. I’ve not heard anyone seriously discuss this outside of online forums.

not in the conversation, you are literally conversing

  1. big-c Conversation
  2. a comma is not a colon
  3. there are other adverbs

So what if she’s divisive? Trumps running mate called him hitler at one point. No one wanted Trump, he came in and won the voters hearts with his vision, grotesque as it may be for other people. People want certainty and vision in uncertain times.

Narrowly and due to lies, intimidation, and structural advantages the right has in this country. Wouldn’t work for the left.

Besides, I was just saying that we the people aren’t really making this decision, and the ones that are won’t pick AOC.

I get your point, but I was saying that the RNC was super anti-Trump to start

Oh well I actually agree that the left can push through a candidate that party leaders dislike if we got organized. But usually the left isn’t very good at that, and there’s no time to do so in this specific case.

@LibertyLizard @pearsaltchocolatebar
Lol, it's what happens when you speak truth to power.
I'd vote for her because of a myriad of reasons though.
She is the future of the party.

Maybe maybe not but there’s 0 chance she’ll be the nominee this year.


Agreed, it's not in anyone's interest to test the supreme court ATM.
I said it once here, a couple times before, & I've said it a few times in passing conversation in person. I would vote for AOC and I think she's wonderful. 👍

I like her too but I personally am not sure her popularity is broad enough to be president. But we’ll see. I hope you’re right.

She gets labeled as "divisive" because she's a woman and she's not a centrist. Name one woman who gets listed as a potential candidate and isn't under this same garbage rhetoric.

To be clear, women can and should still be scrutinized, but not to the point where the only woman who would be a great presidential candidate is the most perfect candidate who ever lived.

She's not old enough anyway, need to be 35 to be president, she's 34

Downvoted for stating facts lmao

Hmm interesting, looks like she turns 35 in October. I’m assuming you have to be of age to run? Or is it to be elected? I’m actually not sure.

Who knows, maybe she'll give it a go next cycle

You also can't be president if you participated in an insurrection after taking an oath, but here we are.

Why is he being downvoted for providing the correct answer?

Because it's not correct, she would be 35 by the time she took office.

It is correct if you understand American politics. The candidates are officially nominated in August and she will still be 34 then.

The law says you have to be 35 to BE president, it says nothing of nomination. She would be fine by the time she was sworn in.

yeah but the democratic party would rather lose the election than nominate her.

AOC is standing with Biden, as is Bernie Sanders.

Fucking Fox and CNN are calling for Biden to step down.

That doesn't seem strange to you?

not at all. Bernie and AOC are already hated by their party and they have no pull. openly calling for him to step down is not going to help anything, if not have an adverse effect. with biden insisting on staying all they can do is try to appeal to their progressive base who doesn't like biden at all to vote for him because they know biden will depress the vote.

also i saw people on fox defending biden against these calls. it was basically "just let him run again dude, is he loses TFG gets to be president for 4 years then he's gone forever... you can't lose ONE election???" it was ridiculously desperate.

Oh so now when they're supporting Biden they're just liberal shills?

what? where did i say that?

You're saying they're only supporting biden in a cynical calculated move to try to help Democrats win. That's what "liberal shill" usually means.

no it doesn't. it's not cynical to want to defeat the openly fascist candidate. why do u think Bernie told people to vote for Hillary in 2016? because he loved her policies so much?

I don’t want AOC to run yet. She’s got a long political career ahead of her and folks tend to bow out of politics after they’re president.

She would be an amazing elder statesperson after her time in office. I hope to some day see it.

Bruh, why are you getting excited about the idea of crusty old genocidal American beaurocrats who inevitably sell out? No US senator is a friend of mine.

We should bring back the idea of a former president running for senator. Show the world that the President isn't any more special than Congress.

Just not anyone old enough to collect social security. We should also bring back the idea that retirement means actually not working anymore.

It’s she old enough right now? Can she be a candidate at 34 if she will be 35 before Jan?

She'd be the best populist candidate, since Bernie is too close in age to Biden. I also think she could really drum up support with her charisma. The only way to fight a populist like Trump is with another populist. Remember how far Bernie got with his campaigns that refused to take corporate money?

Honestly, the only people that would get in her way are the same DINO Democrats who didn't get behind Bernie. Funny how the progressives in the Democratic party are always the ones who are told to compromise and vote for the centrist and never the other way around.

I don't think she could win even though I think she's perfect. The US isn't ready for a woman president, and a non-white one on top of that. I think that'd be pretty cool if Adam Schiff ran with her as his VP.

Why? Do you loathe organized labor and want to see them crushed to maximize corporate profits?

She’s done far more good than bad. This kind of purity testing is why the left in this country is so weak.