Remove text on TPE phone case? to – 59 points –

Hi. When I got a new phone a couple weeks ago, it came with this really nice, name-brand (not giving names here) phone case. It's really rugged and feels great on the hands. It's also one of the most premium phone-case options out there.

Unfortunately, the case is plastered with the text: Pixel. The only phone engineered by Google. I really don't enjoy being a walking advertisement for Google, but leaving such a great case lying around is quite a pity.

So I wanted to ask if there's a way to remove the text that would not damage the case itself?

The case is made of TPE plastic according to its packaging. I thought about just scratching it off cause it does seem to be some kind of layer on top of the case, but I'm worried it won't be removed cleanly and might even leave behind scratches.

Is there another way? Is there some kind of solvent able to do this job?

Here's a closeup if that helps.


Edit: I have decided to uncensor the words.


You don't have to like Google or Pixel, but we're all adults here. Grow up and use your words like an adult. JFC, you're not advertising for them, you're asking a question about it.

Google Google Google Pixel Pixel Pixel

See how hard that was? Hell, you can even follow it up with, "Google Pixel phones suck and Google is a terrible company." Censoring words for no reason is so fucking childish.

i mean, i have never in my life seen this case anywhere. until i saw your comment i thought it was some shitty startup manufacturer trying really desperately to become a “cool” brand. but i guess that’s not far off from what google is. makes sense that they would design something this tacky

The words on the case are dumb, and OP's question is valid, but I hate how the question was asked.

I am aware that I'm not advertising for them by asking a question about this here. I just thought it would be funny to censor Google and Pixel as if they were swear words. It's fine if you don't share my sense of humor though.

You're not the first person that unnecessarily censors words, you're just the current one that I'm calling out. Other people do it with "Reddit", for example. I think it's just childish and poor communication. I just want people to say what they mean instead of this. Honestly, regardless of your or anyone's point, if you can't use your words, I immediate write whatever you have to say off.

Eh, I get you now. Maybe it was not such a good idea to censor words on a place like Lemmy where everyone (except admins) is so against censoring words.

I'm in club "cool sticker", if you can get something to stick to it.

I follow the “buy a Windows computer, install Linux, and slap an Apple sticker on it” school of thought. If it’s an Android phone, I would recommend using another Apple sticker.

I follow the “buy a Windows computer, install Linux, and slap an Apple sticker on it”

That is epic.

Is that like “my favourite part of Star Wars is when Gandalf says Make It So” ?

You just unearthed a memory of a girl asking "Yoda? Ain't he that dude from Mario?"

My 15yo self was soooooo snobby about that.

If you have a friend with a Cricut/Silhouette machine, they can make you some custom stickers pretty easily.

Cover it in FOSS logos.

That looks fairly tightly bonded to me--you'd probably be better off trying to cover it than remove it. There's maybe a solvent, but without knowing which compounds are used for the lettering and the case, it's a shot in the dark--always worth trying isopropyl alcohol for this sort of thing imo, but it also might damage the case.

Unrelated, but the random blue "AI" slapped haphazardly on top is a beautiful piece of accidental comedy given That Company's rollout of AI

Thanks, I'll try out IPA on a less obvious spot to see if it damages the case and if it removes the text. If that doesn't work maybe I'll just live with covering it with my fingers. I agree, the "AI" is funny.

Duct Tape or any funny sticker with good adhesive would do the trick.

You forgot to remove one "#TeamPixel", buddy

Yes. If the poster had done that, this would have been extremely difficult to figure out.

Nah, the pixel is quite unique looking. And also the P***l on the top glives a good hint, just like the "AI" text. And OFC that he doesn't want to name drop the company that made it (understandable, allot of people here hate Google)

The Pixel is one of the most distinct looking phones anyway, kind of hard to hide it. The text on the case is disgusting though.

That is the ugliest case I have ever seen! Dip that removed in acetone...

From the looks of that close up shot, it appears the copy is printed directly onto the case. Most inks do not like an alcohol based solvent. Sometimes even something as week as windex is enough to start removing ink. I'd give it a try in a small area to see how it affects the TPE and if all else fails, slap a sticker over it!

It the old days when providers still branded the actual phone, we would use sugar cubes to take logos off without scratching underneath. Depending on the paint tho it may be a piece of pie or a mission from hell, but usually worked amazingly (in terms of leaving base unharmed).

I would love to know who first thought, "Man I hate that logo on my phone. But I only have sugar cubes to hand..."

If it's surface level, you can use a melamine sponge (branded sometimes as "Magic Eraser") to remove text from plastic. It works as essentially an extremely fine sandpaper.

Something that could also work is baking soda, a very small amount of water, and a toothbrush.

I came here to recommend sugar granules; it's a gentle adhesive. I used it before, successfully, on a flash drive.

This print looks a little different, though. As somebody else said, a tight cohesion? Idk. I just know starting with sugar granules will definitely not damage your case.

Thanks. Will try this. Actually just an hour ago I removed the period (.) by scratching at it with my fingernails. (I know, fingernails after all these answers hah.) However I don't think fingernails scale well. Sugar granules must work too.

Did you get a phone case with your pixel? I didn't when I bought my pixel 6a. Anyways, as others have suggested, you could slap some stickers on it. Or you could try to spray paint it if stickers are not your thing.

Maybe it would be possible to just grind the thing down a bit depending on how thick it is. But if you do that it's probably going to be hard to get a nice finish

The case is clearly textured in the closeup. Grinding it down will definitely mar the surface, but sanding might be more effective.

Did you get a phone case with your pixel? I didn't when I bought my pixel 6a.

The phone case was a complimentary gift from the e-commerce platform I bought the phone from. Not from Google themselves. My guess is that they wanted to get rid of these 2023 H2 Limited Edition Pixel × Rhinoshield Phone Case Pixel 8 - Black that no one wanted to buy, so they decided to just give it away. Pretty thoughtful gift actually.

The text is going to be covered by your hands 99% of the time anyway and besides, *****s have a distinct enough design that the text is gonna be the least of your worries.

Try using IPA on a spot you normally can't see in case it damages the material, it might help rub off the text. If that doesn't work just get a different case. Decent ones aren't that expensive (versus the device's price).

Edit: Why does it say "Taiwan"?

Yes, I actually try to consciously cover it with my hands and never let it sit screen side down.

Thanks, I will try using IPA.

Likely rubbing alcohol brillow pads and elbow grease. Expect some scratches on the case. Take the case off before doing so. I'm not responsible if you break your phone.

This is the most first world problem I've ever seen.

How is your comment helpful?

You want helpful? Okay. Anything OP does will cost them more in time and effort than just buying a new TPU case.

Yeah I'll keep this in mind, thanks.

Edit: why tf does this comment have two downvotes? I understand why my other comments were controversial, but this one too? Really?

Cutex has worked for me before with paint on plastic

As other have suggested a sticker is cool if you are in the game but keep in mind you will definitely have to change it in a couple of months also writing with a marker(paint) on it graffiti style won't survive the everyday abuse ... If you want a clean look I would try to cover the white words with a sharpie ( ink ) might last longer still not a permanent solution... But keeps the clean esthetics ...

If it looks like a screen print you could put some salt or sand on top, cover with tape and rub it off

I should point out that I got a phone from the notorious Google for GrapheneOS.

Edit: uncensored the names

Bro it's not Beetlejuice. Google isn't going to magically appear and ruin your day if you utter it's product name 3 times

I didn't want to fucking swear on the internet

Yeah. Thank you for fucking keeping our thread fucking clean of swears like the fucking G- word.

(Not sarcasm, I approve wholeheartedly.)

Not now but we might implement this feature in the future keep up following us to be notified when we do 😉

Same here. But also, who cares? Nobody worth listening to is going to judge you for the phone you have.

As to the question, a light touch with a rotary tool might get it off without damaging the case itself too much. Or, do you have a laser etcher, or a machine shop with one nearby?

A rotary tool seems a bit... extreme to me. Maybe I'll try that out if the IPA treatment suggested by the other commenters fail. I don't have a laser etcher but I might have some luck if I go ask the machines-go-whrrr-bzzzhhht-keeee-place at my school. Thanks!

Now I'm never gonna guess who made the phone. /s

(Lol. GrapheneOS only supports phone from a single vendor right now.)

This exposes GrapheneOS to a few potential users, and I think this is worth the few hundred dollars that Google might get, lol