President Biden hilariously sports Chiefs helmet during team's White House visit to – 170 points –
President Biden hilariously sports Chiefs helmet during team's White House visit

Here's the photos so you don't have to click the link, my browser blocked about half of that entire webpage.

Why do these websites keep using Twitter? Seriously, thank goodness Firefox auto-blocks this garbage.

Did their chicken shit kicker show up?

football, over policing, coat hangers because god said so, low wages/ no worker's rights, inflated food costs, journalists being silenced, voting rights suppressed, lower quality healthcare, genocide, no women's rights

go Biden

really fucking hilarious let the good times roll

Who would you have in office then?

not a past retirement aged person who has spent their whole careers keeping the citizens in their proper places and who can think past the bible

so neither Demopublican maybe a third party

We all want that, the difference is that we understand how this political system works well enough to know we can't have it.

If you're advocating for overthrowing the government, dropping little internet comments isn't how one does that thing.

If you're actually hoping to elect a third party president simply by helping them get more votes spread out across every district despite them having few to no reps in other branches of the federal government and hardly anyone in local governments, you have an inadequate understanding of the system you're hoping to affect.

If, on the other hand, you're just using rhetorical gambits to discourage progressive voters in the upcoming election, I take back any implication that your comments are pointless or wrong. This is exactly how you'd go about that goal, great job.

we understand how this political system works well enough to know we can't have it

I will say it:


Can't have healthcare.

Can't have social security.

Can't have minimum wage.

Can't vote for normal people.

Can't stop billionaires from taking everything.

Can't make anyone responsible.

Can't have anything, while understanding that the system is set up for you to fail, and you will defend it because otherwise the system fails.

The system is failing right now on so many levels. The fascists taking over is the normal progression of the system, and I'm sick and tired of people saying 'we cant change it, it will hurt more people'.

Sick and vulnerable people are being held hostage to stop any meaningful change, despite them being fucked even now.

Same with the retirements being held hostage to stop reforming the stock market.

And I will say it again:


Putting words in my mouth won't change the mess we've got on our hands. We want those things and we can get them, but not immediately (absent a millions-strong general strike) and not without a fight (another Blair mountain, probably worse).

I'm not trying to deter you. I'm talking about what's in our way.

that is what my grandfather says

his grandfather is the one who repeated that line to him

not repeating that line to my children

And the dipshits on the right listened for the last fifty years and got Roe overturned.

Giving up because you aren't getting exactly what you want right now is how you lose everything.

Sounds more like they're giving up on these two shitty privately run parties not giving up on their country or democracy. The failures leading the Democratic party are the reason why Trump got elected in the first place (along with giving away those SCOTUS appointments which got Roe overturned) and they've done absolutely nothing to fix things in the interim, giving Trump another chance at the office in 2024. How can you in good conscious support this and actively argue against people who are more interested in changing things than maintaining the status quo that's brought us to this point?

Because I understand the reality of the system we live in and that one of two people is going to win in November.

You're literally having an internet tantrum at this point. We're all angry, dude. I would LOVE a third party candidate, but this is NOT the election to do that.

Sure it is. At the local level. There are a small number of greens in office in city councils and such, but their website shows a roster that is mostly on school boards and small committees. This is not a party that is ready for the big time. The fact that Stein keeps running for president rather than building from the ground up tells me it's currently just an operation that turns well meaning dollars into a perpetual grand gesture. I'd like to see that change.

I'm not american, I'm not saying don't vote Biden. If you can, make sure you do.

I'm saying I'm just tired of pretending this is going anywhere. It's not. The climate catastrophe is upon is, billions are going to die, and those who survive will fall to fascists within two decades tops.

Just the notion that Trump, convicted felon, twice impeached (yet never removed), is a serious contender for the presidency, is absolutely fucked beyond imagination.

What in the bloody hell did we do wrong to get here? How are we going to correct it? Is there any way to solve just this one issue, out of the pile of other civilization-level threats?

I'm losing my mind just thinking about it.

"The system is broken, doesn't work for us, and can't be changed, but don't you dare do anything differently or else things won't get better!"

It was an angry comment, but how did you read anywhere about not daring to change it?

Please, for the love of the universe, change it asap.

I just don't see any meaningful change that will actually give the help that people need.

We live in a world that solved almost every issue, yet suffer them anyway. It's just mad.

If you named someone, then someone else might be able to criticize how they don't think the right way or did something incorrectly once. It's easier to be against someone than stick your neck out and defend someone.

So you won't vote for Biden I assume?

not allowed to vote only allowed to watch

Well we Americans don't really have the luxury of voting 3rd party. Either we vote for Biden or we are fucked.

and that is what the next generation will also say in both parties thus perpetuating the cycle of a singular two party authoritative system

How do you think our system works, dude? Nobody here chooses to do it this way for fun. It's a two party system. It's rigged to be that way. Not our choice. Any other party aside from the GOP and Democrats is just an illusion. We don't have a choice here.

Really love it when self-proclaimed "experts" think they can criticize us and our country's politics when they can't even vote or even know how things actually work here.

"It's rigged"

"we have no choice"

"Don't you dare vote for anyone else or you're going to ruin everything!"

Yes let's pretend they didn't sabotage and fuck over everyone who voted for Bernie. Not only did we not get shit, we also helped put Trump in power by voting who we did. What part of this don't you get? Keep pretending our politics aren't rigged, but I'm not so naive and clueless about it.

Voting third party isn't a reasonable option when one of the leading candidates is actively dismantling democracy. Voting for Biden is like saying "yes, I'd like to keep having a voice in my government"

I mean, does it really matter unless they live in like one of 6 swing states? If you live in a blue or red state (which is most Americans) you should really vote third party, and they shouldn't be scolded for that.

Better to vote strategically. A viable third party will need to be developed in local and state government, start snagging seats in the house, eventually a congressional seat, etc etc. The presidency should really not even be the goal of a credible third party until they have laid the groundwork.

Voting Greens in New York state (for example) is a valid option, and if they meet a certain threshold (5%?) they can get campaign financing to do the things you talk about.

Voting for this green party at this time? That's not strategic at all. You'd be doing the exact opposite of the thing you claim to be doing. This green party is a corrupt shell of what it should be voting for it lets them know that they can continue to doing what they're doing. Voting for this green party is exactly why we don't have viable third parties. It's an entity purposely created to be absurd and to drive away voters. Let it die and get a real party.

Can you translate this into English please?

Green party is corrupt and idiotic. They are also more or less controlled opposition if not literally then by effect. Creating a new third party would probably be more viable due to how bad the Green party is.

Also can we not name parties after colors, its a bit too Romantic and makes me nervous theyll become sports teams.

I tried that twenty years ago, learned that it was a DOA strat that produces zero results and could very well be, in some cases, a grift.

could very well be, in some cases, a grift.

Jill Stein has entered the chat.

Biden has increased government funding for low-income defendants, provided funding for independent media, increased wages, supported labor unions, railed against private companies for raising grocery prices, which have since come down, is prosecuting election interference currently with great success, and provided wider access and more funds for healthcare

You managed to choose pretty much every issue that he's markedly supported and improved

There are plenty of other things Biden had improved

Oh yeah lgbtq+ legal funding and civil rights, sustainable technology, Green energy, climate action, there's tons. My examples in the previous comment are direct refutations of the completely erroneous examples from the delusional comment above.

So no punctuation too?

They get paid to spread propaganda, not good grammar

How does your viewpoint differ from a MAGA/QAnon supporter claiming leftists are being paid by George Soros to spread propaganda? Like suddenly now our political leaders are above reproach and any criticism must always be part of a coordinated smear campaign?

I don't particularly agree with the above commentor in this context, but both these candidates have a long list of terrible things they've done and we shouldn't be trying to sweep it under the rug just because it's "our" guy. That just makes you sound like a partisan sycophant just like the people doing mental gymnastics to defend Trump's terrible actions.

Russian & Chinese foreign influence is a well documented fact, almost every tech company publishes a transparency report on this, you can just look them up. These accounts almost exclusively push right wing politics.

There is zero evidence of the opposite happening. That’s the difference. One is true and the other is false.

Almost exclusively meaning sometimes they'll pretend to be leftists that tell you not to vote for a liberal over a fascist.

Yes, liberals suck, but fashes only deserve bashes.

Find me a legit entity claiming Soros is paying shills to spread propaganda. Kremlin spread of propaganda has a long history and many present day examples of major institutions and people pointing directly at it.

Again, legitimate. Fox News classifies themselves as an entertainment company.

You'll find that was Tucker Carlson's show specifically, not Fox News as a whole.

They're about as reliable a right wing rag as the New York Times, and, like it or not, they're far and away the single most popular news network in America.

These are the articles The Salt of the Earth types are reading.

You think someone voting for Trump knows what that is?

You’ve been a teenager who can’t vote and also someone who went to the mall in the past with a same sex partner and got dirty looks from older conservatives within the last few months. You live in a city with rolling blackouts in America.

As a teenager below voting age you know groceries are a luxury now compared to the past. Everything leads back to third party voting with you, again a teenager below voting age who went to the mall with someone you were dating as a social activity.

You are really bad at trolling.

actually an adult who lived to the inevitable outcomes of the laws and policies set by politicians like Biden that were funded by donors like Trump

I've been posting on message boards for decades. One common thing I've seen, which seems incredibly strange and I have no explanation for, is that every time I've come across an English poster using some form of vert in their username, they've been a huge idiot.

Granted, it's only been a handful of times, so kind of anecdotal, but it's amazing on consistent it is.

I get that the other things are important but

A) he can’t singularly change them B) he can certainly take an hour or two to do something that’s a presidential tradition and more lighthearted.

He can at least take a stance and be not only vocal about them, but do whatever he can and make those action public so to set the record straight and throw shade to the bad actors in Washington.

But that's OK, football helmet is enough I guess

Yes, I choose football Biden over policing, coat hangers because god said so, low wages/ no worker's rights, inflated food costs, journalists being silenced, voting rights suppressed, lower quality healthcare, genocide, no women's rights Trump.

I assume that's what you meant.