'Democrats have a plan': Marjorie Taylor Greene unleashes new election conspiracy theory

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 129 points –
'Democrats have a plan': Marjorie Taylor Greene unleashes new election conspiracy theory

'Democrats have a plan'

She lost me right there. As a Democrat, I feel confident in stating that we have never had such a thing.

It is a truth so old that Will Rogers was cracking jokes about it 100 years ago.

There was exactly one moment in history where Democrats had a plan and that was the New Deal.

Everything else has just been wild floundering and taking credit for other people's activism.

TBF the New Deal was a stolen idea too, so…

Stolen from a union organizer, too, if I remember correctly.

I don't really care who originally came up with a good idea, I only care that it gets implemented.

Hell, please democrats steal more leftist ideas. Have you heard the one about ranked choice voting? Ooh or how about mass public transit? I’ve got a real doozy of one about who should own the means of production…

When will these Democrats just get out of the way.

No she's right. The plan is to abandon leftist constituents and try to court right wing voters, at least for the DNC. We will never have a real left wing party in the US :(

Not without substantial electoral reform. Which puts us in the "chicken and the egg" scenario of not getting reform with the existing 2 party duopoly, and not breaking that duopoly without reform.

Almost a dozen Republican states have straight up made it illegal to do RCV. They're quick to add THAT to their state constitution, but delay, stall, and block any attempt to secure people's health

The Progressives have a plan, Republicans around me used to talk about how Hillary was going to implement it. Putting left agenda in schools and such. That must be why Republicans are against public education.

Well that's not good, if Republicans are accusing others of interfering with the election then that means Republicans are thinking of doing that thenselves.

Oh, they're not thinking of it.

I bet they’re thinking about covering up a big political scandal before an election with an illegal hush money payment. Or maybe they’ll scheme to use fake electors to prevent the verification of the election. Maybe target the vice president to use political power incorrectly. Or maybe they’ll break into our capital building to stop the election from being verified. Or maybe they’ll promote Russian misinformation campaigns.

Anyone who thinks they won’t be interfering in the election is bananas. They’ll start declaring it fake and rigged a full 2-3 months before it even takes place and the Russian bots will help them do it.

Do they, though?

I mean, I guess "put out a benign centrist who doesn't really offend too many people" is a type of plan.

It's basically what we have to do over here in the UK every time we want someone other than our own increasingly right-wing major party, who are, or at least have been, disturbingly popular.

It's been a while since it worked, but we're about to give it a go again next month.

I would be ecstatic if every journalist who talked to mtg or any public menace selling unfounded bullshit conspiracies just kept asking for source? whenever she says anything in public to drive home the point just how one note their song really is.

Is she the "Jewish Space Lasers" one, the "dead brain worms" one or the "vaping in Beatlejuice" one? All these wingnuts are starting to blend together.

in better times, this person would have been committed to a mental hospital far before she ever got close to public office.

New content dropped by her handlers for her to disperse.

Yes the plan is to let the Congressperson who looks like the Geico caveman’s sister completely destroy any chance the GoP has at legitimacy.

And it is as effective as the cylons in the Battlestar remake.

The plan is.... Biden tries his fucking best to lose the election.