Well... you asked...

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 693 points –

Thanks for the red square, i wouldnt have found xaviers comment without it

Hey I'm just happy we don't have a "reaction text" saying something like "I'm literally dying rn fr!!!" so we know how to feel about it.

I'm lil'ly dying rn fr fr, so furn'y!! #Vibes #I'mSuckingTheCheesePuffsOffMyFingys #Mood #I'mQuirky #Terrorism

What sort of doofy prude poorly censors “sex?” Is it reply bait?

I didn't make it, I just posted it.

Why did you, personally, poorly censor the word "sex"? I will never recover from your injustice

it's so sad that that's truly where the internet is... everything is a fucking purposeful mistake or bad take because anger and annoyance are the easiest levers to pull for generating engagement.

I've seen younger folks begin to overly censor stuff because platforms like TikTok supposedly limit your account's reach for seemingly minor offenses. This is why you see stuff like "seggs" and "unalive" so often. No idea how often it happens, but that's just my thoughts on it.

You’re likely right. I checked and it looks to have been both created and edited in 2021. Do you have any clue whether the practice you described was widespread at the time? (I know less than nothing about tiktok)

It's been going on for as long as I can remember on TikTok and I started using TikTok during the lockdowns in 2020, so that checks out.

If those services are censoring them, why not just switch to a different service? I don't get it really

Only the finest quality merde.

You can't call it merde unless it comes from the region of Le Merdier , France.

Otherwise, it's sparkling shit.

Tried to but her thighs were crushing my head so much I went wall-eyed before I could make eye contact!

I tell ya when my wife does have sex she screams, oof, especially when I walk in on her! Ohh fuggeddaboudit.

  • Rodney Dangerfield

I only get it from my wife once a week, can you believe that? Only one time! It's unfair! Some of the other guys get it two, three times a week, but me? Nah, just once.