Vladimir Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end war

girlfreddy@lemmy.ca to World News@lemmy.world – 238 points –
Vladimir Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end war

Vladimir Putin has demanded that Kyiv cede more land, withdraw troops deeper inside its own country, and drop its Nato bid in order for him to end Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Putin’s fresh ceasefire demands were issued as envoys from more than 90 countries, including Ukraine, convene in Switzerland this weekend to discuss a western-led peace plan. Russia is not invited to the conference and the president’s remarks on Friday were likely to have been timed as a spoiler to that summit.

Speaking with diplomats at the Russian foreign ministry, Putin publicly updated his terms for ending the war in Ukraine for the first time since he launched a full-scale invasion in February 2022, when he demanded regime change in Kyiv and the country’s “demilitarisation”.

The US defence secretary, Lloyd Austin, said Putin was in “no position” to make demands on Ukraine and could end the war he had started “today if he chose to do that.”


I know a very easy way for the war to end right now, Vlad.

You order your troops to leave Ukraine.

War over.

He most likely achieves internal goals through external means

The joke is that even if Ukraine would agree, it's just a trick to gain more land and do it again.

Or better yet, just let him withdraw his troops from Ukraine and live as he pleases

But how will he be able to keep his uber masculine persona alive then?

He will be the finest male within Russia 😏

Well, if he continues on the current path long enough he might be the only male within Russia....

The best way to stop that war is to bring Putin in front of the ICC for his war crimes.

Yeah, South Africa will submit the paperwork to ICC any day now....

This seems to imply that there aren't already ICC warrants for Putin. There are....

No. That's not what I wrote. To try to get it to that you'd have to perform quite some acrobatics to be able to leave out "South Africa" from the picture.

South Africa requested not to have to arrest Putin last year. War crimes in Ukraine not the top priority for South Africa then but it seems like they changed their mind about war crimes since last October. Well, not regarding war crimes in Ukraine it seems though...

Hmm, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info.

I'd prefer the option where Putler sticks a hand grenade up his butt

That or in Russian court.

So if the same applies to Russia Putin is okay with a foreign country invading Russia based on lies, capturing territory, targeting and murdering civilians and kidnapping children, violating treaties, and they would accept a ceasefire with the invader keeping everything they currently hold to regroup for another assault? Get the fuck out of here

Though I fully agree with you, here is some food for thought:

If, IF, come November, trump gets elected, then that's it. He will remove all money from Ukraine, he'll give Putin free reign to invade Ukraine and he won't criticize Putin if he just streams on to the baltics and then poland too.

Get the fuxk out of here, indeed, but I fear that soon Europe will have to go to war with Russia

What's new about it? His demands always were "Give me everything I want or I will take it by force"

Guess the new part is he pinky swears they can keep the Western half of Ukraine. As long as they don't form alliances and agree to weaken the military protecting the Western half...

"You give up, do as I say and I take everything" is not a peace negotiation. Its a renewal of his declaration of war.

It's like a house squatter demanding the house owner to leave to end the conflict.

Putin, just leave..

This fuckin guy! He should do stand-up or clown school.

Meanwhile real stand-up comedian: when to laugh?

In that case I will freshly issue a demand for Putin to surrender to Ukrainian forces step down and face trial for war crimes.

Putin, please stop this war without demands.

I heard US bragged about bunker-penetrating rockets. Do they still have them?

oh he can do that? i wanna do that too.

i demand russia to be renamed shitlands. and the russian sea shall be renamed to turdy waters. and maybe a weapons and travel ban for 50 years is a nice gesture so china can learn a bit too.

The reality is that both sides are laying out unrealistic terms for surrender right now.... and that's fine. The start of a negotiation is always to start with a stated position and go from there. This war will end at the negotiation table... at least we hope it does becuase unconditional surrender won't come from Russia, but it could come from Ukraine.

The real question is have both sides suffered enough for a negotiated end to this war? Look, it sucks, but that's the truth of it. It would be good to see an end to the fighting and dying in Ukraine. Wars suck. The only side winning in this war is the US. They/we spend a pittance of money and watch Russia burn their future generation, military reputation, and global standing to the ground. That's the #2 political opponent the US has in the world, and it's acting as a great example for to show China (the #1) why it should behave itself over Taiwan. Win win!

But wars suck. It's easy to sit on the sidelines, but there a lots of people fighting and dying over there who have nothing to do with make the decisions for war. Yes Putin's demands are ridiculous, but so are Ukraine's. That's fine. Put them in a room and hopefully they can figure out way to end the killing that's in between the two.

What are Ukraine's demands for surrender?

Mainly 100% removal from Ukraine (not unreasonable, but also not going happen without Ukraine doing much better on offense) and a shit ton of reparations for all the damage done and people killed (this is never going to happen).

IMHO The most likely scenario is Russia keeps 50 to 80% on land they've already captured and Ukraine agrees not to join NATO and the war stops. Keep in mind much of the land that they're currently fighting over will be useless for a generation due to all the mines and shells shot into it. (Maybe "useless" is too strong, but it will take a lot of work to make it safe for living and farming.)

'Member when Ukraine signed a treaty with Russia that if they surrender all nuclear weapons, Russia would never attack them?

Hey here's an idea: instead of telling Putin to end the war himself, how bout if NATO DOES THE ONE FUCKING JOB IT WAS CREATED TO DO?

You realize that Nato is a defense alliance, dedicated to protecting other member states. Ukraine is NOT a member of Nato. And cannot currently join Nato, because only a country not at war can join.

It has been said that the literal minute this war ends, Ukraines application is all but already passed. But that can't happen until they end the war. Which means either Putin loses, and goes home, Putin takes all of Ukraine 100% defeated and absorbed into russia, or Ukraine wins the war on their terms.

Until then, Nato is mostly bound to stay out of foreign affairs by their own mission statement

Exactly this. People are so deluded that NATO aren't a world police force and isn't just a pact to protect its members is unreal

Let’s all send Angela Merkel a big flaming poop basket for ensuring that didn’t happen when they had the chance.

Then they are fucking morons and deserve the nukes. Only feckless pussies sit there and watch the imperial force roll over a country and say "welp, cant do anything about it because they're not our buddies!" These motherfuckers will break all kinds of "regulations" if some billionaire asks for it, so I'm not buying it. "Ukraine can join after the war" is sheer fucking insanity.

Tell me you know nothing about nuclear warfare without saying you don't know nothing about nuclear warfare.

Either that or you really want to see the whole earth in ashes.

No, I fully understand. I just dont act like a weak, pathetic Putin apologist telling Ukraine to fuck off when they know damn well that it doesnt stop with Ukraine. I swear to fucking Cthulhu the entire world has turned into a bunch of dormat pussies just waiting to get shoved into gas chambers.


Okay, tough guy. Why don'tcha get off of Lemmy and go fight in Ukraine? After all, someone who isn't a doormat pussy (such as yourself) would surely love to do their part in fighting Russia...

...Right? Or are you just here to insult everyone like a raging asshole?

Yeah, but you do understand, that nuking can't be a solution?

I didnt say it was a solution; I'm saying it is the expected outcome for doormats.

Feel free to join Ukraine as a voluntary fighter. Many have done so. Or keep spouting shit here about others. Put your money where your mouth is, Sir Feckless.

Aaaawwww arent you just adorable!

Any response other than "I already have" or "I donate resources" paints you as an armchair hypocrite who doesn't have the credentials to understand, let alone have an opinion about this conflict.

You my friend, are the one who is adorable.

Can’t do anything? Where have you been for the past 2 years? The west has lead the most massive material aid program since world war 2

NATO is a defensive pact, not a global army. Its job is to keep its member countries safe and peaceful. NATO will not attack Russia unless Russia does so first by attacking a NATO country. Ukraine is currently not in NATO (though they wish to be) and as such NATO will not be involved. The individual countries, of course, can help support Ukraine but that's about it.

Which is?

Protect a member nation from invasion. So I’m not sure how they can help in this instance.

They’re doing the best they can with the little amount of rope they have.