Blinken Says Gaza Cease-Fire Deal Is ‘Inside the 10-Yard Line’ to World – 120 points –
Blinken Says Gaza Cease-Fire Deal Is ‘Inside the 10-Yard Line’

Israel already stated the only ceasefire they wanted is one where they could keep shooting.

That's pretty misleading. What they actually said is they wouldn't agree to a permanent ceasefire while Hamas remains in power.

Could they trust Netanyahu with any kind of peace deal? I would not.

Hamas could have ended this at any time. They have turned down multiple ceasefire proposals because they will never admit defeat. They are fanatics.

Well, Netanyahu seems happy to call playgrounds and hospitals "hamas" while he blows them up, sooooooooo....

There are no military installations under Israeli playgrounds. Here's a map of Israeli military sites.

If you don't believe that Hamas uses civilian sites to disguise their military actions, it would be ridiculously easy to disprove. Just show a map of their military sites. Further reading.


We believe you.

This is my credulous face.

It's just as believable as it was all the other times where Netanjahu would definitely make a reasonable offer and there would be peace.

I wonder what happened those other times.

Most recently, Israel agreed to the ceasefire approved by the US, Qatar, and the entire UN. Hamas rejected it.

Remember when the US was opening a port to provide aid to Gaza and we just had to wait for that and then they finished and then Israel blocked the aid like they did with everyone else and the US said "Oh well" and packed it up after accomplishing jack shit?

They're just just trying to make it look like something is happening, just stalling for time indefinitely, constantly saying stuff is right around the corner while delivering on jack shit (except unconditional military aid to Israel). Anyone still buying this crap is a grade-A sucker.

You mean when they built a pier unable to withstand the famously stormy seas of the Mediterranean on the Mediterranean coast at the cost of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars? Yes, I remember.

Yep, once I realized how completely bankrupt liberals are, their behavior makes perfect sense.

They really are just blue MAGA, nothing more. They don’t believe in anything, they don’t give a shit about anyone else than themselves and their cushy little lives.

Just look at the liberal discourse on lemmy, all they do is hysterically scream about the great evil and how genocide is perfectly fine, how we must stop project 2025.

Meanwhile, Dems have said nothing about how this will actually happen other than…… ??????

I assume Netanyahu has already gotten his paint out to move the endzone.

It's kind of obnoxious people continue to put up with him when he's actively famous for dicking around and playing with every partner, coalition or international.

I can just taste the fumble and 90+ yard run back Touchdown.


Blinken and Biden have been lying this entire time, I don't think either one has admitted that they're openly supporting a genocide against US and international law yet

There is zero reason to believe anything the current admin says about Israel and their continuing genocide.

It's Netanyahu really. He prefers Trump, and will take any chance to make Biden eat shit publicly

I think he cares a lot more about maintaining his increasingly tenuous grip on power in Israel than what any US politician says or does.

True, but remember that Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel.

I mean Biden is making sure to double down on his support for Israel whenever he has the chance to do so. He is pro genocide.

Trump is of course worse just for the record.

I don't think we're disagreeing on much here, but the issue of money in politics cannot be overlooked. For establishment US politicians, especially ones with long memories like Joe, supporting Israel is axiomatic. It's almost like Fouccault's boomerang as applied to political spending - we fund genocide because we helped to create a genocidal state, and some of that money gets funneled back to our leaders to ensure the well never runs dry.

Why do people keep saying that?

Putin owns trump and is allied with Israels neighbors...

Biden would start WW3 to protects Israel's ongoing genocide. trump would abandon them on a whim.

What do t you understand about that?

Why do you think there's people on social media insisting it has to be Joe but unable to give a reason? They have a reason, they just don't want to say it's Joe's unwavering support of Israel.

Did you miss the RNC chanting and cheering about how much they support Israel? Trump knows his base - he'd never turn against Israel or Netanyahu. There's a reason this exists.

So you think the one thing that can turn him from Putin and all of his blackmail and bribes is Israel?

Do you think that's because they have more blackmail/bribes on/for trump?

I just don't understand how someone could think trump would pick anything over putin, so what do you think would make him pick Israel instead?

I just don't think Putin really cares that much about Israel.

You haven't heard of the 5+1 treaty? Or you haven't heard about Israel attacking one of their members for months?

I'm not a big sports fan, but I know enough about football to know that 'inside the 10-yard line' sometimes turns into a touchdown for the opposite team.

This particular team has a specialty of fumbling the ball.

That would be like a 90+ yard pick six or an insane fumble recovery. Pretty rare, just sayin

Must be one of those magical moving lines like Biden's Israel red line

I initially misread it as "ten-year" line and just accepted defeatedly at first.

Just have to give them a few more months to continue bombing hospitals and schools and any and every building. Once they do that, a cease fire is possible.

Lol unrelated but they look like Ryan Gosling and Ray Romano in this picture

Netanyahu is going to say no and Biden will kneel for him.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and the national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said on Friday that an agreement to free hostages held in Gaza and establish a cease-fire was close, as administration officials prepared for what they expected to be a tense visit to Washington next week by Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

But he acknowledged that working out the details, including providing security inside Gaza and developing a postwar plan to govern the territory and allow in more relief supplies, had taken far longer than expected.

Asked if the hopes of creating a Palestinian state were still alive, Mr. Blinken jokingly quoted Senator John McCain of Arizona, saying, “It’s always darkest before it goes completely black.”

Mr. Blinken and Mr. Sullivan both spoke about sustaining commitments to Ukraine, though they talked around the biggest threat to that financing: The possibility that Donald J. Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, would be elected in November and halt the American aid.

Before the NATO summit last week, an orchestrated American campaign to provide Europe with intelligence about the Chinese effort resulted in a strong and rare European statement demanding that Beijing stop.

U.S. officials also said this week that Russia, in response to American support to Ukraine, was contemplating sending arms, including ship-killing missiles, to the Houthis in Yemen, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

The original article contains 1,005 words, the summary contains 227 words. Saved 77%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Ok, let's say the ceasefire deal does exist and is "inside the 10-yard line". Is it going to be another Camp David and kick the can down the road until we have another round of murder, or are there provisions about a international peacekeeping force and a credible path to Palestinian state hood?

What a tasteless way to talk about it, as if it's sport.

Yes whoever invented analogies should be shot… or something?