Trump Congratulates Putin On ‘Yet Another Great Deal’ For Getting Back ‘Some Of The Greatest Killers Anywhere’ in Prisoner Swap to politics – 237 points –
Trump Congratulates Putin On ‘Yet Another Great Deal’ For Getting Back ‘Some Of The Greatest Killers Anywhere’ in Prisoner Swap


Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason

18 USC §2381

You missed the next part "unless it's election season, or they held office at the time, because then it might be official treason, and that's okay."

Those laws only apply to poor people who whistleblow about the oligarchies crimes.

No, this law was last used to prosecute Cold War spies.

Snowden was prosecuted for leaking national secrets, not treason. To be fair, he is technically guilty, but it would be a travesty of justice for him to be punished for it. I'm glad the Justice Department decided to let him off.

Yes but irrelevant here

He’s just making fun of Biden

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I find it weird how he supports our biggest adversary like this.

You do? This is pretty much expected if you've been paying attention to him. Putin's cock is deep in his mouth.

Well yeah, I mean.. since when isn't it expected for Trump to be weird?

I don't think it's his or anyones specific surprise by this behavior. For me, it's surprising that people seem to just let him do it and seem like it's normal, which only normalizes it further.

I bet putin has sex tapes of donnie the connie commie.

They've got video of the time Trump paid sex workers to urinate on pictures of the Obamas in a hotel room they once stayed in.

I don’t think releasing that would even hurt him that much. His supporters would either call it fake news or celebrate it as „owning the libs“. Or both.

For people who didn't read the article, it's sarcastic because they think attacking Biden will weaken Harris.

The article name is inappropriately deceptive.

Idk, my first reading on the title’s quote was as being a backhanded compliment directed at Biden, but that might just be because I always expect Trump to be a spiteful fuck

Jesus fucking Christ. I can’t believe this is the best the Republican Party has to offer.

Nobody loves communism more than Trump.

He loves the hexbearian/.ml flavor, where its still an authoritarian imperialist shit-hole run by a despot.

But the flags say we're unified or whatevs

Not much of a flavor change if communism is vanilla, socialism is chocolate and state capitalism is cyanide

Can't tell if you're joking or ate the anti-communism-propaganda a donald trump would feed you with


Nobody loves an authoritarian dictatorship more than trump.

Nobody’s done actual communism, even the USSR’s lip service to it was mostly just running a dictatorship.

He's right, IMO.

And we got our people back, but, boy, we made some horrible, horrible deals. And it’s nice to say we got them back. But does that set a bad precedent?

There's no shortage of Americans in Russia for Putin to hold hostage. He's going to keep doing it until either we let every one of his spies and assassins go free or we stop giving in.

He is, but why this orange fuck-piece celebrates it? Because he can turn it at Dems being weak,

while the same deal would be in the interest of the US no matter who holds the office, as every country is to defend their citizen around the world,

while he himself could've generously freed even more spies and killers without demanding anything back if he was there to decide.

And Biden's admin not only negotiated to free their own but also freed russian political prisoners who could've been killed like Navalny, who supposedly was in a draft of this exchange before something-something the thromb fell off. I don't feel like Don could've negotiated that.

He's literally not celebrating it. This is one of the few times where the media is going out of its way to demonstrate what trump complains about it.

“I’d like to congratulate Vladimir Putin for having made yet another great deal. Did you see the deal we made?” Trump said in an aside during the rally. “They released some of the greatest killers anywhere in the world, some of the most evil killers they got.”

Wash down the celebration part and dissect this paragraph. A cheer for Putin? Check. A bash on Biden? Check.

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