JD Vance pleads sarcasm in latest effort to clean up ‘childless cat ladies’ remark

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 245 points –
JD Vance pleads sarcasm in latest effort to clean up ‘childless cat ladies’ remark

Republican vice-presidential nominee continues to face questions about comment as campaign speeds up

The Republican vice-presidential nominee, JD Vance, claimed that calling leading Democrats “a bunch of childless cat ladies” was merely a “sarcastic remark”, as he attempted to deflect charges of misogyny and redirect fire at Harris’s own running mate, Tim Walz, on Tuesday.


This couch fucker really is a dumbass isn’t he?

With conservatives you really only have two choices: they're idiots or psychopaths (and that isn't an exclusive "or")

If the “or” is inclusive you shouldn’t use “either”


Shit, true! I'll just edit that away and we can pretend it never happened. WHO CONTROLS THE PAST CONTROLS THE FUTURE

Here, have some nerds arguing extensively over whether that's necessarily the case.

Nerds argue all the time about the darnedest things, like the Oxford comma. Which is abhorrent.

Merle Haggard's two ex-wives, Kris Kristofferson and Robert Duvall

Highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector.

He didn't get where he is today by being smart or talented. He got where he is today by bending over and letting Peter Thiel use him as a sock puppet.

Just gonna keep posting this since we shouldn't be perpetuating lies: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jd-vance-couch-cushions/.

We all know it isn't true. That's what makes it even funnier because Vance is exactly the kind of person who looks like he would do it and he's doing a very poor job at making anyone think otherwise.

No all we really know is he didn’t write about it in his book. We really have no idea whether or not he ACTUALLY did or not. I know I’ve done things I would never admit publicly.

I have never seen a candidate for any office have to spend so much time dealing with one offhand insult. It’s truly a testament to how bad he is at damage control. He doesn’t just gaff, they layer on top of each other.

To be honest, as a childless cat owner, a really charismatic candidate could probably have doubled down and we wouldn’t still be talking about it. Their voters don’t give a fuck, but to keep trying to pretend you didn’t say the thing you said is dragging it out unnecessarily

yeah, that's what i keep thinking about. Trump would've washed himself of this 3 seconds after he said it. i think the only winning move here would've been to double down. might not have won them anyone new, but their base would've eaten it up.

sarcasm noun sar·casm / ˈsär-ˌka-zəm

1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual

2b: the use or language of sarcasm

I must be missing how that's any better. "Oh, I meant to insult them in a satirical way."

Regardless, it still sounds like something a couchfucker would say.

Right, so with this it's no longer just Actual Childless Cat Ladies, but rather anyone single is now a childless cat lady, and they mean it as an insult.

Haha same - clarifying that an asshole sarcastic comment is sarcastic doesn’t make it not an asshole comment.

Many people (hopefully most) knew it was sarcasm.

I love when politicians use the "you can't take anything I say seriously" argument in a bid to be taken more seriously.


How can someone who doesn't understand the definition of sarcasm be in the running for VP of the United States? I'm convinced that many of these politicians are rubber stamped through college, there's no way they were able to get past any serious level of critical thinking. If this guy has a college degree, then that is proof positive that a college degree is completely worthless.

Oh he understands. Don't doubt that.

He's just lying to cover his ass.

What about catless child-ladies, can we deport those?

Oh wait, Im not Murikan, nvm.

::: spoiler The Guardian - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report) Information for The Guardian:

MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United Kingdom
Wikipedia about this source

::: spoiler Search topics on Ground.News https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/06/jd-vance-childless-cat-ladies-tim-walz ::: Media Bias Fact Check | bot support

Left-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United Kingdom

The guardian is one of the three most respectable newspapers in the UK.

Left-Centre? yes
Medium credibility? only to right wingers
Mixed factual? because you prefer your alternative facts.

I think a right winger wrote this bot.