Dogs to Lemmy – 218 points –

Is it really a "shit post" if you're just posting a factual account of something that actually happened?

After reading that article I feel like I need to go take 10 showers now


It's definitely a post that makes me feel like shit

ok I'm gonna be the brave one and say it, the crazy dog fucking girl is hot tho

I was thinking the same. But after checking hr instagram and tiktok.... Not anymore.

she's definitely super white trash and has the good ol racist confederate flag in her room, but she still pretty country girl hot. I won't link her cuz it has her doxx all public.

Uhh, link?

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Im just thinking... if she is the kinda girl who will literally fuck a dog, where does she draw the line with heterosexual well groomed dudes?

Also imagine being her boyfriend in the future "You didnt put the trash out!" "You fucked a dog, lol"

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What. The. Fuck.

People are so fucking sick. 🤮

I mean the dog wanted it obviously /s

I had a person once that wanted to discuss the topic of whether animals where able to agree or not and if sex between humans and animals would be legitimate... That conversation did not last long.

Generally this conversatíon is a non starter. But: can dolphins consent?

I mean they don't care about you consenting since they're rapey AF but - "person-like" animals such as orangutans, dolphins, corvids, could probably offer consent in a manner that's ethical.

I don't think anyone should fuck any of the above, or even could fuck a corvids, but there are legitimate implications in ethics of an animal is capable of consenting to anything.

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Dear climate change, please just kill every single one of us humans!

proceeds to buy huge SUVs and makes them run h24

I am poor af and got no drivers licence 😂

Go burn some styrofoam. You'll be doing your part in no time.

I will just keep buying the cheapest crap food out there, if I survive that should add up too!

At no point in this Tweet I knew how each sentence would end. What a roller coaster

Reminds me of the old Whitney Wisconsin case from a few years ago. She even made a video defending her choice to fuck her dog, and encouraged others to try it.

Damned if I can find that old vid, and honestly I'm not putting in the effort.

Echoing another user to say that this is indeed a post that makes me feel like shit

Reminds me of this song.

At first I thought it was a joke. Then I saw stuff like this, and now this post. Why is this a recurring thing? Is it just some kind of horrible running joke?

Maybe a new X trend?

It says a lot about that platform that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was a new trend. A very braindead trend though, because I honestly can't see the benefit in lying about doing this. Attention maybe?

People have been fucking other animal species since time immemorial. Go ask any americans who served in Afghanistan about the goats and how the locals treated them. Also, jokes about the Welsh.

Dont forget, people interbred with other hominid species also, like Neandertals.

It is what it is. Also, its legal in the Netherlands.

Dont forget, people interbred with other hominid species also, like Neandertals.

Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens fucking is more akin to dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and coyotes (Canis latrans) fucking, not dogs and humans.