Niche communities you're in that haven't had much interaction? EDIT: Thanks for all your suggestions!

∟⊔⊤∦∣≶ to – 136 points –

Just curious to see what communities you would like to see more engagement in.

Here's a couple I joined but it's been pretty quiet:

! !


I like this idea. We should make a topic like this every month or so, maybe in the fediverse community, too. Discoverability is so hard on the fediverse.

Agreed, an occasional 'niche community spotlight' post to different meta communities would be great. I've found heaps here I had no idea existed!

There was the subreddit of the day on reddit that was cool to see smaller or obscure ones highlighted. Something like that would be nice on here as well.

The old subreddit r/bestof was great for finding niche communities on Reddit. Maybe a Lemmy version could exist, but aimed specifically at highlighting niche communities and their content?

I usually try to populate the main ones, even popular ones such as ! or ! don't have that much content.

I'm taking those two as examples because comicstrips usually makes it to Top of All when content is posted, and Europe is potentially appealing to a large audience (326 users a week)

I would love to see more comics on Lemmy. I've been using an RSS feed for them

If think in that case using a bot would make sense

Yea it might work pretty well, with an option for creators to request that the bot stop pulling their content. The feed reader already pulls the image, title and link, so it shouldn't be hard for someone to set it up to automatically post

I created !, a community for quad & inline skating. So far there was only a single post from someone other than me. 🥲

I’d also like to go much more niche with a community specifically for wizard skating. But considering the limited popularity of skating communities, there is no need to hurry creating that one.

I’ll contribute! I ride urban skates myself and have been on ice and inline skates since childhood.

Can't go the community. "Page not found" for me

Edit: Sorry. It was a Summit error. Works fine on Sync

Never heard of wizard skating, watching the video now! Pretty interesting.

I went the BMX route, but my flatmate has always wanted to get back into rolling the blades.


I even posted pictures my entire collection some weeks ago to get things kickstarted but is no moving.

Dude! Definitely a community I'm interested in!

Sabes caules novelas graficos que tienen traducciones buenos en español?

Honestly? I'm just wondering why there is noone on league of legends related Communities like ! considering how active r/leagueoflegends was/is

Sadly most gaming communities transferred to Discord. Even lol subreddit is losing users.

When did Discord become a social network? I've only ever used it to talk with friends while playing.

As people got the hang of using Discord to make large, complex, moderated and bot assisted servers people communicate more heavily on there.

Discord moves too fast for me to want to use it that way, all conversations disappear rapidly on busy servers, but other people certainly do

I think the communities that moved there weren't posting the same types of content. When someone wants to ask a question you just get an answer, no back and forth or debates needed. That doesn't work when you're posting a news articles looking for lively debate.

Here are some

TheNightFeeling was my primary source of wallpapers on the other website. Thanks for mentioning this one.

I did the exact same, and it works great with dark mode style theming

Just subbed to awwducational, love that it's moderated by Nosferatu lol

Subbed to the night feeling!!

I created @insect_photography during the migration and it started off nicely. Activity has gone down though so be welcome to just check in if you’re interested or have something to share!

There are not enough single game focused communities, and the ones that do exist either have nobody in them, or are just bots spamming low-effort content that don't garner discussion.

! has been pretty quiet... I miss looking at cool setups and vicariously imagining myself using them.

! - Post pictures of spotted cars that you cannot identify.

! - for classic car enthusiasts

! - self-explanatory

! - Country Music

! - also self-explanatory, a bit more active than the others. Submit your dashcam footage here of idiot drivers

I dont own/mod any of these but would like to see more people active in them

I'm hoping the various plushies based communities that were made get more traction. The biggest one seems to be on an instance I've never heard of until now.
