Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online. to World – 791 points –
Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online

A fringe website featured the purported names and addresses of the Fulton County grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 other people for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election.


Soon: Trump supporters who posted names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online have names and addresses posted in arrest warrants.

I hope. Hey "patriots", maybe don't try to interfere with the justice system when it's acting in accordance with state/ federal laws and American principles.

The problem is, not doing so is tantamount to treason to them. The election was stolen, this isn't the USA anymore. This is some deep state globalist conspiracy. They're so far gone that the only path forward is to threaten war and physical harm to others.

Imagine. Some deep state conspiracy and the best person they could put in power was Joe fuckin Biden...lmao

That's some powerful malarkey they're on. Almost enough to make me think the Union lost the civil war when the Confederates were brought back in. Stuff like this is how it's been coming back to bite us.

Malarkey is a hell of a thing

yeah almost like a drug even, and they are raging, tweaking freaks for it

The inability of the good to do seemingly "evil" things for the sake of good will be the downfall of humanity.

Example: imprisoning a psycopathic narcissist who thinks they can literally murder someone and get away with it. Good people should be OK with such a person losing freedoms!

Pretty sure the person you're talking about is Trump, in which case he's facing almost triple-digit felonies, so how exactly are people not OK with imprisoning him?

I'm not seeing the "inability of good" here.

Well it's taking a long-ass time to get him behind bars, plus, he'll still be able to run for president from prison.

Remember: It's been almost forty months since a literal insurrection attempt and literal sedition where people died.

The inability of good has already happened: He's had years of working with Republicans to plan the next attempt.

Even the FBI has openly admitted investigations were hamstrung.

Hamstrung and yet here he is with 90+ indictments.

The federal government generally prosecutes high-value cases slowly, so they make sure they have a case they can win.

You not seeing things happening doesn't mean things aren't happening. The system is in motion and once begun it doesn't stop.

Hitler got arrested within 3 days of his coup attempt, and got a trial in 4 months time. He was in jail five months after his coup attempt.

He was pardoned by his friends after spending just a year in jail.

Getting Trump in jail is not the end of this story, it doesn't fix everything. It would be a first step, and the US is still not there.

These are wildly different situations and Trump is no Hitler

Keep making excuses for people failing to execute on the promises of equality and justice.

It really goes to show how much you believe in America's "all men are created equal" to just shrug your shoulders at a literal traitor having years of freedom.

TIL the government "failing to execute" is when you have 91 felony charges

Four years later. Four years. Four years.

Do normal people get FOUR YEARS of mouthing off and planning future crimes after they assault the government?

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As is tradition. The Union won the war but lost the peace.

There was a reason that in some conflicts you don’t let anyone walk away, cause embers buried deep can simmer for generations and pop out and burn you alive

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It amuses me that they believe that people who dislike Trump love Biden. They can't seem to grasp that you don't have to be fanatically loyal to the party leader.

I don’t believe any of this… but IF it were true, I think Biden would just be the Lacky so that the true leader could remain in the shadows.

Again I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS… just saying

That's just what they want to not believe, man.

It's some pretty bad deep state government if you think about it. All these morons are still wandering around free and breathing.

If you call something a dictatorship and then are still around the following day, then it probably wasn't actually a dictatorship.

which makes them enemies we are allowed to fight

I'll fight em. Despite being in WV, there aren't too many confrontational people here. And I'm in arguably the most liberal part, so I'm decently insulated from the crazies. People always say "liberals don't have guns", but it's more "liberals don't cosplay with their guns when they go to the store"...

"liberals don't cosplay with their guns when they go to the store"...

nail on head.. stay strong.. ;-)

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Stochastic terror 101: feed intel to useful idiots, hoping to have them do your dirty work while pleading plausible deniability. The minute someone buys it from this nonsense the hammer needs to come down HARD.

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Those grand jurors almost certainly knew this would happen, and they voted to indict anyway. That kind of courage to defend the rule of law is the best of America.

They're almost certainly fake names, give them rope they'll hang themselves.

What if, those names are of federal agents instead of the real jurors. It'd be like to catch a terrorist. Joking aside, I hope no one gets hurt in any way, but I don't hold onto much hope these days.

Hope they catch and prosecute the doxxers.

You don’t have to catch all the rats, just make a ‘example’ of the ones you can catch. Ranchers spread the bones and skins of wolves and coyotes around their herds grazing areas to give pause any who would think they would get a meal scott free

The identity of the jurors are public record in Georgia, so I doubt this will unless they can prove a conspiracy to harass or some such

Did you read the article? Pretty clear it’s more than even harassment…

“These jurors have signed their death warrant by falsely indicting President Trump," a post on a pro-Trump forum read in response to a post including the names of jurors, which was viewed by NBC News.

Also, Grand Juries are secret, regular juries are not. That’s why these articles are all referring to them as the ‘purported’ jurors.

If they did somehow actually get the jury members names and release them, that alone could (and should) be seen as a threat considering the secret nature.

In Georgia, grand jury identities are public, not secret. It's how things are done there.

If harassment happens, actually happens, and they tie it to the doxxing and can prove intent or a conspiracy, then maybe we will see a prosecution.

But if strange men in white robes hang the jurors from trees that will just be a tragic but unrelated coincidence?

I don't think so, but the question is what you can prove

Spoken like a gangster, thug, and/or lawyer.

Is it a threat or an appeal to the rule of law?

I can no longer discern.

It's a description of reality, not a moral statement. I don't know why you're offended

I was not offended.

I was describing the reality of how those words hit today.

Florida has redefined boundaries by pulling out the Nazi playbook.

And I was just describing what goes into the decision to prosecute or not. That was pretty damn clear, so I'm not sure why you're trying to talk to me about Nazis or whatever.

"The indictment issued Monday lists the names of the grand jury members but not their addresses or other personal information."

Maybe including their names isn't such a great idea? Can't they seal them so that only legal parties are aware? This precedent is jury tampering for all future cases

Not to mention, if you post legal name and the juror has voted, then their address is already public record. Shedding a light on it like this is purely malicious.

Why is their address already public?

No fucking idea why we did this, but it's out there for sale by our own government. I recall on an old reddit post in Atlanta, someone posted a full history of the 2020 election that can be connected back to your first voting address and parent's names. You can see where this becomes a HUGE security fuck up.

This is terroristic behavior, no? What's the plan now? Approach those properties? Then what? Threaten or harass? Ffs man, lock Trump up and these loonies. Restore civil order

They honestly never think it through. Every single one of their thoughts is literally one step ahead but then they never think about the next step.

As a result they walk themselves to the end of a logical path and then find there's a big cliff with fires and spikes at the bottom, and can't figure out what to do about it and then get angry. Most normal people are capable of thinking through implications and work out what's a bad idea ahead of time and then don't do it.

It’d be a real shame if the doxxers had their names and addresses leaked. There’d be no telling who’d show up to their residences to say hello.

Who, even on the full-left, would cause an issue in person?

There's not a lot of credibility to the idea something could happen. Physically, at least.

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And if anything happens to the jury members, get those Trump "supporters" as "aiding and abetting" in whatever case develops.

They want a war, and won't stop until they get to live out their fantasy of being able to use all the guns they love so much.

They will probably win one, too, because they have local police in most jurisdictions backing them. Someone needs to make a serious thread about the possibility; maybe I'll do it.

Nah, there would be no war like people think. There are no real sides, a lot of these evil libs are their cousin or sister that they will be out drinking with this weekend.

Instead the entire country would fracture into terrorism chaos and vigiliantiasm.

Lock these guys up in a room and have them watch “the Road” “the last of us” for a few weeks and have them absorb the kind of world they are bringing about to pass. Better yet drop them off in a war zone and let them feel first hand what mob rule is like

I'll be sure to send them a lovely fruit basket for their patriotism!

Their names were on the indictment published in national news unfortunately, so this was a foregone conclusion. Idiot trump supporters likely also don't know grand juries are supermajority vote, not unaimous.

Is the secret service required to defend the courthouse/jail if these idiots try anything?

I think everyone involved in the prosecution should have federal protection. That tells you a lot about the defendant and their supporters.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

ATLANTA — The purported names and addresses of members of the grand jury that indicted Donald Trump and 18 of his co-defendants on state racketeering charges this week have been posted on a fringe website that often features violent rhetoric, NBC News has learned.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis faced racist threats ahead of the return of the indictment and additional security measures were put in place, with some employees being allowed to work from home.

The grand juror's purported addresses were spotted by Advance Democracy, Inc., a non-partisan research group founded by Daniel J. Jones, a former FBI investigator and staffer for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

“It’s becoming all too commonplace to see everyday citizens performing necessary functions for our democracy being targeted with violent threats by Trump-supporting extremists," Jones said.

Advance Democracy also noted that users were posting on other social media sites the names and images of people believed to have been grand jurors.

— Advance Democracy noted that Trump supporters were "using the term ‘rigger’ in lieu of a racial slur" in posts online.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

If anything happens to anyone of the jurors, just charge those doxxers with "aiding and abetting".

Serious question... How hard was it to find this information before it was posted as a resource? They released the names of the grand jurors in the indictment so I can imagine a quick Google search of the name would produce whatever information the user wanted.

It was taken from something that required an active search to something you could passively learn was available to you.

Much as has happened to almost all of us. Thats not nothing.

It probably wasn't too hard to find, but this is still creepy and unhinged. It's like threatening someone by saying "I know where you live!" You never know what kind of people might see the info who otherwise wouldn't have.