Where do you like to go on the internet?

mah [none/use name]@hexbear.net to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 114 points –

yo. where do you like to go on the internet?

name your favorite websites (better if niche), your favorite communities (again, better if niche), interesting instagram pages, interesting profiles to follow on any social media, podcasts, web forums, discord server, strange exotic communities, tumblr, horny stuff, videos, whatever. Don't self censor yourself please!

(cross-posted: https://hexbear.net/post/415928)


One of my favorite sites: https://www.windows93.net/

There is also this one; it's an actual genuine Windows 95 running on WASM in your browser

Running Win95 on a cell phone.

Damn thats wild! I remember I wished I could run Windows on a phone back in 00-ish instead of those crappy, brand-specific phone OS's. What else was I gonna use a phone for, its not like I had anyone to call. Now I can.

This blog is incredible:


There aren't many articles, but the ones that exist have been crafted with EXTREME attention to detail and DELIGHTFULLY interactive animations. I would recommend the mechanical watch and internal combustion engine posts specifically to start. If you like knowing how things work, this guys blog scratches that itch better than like, anything else I have found for the specific things he makes posts about. Have fun, be prepared to kill a few hours.

I love blogs, specially from people with niche interests and experiences. I follow them via RSS. So that's what I read outside of Lemmy / Reddit / Mastodon.

Recently I've been following the blog written by an IT guy working in a research station in Antarctica (also has a great domain name).


ahah wow thanks! how did you find it? the post about south pole signage is kinda hilarious https://brr.fyi/posts/south-pole-signage

I subscribe to the top submissions on hacker news via RSS: https://hnrss.github.io/

It's 99% tech, but every once in a while you get an interesting post from a blog about something else. I then subscribe directly to the blogs I want to keep reading.

I've just been slowly curating my RSS feed for years. I like the high signal-to-noise ratio it provides me.

Thanks for posting this! You’ve given me a new rabbit hole to go down

I might be boring here, but outside of Lemmy, none of the websites I frequent are niche.

YouTube, Wikipedia, Fanfiction.net, Archive of Our Own, MAL, sci-hub, eBay, TV Tropes, Reddit (though I only read now, I don't participate in the discussions since July).

What do you like to watch on youtube?

A wide variety of content. I really like watching cooking related channels like Food Wishes, Alex (French Guy Cooking), Ethan Chlebowski, Jun's Kitchen, Italia Squisita, ETC.

For tech I like Level1Techs and related channels, Serve the Home, MKBHD, Der8auer, Jeff Geerling, Gamer's Nexus, Northwest Repair, Louis Rossmann, maker.moekoe.

For science I like Huygens Optics, The Thought Emporium, Veritasium, Dr. Becky, AlphaPhoenix, Steve Mould, and many others.

For music, I like Polyphia, Ichika Nito, BERNTH, CharlesBerthoud, BAND-MAID, Paolo Gans, Ado, Syudou, ELFENSJóN, ETC...

For fountain pens I like Flexperiments (the channel has 237 subbs, but really deserves more), and Doodlebud.

Others: Not Just Bikes, GxAce, Tom Scott, Inheritance Machining, The Bioneer.

awesome! i am going to check those, I just knew few of them (Veritasium, CharlesBerthoud, Louis Rossmann, Italia Squisita, etc)

Let me know which categories interest you, I may have more recommendations.

fuck yeah fanfiction.net and Tv Tropes! Loved those back in the day.

It's German but this guy has been blogging since the beginning of time http://blog.fefe.de/

https://gurushots.com/ photography challenges, quite fun.

https://flickr.com/ photography community

I translated some stuff in that German blog. It's kinda wild, vaccination damage and the KGB mixed with more far right conspiracy theories and then just general normal stuff.

It can be amusing, I used to read there regularly too, but taking it too seriously is a bad idea.

I guess from a quick look and with the translation the nuances of the conspiracy theories mentioned might not quite be obvious. But when you read it in German it's more obvious that he's making fun of (let's say) most of them.

That guy is a security auditor of software as his main job and this blog is just his pet project on the side.

[edit] but yeah it's quite a wild ride, that's what is the appeal for many people like me.

Every mon/wed/fri I open tabs of some webcomics I follow:

I've followed a lot of other comics, but these have been updated VERY damn reliably for a long time.

Hackaday.com is my favourite blog on the Internet and I've been reading it for over a decade, it never gets boring.

There used to be this plugin and site called something like "Stumble Upon". You click on the big Stumble button and it takes you to a random place on the WWW based on your interests. It was awesome. I miss it. Anyone know something similar that still works?

free-mp3-download.net for stealing FLACs from Deezer.

frogfind.com - search engine (or rather proxy) for vintage computers

gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/world is a cool directory of gopher links. There's also Veronica-2 search engine. You'll need a browser that supports gopher protocol, from the top of my head I can name bombadillo, lynx and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or lower.

WWW Images starter packs:

Meteor M-N2-3 satellite LRPT operational status

rtl-sdr.com - RTL-SDR blog. I just found they released RTL-SDRv4 😲 and it's even cheaper than previous model!

:::spoiler Direct audio stream list of my favorite internet radios Radio rock:

http://play.global.audio/radio1.aac 48kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio1128 128kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio164 48kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio1hi.aac 128kbps



telnet telehack.com - There's eliza, an early AI chatbot made in 1966. AI chatbots aren't such a new thing.

this is a wonderful list! i will take the time to go thru it; so far i loved the WWW Images, so old school. I want to use them on my website. free-mp3-download also seems awesome. thank you for sharing!

Tagpro.gg - fun lil browser game

Dear lord. Is full of tryhards. Got banned because I was learning to play... in my 2nd match.

Cute lil game tho.

Yeah the community is so small and everyone playing has been playing awhile and is way above the entry skill level, which makes the matches uninviting to new players so the community gets smaller due to no new blood which just feeds into the problem. the game's unfortunately on its last legs because of it

Sounds like someone needs to explain that to the community. Seems stupid but people need to understand that they need to have patience with noobs so more people will play which is good for everyone.

I've seen similar behavior in CSGO casual and called it out. Feel free to be an eletist asshole in comp, but NEVER in casual.

It's an AI writing tool for stories. I got about half a dozen stories in progress and switch between them whenever one is starting to get stale.

It's nothing fancy, and I'm not a great writer. But I love exploring new worlds this way, building the lore as I go along.


Amazing library of customizable ambient noises and soundscapes, pretty much all recorded and developed by one guy. I think “Rain on a Tent” is the best rain track available on the internet.

I love the games and experiments at neal.fun (you probably heard about the password game recently)

There are no limits. I’ve brought up before I hold the world record for the most websites having signed up for. I can’t think of a single website out of thousands I’m not on, otherwise I’d sign up.

Did you ever fall victim to scams doing this?

Very rarely someone could argue that this occurred. I'm not a native to my area so I rely a lot on the bank logins of my brother for premium purchases, and I do so scarcely, so that much has almost never been an issue as a side effect. One thing I will say is that, if you don't like unpleasant surprises, don't sign up for anything belonging to EA. Yahoo was a bummer too.

Yahoo really just rekted some shit online back in the day. I'm not surprised lol

Do you really? How do you go about proving that kind of thing?

A combination of linking all my profiles together, leaving traces of myself on each website (including selfies, intricate life details, my artstyle, vocaroo links, cryptography since I found subtle ways like this to cue I've been in certain places, etc.) being able to be quizzed on every website, and a wiki page. There was a world record wiki page (and a companion non-wiki page) where I was registered with the world record, though I'm trying to find it again, Google's algorithm change this year has thrown Google searching into a bit of uncertainty. Or it may have been deleted.

One thing that should be noted is, when it comes to world records, sometimes the definitions of a feat have no choice but to be looser than how society sees that feat. For example, we often think of web accounts as being one and the same with the person who made it and use it and always think of it equating to exactly one person, but the world record system for the world record will remind the reader that it's difficult to see an account as anything more than another inanimate object, so it moreso defines it by account co-identification than it does going to said person to have them log onto all the accounts to prove themselves (though for most websites I can do that on a good day), since there is nothing written in stone that access to something is exclusive to the person who is "seen" as owning it. It's also not one of those stereotypical world records, as in the world record system (Guinness or otherwise) might have a list of world records that everyone might think of when it comes to world records (such as deepest descent, strongest thing ever pulled, etc.) and then there are world records they have stored away somewhere (because they can) but at the same time not in the spotlight (such as person with the most penpals, person with the most As Seen On TV products, etc.), although the record definitely exists and can be proven.

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Horny answer incoming:

If you're into ERP at all, f-list.net is unparalleled in catering to just about anything you can think of that isn't outright illegal. There's a lot of trash as you can imagine, but you can build out a fairly intensive kink list and scroll through an absurd number of character profiles and channels for just about anything.

Honestly it’s great. I’ve had some really great stories there and met some amazing partners and learned things about kink I just had no idea about before. There are a certain amount of people there clearly for in the moment stuff but also so many passionate, knowledgeable people including some of the most capable DM’s I’ve ever met.