Alice Cooper Calls Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Kids a ‘Fad,’ Condemns ‘the Whole Woke Thing’ to – -12 points –

He becomes the latest shock rocker to share his distaste for gender-affirming care after Dee Snider and Paul Stanley shared similar views.


Downvoted because this isn’t news, it’s culture war bait.

Who gives a fuck what Alice Cooper thinks?

I don't care what he thinks, but now that he put it out there, I can't disassociate him from his shit opinion.

That's actually a good point. Thank you. We don't need this rage bait shit.

I feel like trans people and their allies should know who their enemies are and what they're saying and doing, if only for their own safety.

It is infuriating, and its not the reasoned and insightful conversations about our personally held systems of normative values and the experience and empirical evidence that informs them that I wish we were having instead of these conversations, but I just think it's irresponsible to turn a blind eye to it because ignoring it won't make it go away and could let it fester and spread.

I can't imagine many trans people looking up to a washed up 80s rocker has been, but I guess aside from that I see your point.

I see your point, but Alice Cooper is a washed up old hack. He’s not swinging any votes to DeSantis or anything like that.

For the sake of your mental health it’s important to focus on what matters and ignore that which doesn’t. In my opinion Alice Cooper does not matter and getting outraged by his opinion only distracts you from what’s really important.

The guy who dresses up and wears makeup..

Was going to comment... for the dude that looks like a crazy cat lady in her 90s that had way too much to drink last night and woke up in a ditch he's got some weird opinion on this.

This stance seems so off-brand for Dee and Alice. But they are pretty up there in age. I might not want to know my dad's inner thoughts on this, either, I suppose. Still, for glam rockers raging against oppressive authority, it seems like they would have a more progressive take on this.

Your last sentiment is one I’d agree with. You’d think that any rocker from back in the day that was all about being anti authority would tell people to go out there and do what the fuck they want. Hearing an opinion like this feels off brand lol

I'm pretty sure that whole generation is getting early onset dementia they all went crazy together at about the same time

still, for glam rockers raging against oppressive authority

Did he say he was for the government stopping trans people from making their own choices?

17 more...

75 y-o shouts at sky.

I haven't heard Alice Cooper since I stopped listening to the Wayne's World soundtrack in the 90s. I guess I can continue to not hear him with impunity.

Ok, I'm at the point where I really have to say 'so what?' about shit that aging, boomer rock stars of the cocaine fueled past say. Like really who gives a fuck what Alice Cooper thinks? He's always been a Gene Simmons level asshole main character personality type. He has only ever gotten attention by pissing someone off. This is easy. Let these people drift off into irrelevance. Stop allowing them to matter.

The problem is that no matter how much those of us who know he's full of shit ignore him, he still has a massive platform and enough people who agree and will lap this shit up, and then do anything from bullying their trans co workers to going on a shooting spree, not to mention legislation that gets supported by these types and the harm it does (E: also, we don't know that he doesn't agree with what he's saying, but even if he claims not to, he's still throwing trans people under the bus which is an act of transphobia).

I agree that he's ragebaiting for attention but that doesn't change the impact of his words.

Oh shit, an old, irrelevant douchebag said it, so I guess it must be true. Someone put this man in a home, please.

I guess a no-substance shock rocker dude who wears makeup and calls himself Alice would have a take on this subject. Really shitty take though.

Incredibly sad to see Alice Cooper using rote, boring anti-trans talking points, especially the old canard of 'any man can walk into a woman's restroom by saying he feels like a woman today,' which is something I've seen online more times than I can count and even heard in person from a few folks almost word-for-word. Don't be a parrot, Vincent.

Rich, white, out-of-touch boomer. You used to be relevant, now you're just the status quo...

Something so many of these folks need to learn is that shutting up is free.

Looks like somebody chewed on a bat that was past its sell-by date

I mean it’s Alice Cooper, I’m not sure we should be listening to them.

Talentless hack who was last relevant forty years ago (for some reason) manages to get into the news. Now back to your rocking chair, grandpa.

Seriously. He’s just mad that he was a fad that’s no longer relevant and projecting that insecurity onto others.

A lot of older people feel like this. It's an opinion that will sooner or later die out. I'm not going to bash people about old views in a world that is changing faster then we can keep up. Progress is slow and steady.

Older people need to be told they are wrong and given reasons why. Then they can adapt their views and understand their world better. Those that refuse to adapt should be ostracized. There's no room for bigots. I've been doing this same thing when I was misunderstanding the world and I hope to be adapting until I die.

I don't know everyone's personal experiences on the matter but I can't blame people for wanting to pump the brakes a little when it comes to converting young children. It's not being a bigot to be concerned over something that is generally new to our society. But I only speak of the medical part of it. I have no issues with gender neutral bathrooms ect.... I just honestly don't know enough about the procedures and outcomes to say I can call someone a bigot for disagreeing.

then educate yourself about it before commenting ffs

pump the brakes a little when it comes to converting young children.

No one is trying to convert anyone into being trans, FFS.

It’s not being a bigot to be concerned over something that is generally new to our society.

Being trans isn't new. Just because we've stopped denigrating it openly and pretending it doesn't exist (it has always existed and been present, but usually in the closet) doesn't make it new.

But I only speak of the medical part of it.

Treatments for gender dysphoria have been around for literally decades.

I just honestly don’t know enough about the procedures and outcomes to say I can call someone a bigot for disagreeing.

I don't know the ins and outs of cancer treatments but I don't doubt doctors. FFS this is some A-grade transphobia. Really sealioning it all up in here.

You make me want to learn so much more. I'm sure 90 percent of the population don't know all the facts about something that effects 5 percent . But fuck it were transphobic. Your a real educator!

Your ignorance is not our problem. This isnt new or hard. You're just a bigot.

Just because someone isn't fully educated on something doesn't make them a bigot. My beliefs change when I get new facts. Do you just run around calling everyone bigots because they are unsure about something? I admit my opinion is not very educated on the matter but I'm trying. Good luck in life sir.

Either you're defending your ignorance after outing it in a public space, or you're putting on an act to cover for your bigotry.

Till you sort yourself out, you're coming across as a bigot and that's your responsibility to resolve, not ours to play along.

@Neato : story of the punk bar bartender and nazis

based on @iamragesparkle;s tweets

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, “no. get out.”

And the dude next to me says, “hey i’m not doing anything, i’m a paying customer.” and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, “out. now.” and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, “you didn’t see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them.”

And i was like, ohok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it’s always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don’t want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it’s too late because they’re entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

And i was like, ‘oh damn.’ and he said “yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people.”

And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven’t forgotten that at all.

Nah, bashing helps. The divide is good.

unless bigotry is pushed back, irrespective of the bigot's age, there will be no progress.

Why should we trip over ourselves to accommodate the old people’s feelings? They’re clearly not working to understand the youth. Respect is a two way street.