Jesse Watters: I'm Not Gay But Trump Looked 'Hard' In That Mugshot

Flying to politics – 180 points –
Jesse Watters: I'm Not Gay But Trump Looked 'Hard' In That Mugshot

"I'm not gay, but" is the "I'm not racist, but" of sexuality.

Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.

Don't really think that works unless the comment involved is a complaint.

It's okay, Jesse, you can open up that closet door and come out when you're ready. Nobody whose opinion is worth a damn will think any less of you for that specific aspect of who you are.

heh. Anyone who has to qualify a statement with "I say this with an unblemished record of heterosexuality"... probably should just stop talking.

Not knowing when to stop talking is exactly how he got his job at Fox News 

More like he looked soft, like geriatric skin wobbling around the fat tissue of his neck.

i think he looks scared. just look at his eyes

I know that look. My cats make it when they're shitting.

I immediately thought he looked like he'd been crying.

His eyes were either red from drugs/alcohol (which he claims he doesn't touch) or from crying. I can't think of another explanation.

Face down, eyes up, half sad face, half "you can't me mad at me" smile.

He looks like a dog that shat on the floor and knows you're mad about it.

He's doing the Kubrick stare which shows that the character has reached peak derangement. I'll hand it to Trump, though, he's a natural at looking deranged. It's like he's had a lot of practice or something.

Why add a conditional to your statement, it's just weird.

I actually am gay, and in my professional opinion Trump looked like he was about to cry.

Jesse may not be gay, but he'll service Trump because Jesse is a tool--like a public fleshlight.

"Trump is now the ultimate gangsta" - Dinesh D'souza

The convicted felon recognizes the superior criminal.

Be a good gay and take it in your mouth Jesse. Daddy’s cock ain’t gonna suck itself.

Yeah I don’t believe him. I’m pretty sure Trump wants it to look cool so badly that his gaggle of self serving leeches is happy to pretend. I tried really hard to see even the threatening version, and there are heavily photoshopped pictures of him that look kind of cool, but I can’t see anything but reluctantly admitting he shit his pants to Jeff Sessions

I'm not even sure I believe him about the "in a heterosexual way" part.

He might mean the other definition possibly. Who knows with Watters.

He looks “hard” because the Cialis hadn’t worn off. His eyes are red because urine tends to do that.

Roger Ailes being dead is such a great thing. I hope he’s suffering a lot.

They see what they want to see.

They also say whatever they think other people want to see, even if they know better.