new Beehaw community icons!

alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgmod to Beehaw – 220 points –

hey folks, quick update to say you've probably noticed our new community icons.

these icons were lovingly crafted by, who posted them a couple of days ago over in Creative. we took notice of them and obviously--because they're our community icons now--really, really liked them.

thanks to his generosity in working things out with us, we're pleased to announce we can use his icons under a Creative Commons license for the site! until further notice they'll be our site icons, with credit to him on our sidebars. we'll also be adding attribution to the community sidebars over the rest of day as time permits.

we're also pleased to report that, thanks to your generosity, we've been able to reasonably compensate him for all 33 of the icons he's made for the community! the agreed to rate is $5 per icon, for a total of $165 that's been paid out to him as of today. this expense has been reflected on our Open Collective. (we've also agreed to, as possible, commission him for any future community icons until further notice, which will be subject to that same rate.)

hopefully you enjoy the new icons, and please thank UrLogicFails for the work here! thanks for using the site again folks!


I think this is the first time that I saw someone's voluntary art work compensated after being implemented in a community. The transparency is surreal and very admirable. Thank you for compensating artists and valuing the art that made c:

Said this in a private chat, but I'll repeat it here for transparency

While we can't guarantee anything with regards to donations, I will always vote to pay artists even if it meant we had to go begging for donos to help run the site later

Agreed! The icons are great, and the open compensation and transparency is lovely as well.

I love the new icons, it's much easier for me to immediately identify which communities are beehaw vs not-beehaw in jerboa.

Yes, a distinct theme will help remind people from other instances to beehave when they participate on ours 😄

One thing I just noticed: some of the community sidebars have a blurb about the icons' authorship and licensing, but the license link may need to be clarified. On Gaming and Technology, for example, the text of the link says CC BY 4.0, but the underlying link points to CC BY-SA 4.0.

Yes! Love seeing where home is at a glance~ they're beautiful ! 💕

Noticed them immediately! I love yellow accents on things, and fits right into the bee theme being a hexagon (bestagon) and all.

chef's kiss on the new icons. I love the honeycomb design, it's super easily recognizable.

The icons are gorgeous, and I like the idea that Beehaw basically has “branding” on their communities. This proves a visual clue to folks new to a fediverse where a particular community is coming from. It would be nice if more servers did similar.

I wonder if at a future point, folks who signed up on Beehaw as their “home server” could get a yellow hexagon frame for their avatar. It would help visually unite and convey the idea of the user and their local environment while reinforcing the idea of what a fediverse does.

These icons are a great way to identify the local Beehaw communities.

I love the icons and I am fully behind making sure the artist is paid. Win win! :)

Yay and not just with "exposure", as is so often the case with artists trying to make a living.

Loving the new icons, it really adds to the beehaw community!


The transparency of expenses really helps bolster trust and it's awesome we're compensating an artist for their work! Gives a little bit of hope.

Agreed! I know many would contribute for free to help the server, but art is so chronically underpaid.

And the amount of times we hear people trying to get out of paying the artist or really put me off trying to freelance as an artist (not to mention the anxiety making art brought me lately...)

I think this is great. To have some consistency in community group icons presents a more cohesive look overall.

Very nice! Love that our communities stand out more!

The new icons look great! They really help instantly distinguish that a post is on Beehaw with the honeycomb design.

This post right here has convinced me that Beehaw is something special. It makes me so happy to see the community respected in this way

The new icons look really good, but unfortunately they are not really fulfilling their full purpose. The purpose of an icon is primarily to make it easier to distinguish between different communities in this case. The most noticeable features of these icons are the outer shape and the colour scheme, this makes it easy to distinguish between Beehaw communities and non Beehaw communities (so far so good). But it almost makes it harder to separate between the different Beehaw communities, since that information only resides within the inner symbol of the icon and that is far less prominent than the color and the outer shape. Unfortunately, we tend to think things with symmetry looks better, which makes a good looking icon theme and a usable icon theme a bit orthogonal.

So, while I really like the look of the icons (and how they tie in to the Bee theme of the site), I'm not a fan of the usability aspect of them.

I agree to your points. Having every icon be the same colors (black and yellow) really makes it hard to distinguish the different communities at a glance. For instance, the Open Source Initiative keyhole logo/icon used as the logo for the Free and Open Source Software community is usually green, and having it be black on yellow background is actually in direct contradiction to the OSI Logo Usage Guidelines section 2.1 – "Never Stray from the Color Palette", where an example of a yellow/red icon is present. So there are also such considerations that has to be taken. Also

You may not remove or obfuscate either of the TM or ® symbols in the OSI Logo.

So either way that icon has to be changed to be in compliance with the usage guidelines (@alyaza, @Gaywallet and @UrLogicFails ), since I believe the Beehaw-community does not want to infringe on such a point. I am also then not sure if @UrLogicFails can release the icon under a license as is done here, since the keyhole logo is trademarked (see the OSI Trademark Guidelines). See for instance how ! has solved this. They use the icon with the ® symbol as well as attributing the OSI in the sidebar:

Community icon from, but we are not affiliated with them.

I think the color palette of the community icons shouldn't be restricted to only black and yellow, that makes everything "scream" as that is usually a color combination used to express a warning or announcement. I'm no graphic designer by trade, but I think colors should be used as a distinguishing feature between the instances commmunities, and less dramatic colors, so to speak. Having the icons have a hexagon shape should be enough to recognize them as Beehaw-communities, even if they have different color schemes.

on this specific point (we're tackling the other, will report back on that one later--the previous icon for that community was one i didn't make so even if i wanted to i literally couldn't speak on it like i can with most of our previous ones lol):

I think the color palette of the community icons shouldn’t be restricted to only black and yellow, that makes everything “scream” as that is usually a color combination used to express a warning or announcement. I’m no graphic designer by trade, but I think colors should be used as a distinguishing feature between the instances commmunities, and less dramatic colors, so to speak. Having the icons have a hexagon shape should be enough to recognize them as Beehaw-communities, even if they have different color schemes.

aesthetics are not really a big consideration for us in general, because we're very much in function over form mode right now.

but, when the subject needs to be broached, we want to do that right. in this case we have to account for a lot of things with aesthetics here, including but not limited to:

  • how our website is branded already and how to make it all mesh (bee theming has pretty specific associated colors);
  • how to make things work for all lemmy themes (there are several we have to make all the icons work with);
  • how to make them look good against each other (which is ultimately a consideration with no objective answers, so there's no way to please everyone);
  • and how to make them as accessible and as unambiguous as possible for everybody within the constraints of those other points (which further limits the range of color choices we can work with; we also have to work with the accessibility limitations of the platform, which are numerous here to say the least.)

all this to say: there's really just not much wiggle room we have with the icons and their colors given those considerations, and there are other factors i'm no doubt failing to mention too. our previous icons were dichromatic black on white and very utilitarian/minimalist for a reason, and likewise these are pretty minimalist too.

there's also the consideration we'd now be asking someone to rip up all their work and basically start over, which we're pretty hesitant to do--not only because we've already paid them, but because the simple reality is we can't please everyone and i have no doubts we'd get similar critiques with more new icons and/or introduce new problems. at some point we just have to go with something and iterate on it, and as far as i'm concerned these kinds of critiques of the icons i can live with.

And to add a little more: the icons contribute to making the Local timeline for Beehaw to become overly "busy", since every post has a very stand-out yellow icon under it, usually signifying something important (hence why it should stand out). The icons become to prominent, especially considering the websites dark background color. I can see the appeal of being able to easily identify Beehaw-communities in Subscribed or All timelines, but to be quite honest, I find that the overly attention-seeking color choice of the icons clutter up the Local timeline to a point where they are more of a nuisance rather than conveying any kind of distinguishing information about the community. My Local timeline now looks like this:

Image of the Local timeline for Beehaw to show how prominent the yellow icons are.

Don't get me wrong, I think they are beautifully designed, but the color choice is very much working against conveying any useful information at a glance (except what instance theyy belong to...). There is a reason that not all traffic signs have the same colors.

On the other hand, I think it's really nice that they are distinctive from the logos on other instances. It tells you at a glance that you are clicking on a post from and to abide by Beehaw's mantra, whether you're a user from another instance subscribed to a Beehaw community or a Beehaw user looking at your Subscribed feed.

We want to draw attention to the instance itself and that's one of the only places we can do so in people's feeds. I do a decent amount of graphic design and know far too much about visual theory (also a neurobiologist), I disagree that the color choice is wrong outside the scope of violating another licence.

So either way that icon has to be changed to be in compliance with the usage guidelines (@alyaza, @Gaywallet and @UrLogicFails ), since I believe the Beehaw-community does not want to infringe on such a point. I am also then not sure if @UrLogicFails can release the icon under a license as is done here, since the keyhole logo is trademarked (see the OSI Trademark Guidelines). See for instance how ! has solved this. They use the icon with the ® symbol as well as attributing the OSI in the sidebar:

can now also speak on this point: we have an alternative in the works, ETA to its completion is tomorrow. given the short turnover we're expecting here i think we'll just leave the current icon in place for today--our backup and previous icon would infringe on the same principle in any case so it's just trading one icon issue for another, lol.

You may not remove or obfuscate either of the TM or ® symbols in the OSI Logo.

Ok completely unrelated. I always use the proper ™ or ® in whatever context it is required whether I'm writing for work or otherwise, even if I have absolutely no stake in the game at all, not working for any of the companies either. Because if I don't then they can lose their trademark.

For example. Suppose I am responding to a post about motor oils in a Reddit Beehaw post, and I mention a fully synthetic motor oil like Mobil 1™. I use their trademark, but I don't use it, endorse it, nor work for Mobil™.

Do I need to do this or is this just an obsessive compulsion of mine? Do other people do this? What's the "right" level of mentioning trademarks without making it seem like I'm a corporate shill?

As far as I know, it's not really true that those marks have to be included to protect a trademark. Definitely there's no expectation that individuals should be using them in normal communications. Unless you actually work for the company and are told to include a mark on company branding, it's really not something to ever worry about.

Thanks, I think I have some obsessive compulsions that I need to.. try to control lol

Thank you and the rest of the Beehaw admin team. You all have been so welcoming (not just to me, but to everyone), and I look forward to working with you more in the future!

Love the style!

Now how do we integrate a hive into the iconography?!? ;)

I feel like there's genuinely a lot of room to play with bee iconography including the hive, the honey comb, honey dipper, and of course the bees themselves.

I don't know how all of the iconography will come into play, but I'm definitely excited by the possibilities

The icons are great! The honeycomb shape is really cool, I love it

I love the icons! Congrats! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with for future new communities.

The icons look fantastic! I like seeing at a glance what's what via the bright symbols, as sometimes my vision isn't the best.

They look nice! Fits a lot more with the instance's theme. Awesome work!

By the way, are there any news on updating the instance to the newest Lemmy release, if it isn't already?

These are fantastic. Love the honeycomb design.

Love the new icons and I really love that the artist was compensated for his work.

They look amazing! I much prefer how they fit the layout than the old icons.

They look great! They really tie the room together.

Love the new icons, and love love the fact that Beehaw is treating the creator right. That makes this site's team better than AMPTP!

Thanks so much for being here and taking reddit refugees in. Already feels like a warm place. :)


  1. Is there a way to filter out content I don't want to see on the front page? I'm already seeing Trump news, for example.

  2. I have subscribed to some cool communities. It would be great to have posts from those communities served up as my main view. I can't figure out how to get those to be what I'm seeing by default. Any tips on customizing my experience?

Thanks again!!

For question 1: I don't think that's a feature unfortunately.

For question 2: The main screen has three views : Subscribed (All your subscriptions) / Local (All Beehaw communities) / All (All of the stuff on Lemmy)

I think it might be a bug, cause i cant figure ou another explanation for it, but sometimes my local shows mixed in with beehaw (I do subscribe to them and a bunch of others but thats the only one that does that) and all does nothing at all, it just remixes local.

I have to insist a bit for the page to actually show me the all page. It's completely understandable considering everything right now, so I'm not really annoyed at it.

I think you have the "Randomly appear posts at the top" bug that is unfortunately fairly common. I would hope it's fixed in the next update to Lemmy we're doing tomorrow morning.

Okay, thank you. I just saw the Subscribed option. The UX could be a bit clearer, overall... but so far, this is great. I'm bummed about the inability to filter out content I don't want to see, though.

Thanks for the quick answers! :)

The UX could be a bit clearer, overall

Feel free to add suggestions to the devs' Issue tracker on Github (after searching for duplicates). Could take them a while to respond since they're very busy bees preparing the next big Lemmy release right now.

I love the new icons, now they fit perfectly with the instance. I think that we also need a new logo, maybe a more minimalistic one (while still having the cowboy bee).

I think it would be super cool to regularly rotate the logo with user submitted and/or funded art, but I might be a little eclectic 😅

I would love a rotating logo like this. It would be awesome, and tbh why should we be concerned with branding? Why can't our brand be "kickass cowboy bee art"?

That's a good idea, but I think having a single great logo is better for our identity

Yeah I'm not pushing for it, I understand why a cohesive brand is desirable, perhaps even more so in a confusing landscape (especially for those new to the fediverse).

Fit perfectly is right. I refreshed and my eyes instantly detected a change but it took a minute to hone in on what it was. They just fit in like they’ve always been there. Fantastic execution.

Pretty phenomenal. Love you uniformity it gives the Beewas SubLems.

When I made my contribution I was only thinking about the technical side, but I am pleased to see that I'm now also a patron of the arts. This is a great development and makes me look forward to what's in store as this project develops. Thanks for thinking bigger.

This is great - they really distinguish themselves well from other communities.

I really like the new icons, really keeps with the whole bee theme!