Trump Says He Gave Real Estate Advice to Kim Jong-Un: ‘You Could Have the Most Beautiful Condos’ and ‘Become Rich as Hell’

Flying to politics – 468 points –
Trump Says He Gave Real Estate Advice to Kim Jong-Un: ‘You Could Have the Most Beautiful Condos’ and ‘Become Rich as Hell’

I went over there, you remember that? It was a very historic moment. Went over there and I said to Kim Jong-Un, you know being a real estate guy it’s just sort of natural, I said, “You have the most beautiful shoreline. Think of it, you’re between China, Russia, and South Korea. Look at the beautiful shore, you could have the most beautiful condos that you’ve ever seen and become rich as hell. You don’t have to live like you’re living.


But he’s a tough guy, he’s a smart guy, and he just loves collecting nuclear weapons. That’s what he does. He collects nuclear weapons and we got along incredibly well.

If anyone can explain what the fuck he's talking about, they're smarter than me. Or maybe stupider?


Republicans decimated the public school funding for decades so that they could have a population full of rubes who think this guy was a genius. That's not counting the smart ones who are just trying to buy there way into policy-making that favors whatever scheme they pull in their respective industry.

Otherwise I don't see how any person with half a brain could hear this guy speak and say yeah, this guy should run things.

Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, a stupid man's idea of a smart man, and a loser's idea of a playboy.

He is a caricatute and nothing more.

Fuck. That needs to be a bumper sticker.

Probably would end up with dumbasses putting rocks through your windows every other day, but it might just be worth it.

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That’s probably the most apt description I’ve heard yet.

It’s been floating around since at least 2016. But that doesn’t make it any less apt.

Damn that’s good!

You know the world is doomed when trump is jealous of a dictator, because he’s a dictator and he can dictate. That’s the power trump wants.

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Trump can't comprehend how owning a country is more valuable than owning some condo blocks and looked like an idiot in front of the ruler of North Korea.

Telling someone who lives in the lap of luxury that they could become rich as hell is a strange move.

Not just living in the lap of luxury, but surrounded by an entire population that see his entire family as almost some sort of Godhead.

It's what Trump envisions for himself here, but the MAGA idiots are only 30% instead of 98%.

Oh hey look another time where trump opens his mouth and spews out the dumbest shit imaginable. He actually brags about this? What a fucking moron. If he wasn't born into wealth, he would've been taking the short bus to school. To call his inane blabbering "advice" is putting it way too nicely.

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The impression is that Trump has a vague sense nuclear weapons are important but he isn't sure why.

This is the cunt that the republican traitor filth want to install as dictator. Go on and marinate on that.

What do you think I've been doing for the last eight years? Slap me on the grill already, ain't getting any more marinated than this.

Not a loving this Arrested Development clone tbh, waiting for it to be canceled

Does he not know what dictator is?

Kim already owns every house in North Korea

His people see him as a god-king and this dude is telling him he'll be rich off some condos.

what the actual fuck is this?

Just another day of the news paying far too much attention to the ravings of a demented orange clown.

I mean, the man was elected President and could be elected again. Even if we don't pay attention, for some dumb reason millions of other people are.

Only Trump would try to give wealth tips to a dictator which already owns everything in their country.

You know…. I kinda hope Kim took his advice, there. I think the world would be a lot better if he started collecting condos instead of nukes, for one, and for two, I can’t imagine trump giving good advice…

Kim had a thing for building massive tourism areas, actually. A bit before COVID, he had wild dreams of creating a booming tourism industry for North Korea.

This summarizes everything in a more recent state:

NK doesn't talk about this anymore:

Hm, coincidentally around the time the US made it illegal for their 'free' citizens to go to the DPRK.

Well, like every other industry in North Korea, tourist money would go straight into Kim's pockets and exit as a ballistic missile.

Damn, imagine some alternative universe where Covid didn't happen, the tourist initiative went forward full force, and they opened up and became more soft on their foreign policy as a result.

I could be mistaken, but I believe their target was rich Chinese and Russian tourists.

Still though, it would be nice to see NK open up to the world. If they opened up and also allowed their population to become acclimated to the rest of the world, good things could happen. Even though their government has committed extreme crimes against humanity, it wouldn't be talked about much if the country made a drastic shift.

Unfortunately, it's in China's best interest to also keep NK as a hermit kingdom to function as a land barrier between the Sea of Japan and also South Korea. Also, Kim and his evil Karen sister Yo-jong would probably not like losing absolute control.

(I think Yo-jong looks like a female Dr. Evil, btw. The hair must be fake. It has to be.)

Kim is responsible for thousands upon thousands of crimes against humanity. He'd be forced to face consequences for that if N. Korea 'opened up'

So has Russia even before this war, so has Saudi Arabia, so has Qatar, so has Germany, so has the US, so has lots of countries. I thought we learned after Iraq that just because a leader is insane that doesn't mean we should invade and war against them. There's sanctions, but it's obvious by now that those only ever really hurt the common people. The best way to change a populace is by having them integrate with the world, get educated and modernized.

You'd need to convince Kim to accept his punishment for the greater good.

I’m not actually convinced that Kim is collecting nukes. I think that the North Koreans make just enough fissile material in order to “test” one as a threat. Each time they do, they blow up the only nuke they actually have, and the rest of the world seems to believe they have more, but it’s all just theater.

Never would happen. If there were any kind of outside influence allowed within, and the citizens could see they've been lied to about everything for decades, the Kim regime would be slaughtered by rebellion.

It's no secret that putler/trump were trying to convince Kim into converting N Korea into a money laundering organized crime haven for the rich and infamous.

I mean, I get it. He's trying to sell capitalism to a dictator from the perspective of and you still get to be a dictator!

He could just be the pissed little weapons hoarder he is, or maybe introduce some tourism and try to change the worldwide opinion of North Korea.

Now, I don't personally think he can do both and the international community just be cool with flying tourists to NK. I didn't say it was a good idea.

It sounds like Trump was trying to convince Kim Jong-Un to get rid of his nuclear weapons in return for helping him get rich by developing condos on the coast. It's honestly not a bad angle to try to get them to disarm.

If the Kim's could've been bought out it would've happened a longass time ago. It's a bad angle because it shows the man is dumb af thinking it would actually work lol

That's some Olympic gold medalist level mind gymnastics right there.