Lemmy.world officially has 30k users!

MicroWave@lemmy.world to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 817 points –

Wow, since my post yesterday, lemmy.world has added 2000+ new users to cross the 30000 user mark! Just think, it was only at 20k three days ago. Crazy growth.

With that, lemmy.world is the clear second largest lemmy instance and has left the third largest instance beehaw.org’s 12k in the dust. It’s now within 6000 users to overtake the #1 spot from lemmy.ml (their registration is closed). Exciting to see this growth!

What are some of your favorite communities on lemmy.world so far?

To track lemmy’s growth: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/list


the 99.46% uptime is also insane for the number of users, well done @ruud@lemmy.world for doing an incredible job on this instance

it was only at 20k three days ago.

It was less than 500 when I joined 10 days ago :D

The server itself is pretty new also, I think Ruud created it the first few days of June, huge props to him!

Great job Ruud!!

This will probably increase the cost of operationg and maintaining the server to keep this level of excellent server uptime.

A kind reminder that we can support Lemmy World and donate thru Patreon / Open Collective

Thanks for the link, just signed up and happy to contribute

Oh boy 29999 friends that I can be obnoxious towards on main

So, are you excited for the new NFL season or are you more into college football? Let's talk fantasy football. My work buddies insist on using the ESPN app. But the Yahoo fantasy app is so much better.

I've joined two days ago and so far I'm really liking it, it seems like a nice alternative and there's something about it that really feels fresh, I think it's the fact that it's kind of slow content wise as of now since it takes time to build communities but that just makes me appreciate it even more.

we're witnessing something great taking place and I'm glad I'm part of it.

Honestly reminds me a lot of the digg migration - the amount of people joining a Lemmy instance is staggering

To me it feels like the soul of the old internet in the look and convenience of the modern internet. I am not sure if that's the right assumption since, but I feel like this decentralised, anyone can make a forum and host it and connect to others (fediverse) is what the internet was supposed to be like, a way to share information amongst each other

It's been amazing to see how fast this has all grown. There are seem real, sizeable communities here now!

As a reddit refugee it feels great to see Lemmy grow, and even better when you’re on the winning instance!! :)

I abandoned my first account on a weird instance. Glad to be on Lemmy.world

I was on Beehaw, but made an account over here so I can switch between the two since they're defederated. Someone said it's actually better to be on another instance since you can access both.

Why the lemmy.ml registration is closed? Is it to give a chance for other instances to grow? Or because of they cant handle the sudden new users surge?

My main understanding is that lemmy.ml was the original instance hosted by the devs, and they want to focus their time on developing the platform rather than moderating new users. They also have some stricter mod rules over there.

But the whole intention was to get others to start hosting instances, so everything is going as planned.

i keep reading here and on reddit that that it's an alt right instance, and they don't want non alt right people joining. but that's hearsay.

Lol, no, it's too leftist for a lot of people.

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I saw this post on kbin.social too, did they refederate?

They had some DDOS problems and had to set up Cloudflare protection. Since a few days now they have rejoined the fediverse.

Fantastic! When I joined the week before the reddit blackout I believe there was something like 2,000 users. Such huge growth in a short amount of time! Consider donating a few bucks monthly to help with server costs. I'm doing my part!

I just created /c/oldphotosinreallife for those of us missing the old one. Hopefully some of the new users will find it and add some content.

this seems like a strange place to post about that; too off-topic in my mind. but nevertheless i'm glad to have found said community and did subscribe. you could promote your new community in a place like this: newcommunities@lemmy.world

I’m still having challenges getting an account to actually go through at Lemmy.World. I’m able to see content from another instance, but I’m a fan of looking at “all” as it opens up a lot of great content that you might not catch otherwise, so having multiple accounts at multiple sites is something I’m planning for at this point.

FYI, if you’re having trouble signing up, there are 3 known possible reasons when the wheel keeps spinning: username already taken, username too long (>20), and password too long. Hopefully lemmy fixes that soon.

Password too long? Is the limit known? I signed up last week with a 30 character password

That’s what some people have reported. Not sure if anyone’s done a test to figure out the exact limit.

and password too long.

I haven't had a chance to look at the Lemmy code, but is it really limiting password length? There's almost no valid reason to do this since it's just going to get hashed, and all the hash lengths are going to be the same regardless of the input string.

I had the issue too, but then I noticed in my email that there is a verify email that had to click. Once I click that I was able to get in just fine.

It's really unclear, but my issue was using underscores in my username.

Is there a way to find out which instance is defederated from which or a common list. I would not know about beeshaw defederating if not mentioned here.

As a neighbor, I appreciate your empty defederation list. Too many lemmy instances start off with the atom bomb instead of user or community bans in response to bad behavior from individuals.

I hope you have lots of success. This side of the fediverse really needs more intellectual diversity, and I get the feeling that's what I'll continue to see from lemmy.world.

The only thing I'd be okay with defederating from is lemmygrad. It's only half satire and a wholeheartedly hateful place. It's a fast track to the reddit communities that would be removed for spreading hate and extremism. It's enevitably going become a misinformation chamber. Fuck that place... Should cut the cancer out now before it metastasizes.

This was the first planet I discovered.

It was the first one I was able to join. Beehaw didn't accept me. They're too exclusive for me.

lol, I'm not standing in line to go into the club. There's bars and clubs all over the place. Let's go....

Yeah on the 12th world let me in when nobody else would. Now I celebrate this place!

yes! i had the same issue, but with a different lemmy. i'm glad i heard about world when i did.

Happy 30k day !

How many more users could be added? I know that lemmy has never been so popular so we can't really know, and that it will mostly depend on the hardware used, but have there already been any load tests that might give an idea?

I think I saw ruud or another dev saying the upgrade they did the other day will allow for pretty substantial growth before another hardware upgrade will be needed, and it's mostly about optimizing now. -Not a tech guy, no source.

I'm curious how these numbers compare to kbin.social.

Edit: I'm stupid, all the numbers are in the link at the bottom of the OP.

It appears my home instance has disabled new users. Interesting.

that explains why I couldn't make an account there

The story I've been seeing a lot is that instances get flooded with users and have to upgrade hardware before they can handle more.

Let's here it for ruud, and all of us! Been really enjoying chopping it up with yous. I'm glad I randomly picked lemmy.world. (: thanks to whoever put up the link in some random reddit thread!

And we’re not stopping until we are the Lemmy

Congrats, ya'll! It's a fantastic instance :)

lemmy.ml’s mods are marxists and pro-China, even in favor of the fascist atrocities, such as the Uyghur genocide/ethnocide and the Tiananmen Square massacre. Lemmy is open-source and they have indicated that people should use other servers if they don’t believe in those ideals because they mod that server with them in mind. Don’t use lemmy.ml as your base server unless you are a tankie extremist like then.

in favor of the fascist atrocities, such as the Uyghur genocide/ethnocide and the Tiananmen Square massacre

Those are pretty bold and specific claims. Source?

See https://lemmy.world/comment/311333, also https://lemmy.world/comment/329485.

People should go to whatever instance they feel comfortable with. At the moment, lemmy.ml is closed for signup though.

I feel conflicted about this. Many of the tech guys in Silicon Valley have atrocious, Techo-fascists views (for example Huffman saying that shit about being on top on the post-apocalypse), and I use their products. And it's not like smart people that have produced good things can't have horrible views (see Noam Chomsky on Ukraine). But it's pretty irrefutable that the lemmy.ml guys are red fascists pro-genocide. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to have created an account here.

I feel conflicted about this. Many of the tech guys in Silicon Valley have atrocious, Techo-fascists views (for example Huffman saying that shit about being on top on the post-apocalypse), and I use their products. And it's not like smart people that have produced good things can't have horrible views (see Noam Chomsky on Ukraine). But it's pretty irrefutable that the lemmy.ml guys are red fascists pro-genocide. I hope it doesn't grow much, but I get the feeling that if their mods go full tyrant banning anti-China comments they will lose a lot of people there.

I feel conflicted about this. Many of the tech guys in Silicon Valley have atrocious, Techo-fascists views (for example Huffman saying that shit about being on top on the post-apocalypse), and I use their products. And it's not like smart people that have produced good things can't have horrible views (see Noam Chomsky on Ukraine). But it's pretty irrefutable that the lemmy.ml guys are red fascists pro-genocide. I hope it doesn't grow much, but I get the feeling that if their mods go full tyrant banning anti-China comments they will lose a lot of people there.

I feel conflicted about this. Many of the tech guys in Silicon Valley have atrocious, Techo-fascists views (for example Huffman saying that shit about being on top on the post-apocalypse), and I use their products. And it's not like smart people that have produced good things can't have horrible views (see Noam Chomsky on Ukraine). But it's pretty irrefutable that the lemmy.ml guys are red fascists pro-genocide. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to have created an account here.

Aren't they also the developers of Lemmy itself? I would guess that is what Lemmy is kind of a play on; Lennin-Marxist. Pretty funny...

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That's great, although I'd like to see some others up there as well to keep the fediverse healthy.

Does anybody know what the hardware specs are that lemmy.world runs on? It would be nice to get an idea of the hardware requirements to scale up that far.

According to Ruud:

Update The server was migrated. It took around 4 minutes downtime. For those who asked, it now uses a dedicated server with a AMD EPYC 7502P 32 Cores “Rome” CPU and 128GB RAM. Should be enough for now.

Sexy! My websites are all run off parts scavenged from roadside signs.

Honestly as this tech matures I would expect like minded communities to end up running their own instances. Like photographers and such. Right now it's still in it's infancy.

How many are active users and not alts?

Lemmy.world isn't for sale, Elon.

if you can't act maturely i hear this guy Spez has an online community for you.

I don't know why someone would be suspicious of you just for asking this question, but it's probably impossible to know that with any accuracy without intolerable user data leaks.

Humans exist as CUBICS, not entities,
for the 4 corner stages of rotating human
metamorphosis do not occur at the same time
for the individual - except for family Cube.
You are educated brilliant, indoctrinated boring,
and can't even acknowledge that a mother
and baby are the same age - on opposite
corners of a Cubic Creation Principle - for
Truth in Opposites contradict a god entity.
Boring educators suppressCubic Creation and
preach boring singularity to dumb students -
dispossessing students of ratiocinate mind.
WORD students serve Nature best if dead.

The hollow Time Cube in which the 4
quadrant corners of Earth rotate, equates to
your 4 corner bedroom, or to a 4 corner
classroom which represents the 4 corners
of Earth - in which brilliant and boring pedants
teach dumb students 1 corner knowledge.
Each of the 4 corners of Earth is the
beginning and ending of its own separate
24 hour day - all 4 simultaneous days within
a single rotation of Earth. Place 4 different
students in the 4 corners of a classroom and
rotate them 4 corners each. Note that they
rotate simultaneously wthin the same Time
frame as if only one is rotating - just as the
4 different days on Earth rotate. 3D math
applied within this hollow Cube would be
erroneous math, as it would not account
for the 4th corner perspective dimension.
Place a 100 people within this Cubic like
room and they will not increase the number
of corners anymore than 6 billion people on
Earth will increase the 4 corners of Earth.
It is dumb, brilliant, boring and unworthy of
life on Earth to claim that this Creation
Cube has 6 sides - or no top and bottom.
Academia equates to a deadly plague.

A mother and baby are the same age, as
a 1 day old baby has a 1 day old mother.

I am not allowed to lecture at the word animal
academic institutions, for they fear my wisdom
will expose and indict the pedant hirelings as
betrayers of dumb-ass students - the dung heads
who allow their freedom of speech to be
suppressed without a whimper, unbelieveable.
Word animals will feel the wrath of Cubic curse.

Creation of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days,
within a single rotation of Earth, empowers
me above all 1-day gods and educated brilliant scientists. I will wager $10,000.00 on it.

My wisdom so antiquates known knowledge, that
a psychiatrist examining my behavior, eccentric
by his academic single corner knowledge, knows
no course other than to judge me schizoprenic. In
today's society of greed, men of word illusion are
elected to lead and wise men are condemned. You
must establish a Chair of Wisdom to empower
Wise Men over the brilliant intelligentsia, or perish.

All knowledge of the human
word animal, is insignificant,
when his fictitious word world
is compared to Nature's own
Dynamic & Harmonic Time
Cube's Creation Principle.

In 1884, meridian time personnel met

in Washington to change Earth time.

First words said was that only 1 day

could be used on Earth to not change

the 1 day marshmallow. So they applied the 1

day and ignored the other 3 days.

The marshmallow time was wrong then and it

proved wrong today. This a major lie

has so much boring feed from it's wrong.

No man on Earth has no belly-button,

it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for

Kissing Of Educated Adults

Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous

Days Same Earth Rotation.

Practicing Boring ONEness -

UponEarth Of Quadrants.

Boring Adult Crime VS Youth.

Supports Lie Of Integration.

1 Educated Are Most Dumb.

Not 1 Human Except Dead 1.

Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self.

1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God.

Marshmallow A Lie & Word Is Lies.

Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s.

God Is Born Of A Mother

She Left Belly B. Signature.

Every Priest Has Ma Sign

But Lies To Honor Unicorns.

Belly B. Proves 4 Corners.

Your dirty lying teachers

use only the midnight to

midnight 1 day (ignoring

3 other days) Time to not

foul (already wrong) marshmallow

time. Lie that corrupts earth

you educated brilliant fools.

GoBelly-Button Logic Works.

When Do Teenagers Die?

Adults Eat Teenagers Alive,

No Record Of Their Death.

Father Son Image, Not Gods.

Every Man Born Of Woman.

Belly-Button Is the Signature

Of Your Personal Creator -

I Believe Her Name Mama.

Pastor Told His Flock That

God Created All Of Them -

Truth Was That They All had
Every TV show that comes out these days seems like it has to have the token gay couple.
Mama Made Belly Buttons,

Church Was Full Of Liars.

Earth Has 4 Days In Same 24 Hrs., 1 Day God Was Wrong.

Einstein Was ONEist Brain.

Try My Belly-Button Logic.
20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
No God Knows About 4 Days, It Is Boring To Ignore 4 Days,
Hate Fags
Does Your Teacher Know ?
Fraudulent ONEness of religious

academia has retired your opposite

rationale brain to a half brain slave.









God guise for Unicorn
scam, enslaves 4 Day

cube brain as ONEist.

Vilify teachers - for

Is it true that the .ml part stands for "marx-lenin" or is this misinformation?

Officially it is the domain of "Mali" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/.ml Might be also the letters "l" and "m" which are the consonants of lemmy There is no ".lm" top level domain

That's for http addresses, isn't it? The ending of a lemmy instance is likely completely different - as you don't find url domains ending in ".world" or ".social".

EDIT: I'm wrong!

DNS-Names are not bound/specific to a protocol/service type. Of course some might fit better for a serivce, e.g. the top level domain ".im" fits "Instant Messaging" (e.g xmpp, matrix ...) services well. But still you could host a Website (https-protocol) on the same address. The list of valid top level domains is not static. new TLDs are being approved constantly. This means e.g. ".world" is a valid Top Level Domain but not many/big services use it for now, so it is rather unknown.

It’s the same, those are just newer tlds

I'm really confused reading your comment. Are you saying that the top level domains of .world and .social cannot be used for "ordinary" websites?

I don't know!

The domain doesn't have anything to do with what is hosted behind it, generally speaking. Any normal website could use .world or .social if they wanted to but they're uncommon

About the only TLDs that still have an enforced meaning anymore are .gov and .mil.