Another antique here, from the era of rage comics - circa 2010-2012

The Picard to Antique Memes – 374 points –

tomatoes are awesome tho

I hate raw tomatoes. Stewed, sun dried, baked, in a Pico, salsa, whatever, but can't eat then by themselves for some reason

Have you tried adding salt? Not joking, a little salt on each bite is amazing on a fresh tomato

I still remember my first fresh tomato wedge with salt and fresh cracked pepper from a farmers market when I was a kid. It might be nostalgia but I haven't had a tomato that good since .

Same here. And every time I say it someone pipes up with "well you just haven't had a good one." Well, I have had one that tomato-eaters say is really good. I've had it with salt, I've had it with pepper, I've even had it with sugar. It still tastes and feels like a tomato, and I don't like that.

It's like how people tell me I'd like broccoli if it was covered in cheese. No, now you've just made a bunch of cheese taste like feces.

Now I know how the tomato eaters feel. For me, nothing beats a little lightly steamed broccoli with a little kosher salt.

But you don't have to eat it, and I'll never tell you "You've never had it done right" or "what about fresh picked broccoli" because I respect your opinion.

It's not my opinion, it's a fact that broccoli contains something that tastes like literal shit and makes me feel physically ill - even if I don't know it's there.

Brassicas contain sulfur compounds that do, indeed, smell like shit. Just like how some folks insist cilantro tastes like soap.

Cilantro tasting like soap is a genetic issue though, even if it can be overridden by repeated exposure to crushed cilantro.

I'm glad you brought some balance to this thread. I fucking hate tomatoes, but I love broccoli so much.

I can understand. For me it's cucumber that I hate.

I have no problem with picked cucumber but fresh cucumber taste horrible for me.

I'm sure it's a delicious vegetable but it's not for me.

Yeah, if you don't like the tomato flavour of tomatoes, there's not a whole lot different varieties are going to do for you, or having them be vine ripened or freshly picked for that matter. Increasing the sugar content doesn't make them taste less like tomatoes, it just makes them taste like sweet tomatoes.

Had a garden tomato yet? Like one that hasn't been picked unripe, refrigerated, shipped across the country and left to ripen artificially on a shelf so it ends up tasting like water and disappointment?

See? I knew there'd be at least one.

I've literally grown my own tomatoes because people kept telling me this. And even fresh off the vine, still warm from the sun, it tastes and feels like a tomato.

There's always at least one of those fuckos.

I'm just glad we're finally on a thread where we're not getting downvotes to hell.

Yes. I've had the fanciest tomatoes that people rave over and I still hate them raw. It's like tomato lovers just can't fathom that they just taste gross to some people. Cooked tomatoes are great, raw are not for me.

Ok yeah then that's valid, some people just don't like raw tomatoes. I just wanted to make sure you didn't just get a "fancy tomato" from the store and decided you didn't like it.

I'm the same way but I know exactly why. The goo like substance that the seeds come in makes me literally gag.

I'm generally the opposite. Pico is fresh enough, as is salsa, and some tomato sauces are fine, but I prefer fresh and firm.

I can eat them very thin sliced but not raw otherwise for some reason.

I eat grape tomatoes like candy

grape tomatoes should straight up not be classed together with big tomatoes, they taste so different and are used differently.

It's like calling plums and cherries the same thing just because they're the same species, they taste wildly differently and you will get stares if you shove a whole plum in your mouth and spit the core out..

They taste very different I'm sure, if you like tomatoes, but if you don't, they taste awful fucking similar.

Try them sometimes with a bit of olive oil and salt!

Substitute MSG instead of salt if you really want to bring out the flavor! Add a slice of mozzarella to the mix, and a fresh basil leaf if you have it (not dried) and you've got yourself a tasty, healthy snack! (but please use real mozzarella, not that "low moisture partially skim" bullshit).

They are, anyone who says otherwise is probably suffering through bad tomatoes. If the tomatoes aren't from somewhere local to you, they've probably been refrigerated and that destroys the flavour.

Also people don't always know the dark art of adding salt and pepper, then waiting a couple of minutes before using the tomatoes. It can even save supermarket tomatoes a little bit

Normal beefsteak tomatoes are watery and nearly flavorless. All the other forms of tomato here have concentrated the tomato flavors into something that doesn't just taste like tomato paste mixed into water. I generally only eat grape and cherry tomatoes raw because that actually taste good. Most other tomatoes are a chore to eat at best until cooked down in a sauce.

Roma aren't bad either, texturewise anyway. I generally us em for fresh salsa though. Grape and cherry for eating I agree are the best.

Yea, I use Roma for salsa and pasta sauce. I honestly have next to no use for most of the big tomato varieties. No one in my family will eat them. I've used them along with several other types of tomatoes for a sauce before and it turned out really good, but they were all homegrown in my mother in law's garden and I had Roma and even cherry tomatoes in there too. So not sure how fair a test that is.

If you don't like tomatoes, you haven't had a good tomato.

Tomatoes I've grown in the garden have almost always been superior in taste to whatever I could buy in the store

I grew up in the inner city, but my dad made space to grow tomatoes. I ask for no tomatoes at most restaurants, people assume I don't like them. They are wrong, I fucking love them.

I cannot stand this sentiment so much. Anything you don't like, someone will tell you you haven't had "a good one", or "well you haven't had it the way I make it." Nobody loves everything.

Tomatoes are the only thing I will ever use the argument for. Tomatoes that you get from the vast vast majority of restaurants are absolute dogshit. There is a huge difference from mass produced tomatoes vs a well grown one.

So it's not as simple as me just not seeing other people's perspective, and of course I acknowledge I used hyperbolic phrasing here, but tomatoes are absolutely the one thing that it's very likely that people do not like since most tomatoes that you will eat are significantly lower quality.

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Looking at the comments above. No wonder Americans are so fucking fat.