Monthly rule to – 579 points –

ISO 8601, represent!


Which timezone is this? B-, good effort

Yeah, we need some


All up in here. Gotta replace the last - with a + where applicable... Or just put a big old Z there instead... Optionally add some .### after the second too if you're so inclined.

Awww yeahhhhhh. I like that.

easy to remember, as 9/11 was a couple of days ago.

You mean 9.11. ?
9/11 is 0.81 repeating

Different languages have different conventions. For example, the standardized variety of my language allows 11/(0)9/2001, 11/(0)9/01, 11.(0)9.2001, 11.(0)9.01, 2001-09-11, 2001/09/11, 2001.09.11 (personally I usually use 11/09 without the year and 2001-09-11 with the year).

Bro I know, it's a joke

Sorry, I'm just still used to Reddit, where people say stuff like this completely seriously.


True. History will repeat itself. Never forget.

1 more...
1 more...

English speakers: In the first car of the first race in the first tournament.

US: In the first race's first car in the first tournament.

The only universally correct date format is ISO.

in the first tournament's first race's first car

I'm so glad we all use 315/23 for the date. Much easier if you just leave out the month.

Years are also redundant. It's day 738835.

Day 1 can only be when the first creature crawled on land or when Adam spanked eve erotically for the first time. I don't recognize any other.

I don’t want to hear shit about what order we write numbers in from a continent where numbers include one hundred nine and thirty to mean 139, or three twenties ten and nine for 79

If you're so mad at Fr*nch and German numbers, don't look up Danish numbers. Unless you can guess what "five and half five's". Did you guess 95? Why would you?


It's a twenty based system. "Two's" is 40, "three's" is 60, ...

50 is "halfway to 60" so it's "half three's", likewise "half four's" for 70, "four's" for 80 and "half five's" for 90. 100 is its own word so "half five's" exists but "five's" doesn't.

Seventeen is 7+10 (seven+teen) but twenty one is 20+1 (twenty+one)

If English was more consistent, seventeen would be ten seven.

If it was really consistent, it would be something like onety seven but not really either, since it's also not twoty seven.

PS: Eleven would be onety one.

Extra fancy Winnie the Pooh: YYYY/MM/DD

I label all of my notes like 'YYYYMMDD_some_title_here' so they automatically sort by when I made them when sorted by name, or YYYYMMDDHHmm if the note won't be getting a title (such as daily notes or notes that I made too quickly to care about titling)

everyone should just use stardates

And everyone does, but everyone has their own standard

You all are so concerned about the formatting of the date, but I dont see any of you buying a new copy of a certain game to avoid Todd Howard's curse

This didn't age well (I guess I should have looked at it 5 days ago).

Or waited until 12th of December.

Ah, good point.

Edit: I wasn't trying to be mean or anything with my posts. Just wanted to be dumb haha. I hope no one took it the wrong way.