Nancy Pelosi Says Jan. 6 Was An ‘Inside Job’ By Donald Trump And His GOP Allies

USA to politics – 447 points –
Nancy Pelosi Says Jan. 6 Was An ‘Inside Job’ By Donald Trump And His GOP Allies

She is right. Republican loyal to Trump are wanting to end our America Democracy. I hope the young people vote.

“They have to make a decision about our democracy, our flag, our Constitution, the future of our children in a democratic state that is a model to the world,” Pelosi said.

During a town hall moderated by Fox News host Sean Hannity Tuesday, four-times indicted Trump did not rule out abusing power or seeking retribution from his political opponents if he gets reelected.

a democratic state that is a model to the world

Is it still a model for the world, though?

World's in a bad condition. We're not the top model, but sadly we're probably in the top 10% still.

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At least she's willing to point out the blatantly obvious, unlike a lot of people.

It is indeed not a good sign that someone speaking the plain truth makes news like this.

That’s not what an inside job is. That’s what a coup is.

I mean, a coup can be done with a inside job. It's both to be honest.

I watched it unfold live on TV, we all know it was an "inside job" and have for what, 3 years now?

yes, and he's on trial for it. like... a lot.

He is also leading the GOP poll by like … a lot

Tells you more about GOP voters than about judicial system

Tells you more about GOP voters than about judicial system

i'd argue that it tells us a great deal about both, but your point is taken.

I guess when they call themselves the party of law and order they're talking about the TV show???

They were never serious about that, except to weaponize "law and order" to be used against liberals, immigrants, POC, non-xtians, gays, etc...they never meant anything to be applied to themselves.

The party of using the law to order you to obey their Christofascist dictates.

Now that was a roller coaster

  1. "Nancy Pelosi": Huh, wonder what she is up to
  2. "Jan 6": Oh, new information?
  3. "Inside Job": Oh god, she has gone insane
  4. "By Donald Trump": ... Oh, no. That actually is accurate. And... nothing new? But I guess it is good to say it

Probably news to Fox News viewers.

I was wondering when it would finally dawn on her.

Whoa, does that mean if Trump gets elected again that Inside Job will get a 3rd season?!? Wow, I know who I'm voting for this election!!1! :D /s

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How topical, you worthless fucking boomer rag.

It was YEARS ago.

Such bravery.... 🙄

It was in response to Ramaswamy's comments yesterday.

During Wednesday’s GOP primary debate, Ramaswamy appeared to embrace a baseless right-wing conspiracy theory that federal agents orchestrated the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

“Why am I the only person on this stage at least who can say that Jan. 6 now does look like it was an inside job?” he asked.

Find me where she said it in the last 2 years. I looked -- couldn't find it. So she's only making that statement now, when it's politically safe due to retirement.

She's a fucking neoliberal hag and another one who's grave I'll dance on.

She also demanded he resign or be removed via the 25th Amendment on January 7th, started an impeachment inquiry they lead to a trial over it when that didn't happen, and convened a committee to collect evidence about it and share it with the American people and the DOJ. Pretty much everything within her power and authority to do, she did. Not that you're going to let that get in the way of your hatred, of course.