I just hopped on today and the site is very unusable right now

Rick@lemmy.world to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 264 points –

EDIT: it seems that this is a known bug and will be fixed in the next release! Thank you guys for letting me know


Lemmy.World is running amazing for the amount of users that is has but when I am trying to scroll, every 2 seconds the post im looking at gets shoved to the bottom, with Lemmy skyrocketing in popularity, having the new posts appear on the front page constantly is making it very hard to browse.

Does anyone know if there is a way I can stop that? Or do we just have to wait for an update?

I want to add that I love lemmy and I will continue to use it anyways! The community here is so much better than reddit and with the protest going on reddit is a dumpster fire of toxicity right now.


In all fairness to the devs, Lemmy's had a dozen users + the devs until now, then /u/spez pulls his stunt, and we're looking at how it operates with 0.0000000000001% of Reddit, which is apparently 20-bajillion people.

Yeah im not dissing or anything, I understand lemmy is still in its infancy

More like a teenager with their first job.

This week, Lemmy becomes a man.

Yeah thats a better way to put it, I keep forgetting than lemmy is like 2 or 3 years old already!

Yes, the real time stuff is actually intentional. It's just that it all fell apart with the massively inreased activity. Then it's not as fun with real time activity... But hopefully Lemmy 0.18 will come with some strongly needed updates.

Update is coming. It's a known issue

Is there an ETA? Lemmy is basically unusable so long as it's front page is a mess

The workaround for me is to refresh and scroll down when it happens

How would refreshing the page stop the deluge of new posts that OP is talking about? Isn't that exactly the problem?

Yeah, for some reason it doesn't seem like it happens whenever you don't stick to the top after loading the page.

Maybe some kind of default behavior thinking you're in the new category? idk

bugs are weird haha.

I heard the fix is coming next week (probably) - in the meantime, spread the word about the workaround!

It's a bug they're working on.

It's a bug that the site auto-updates whenever a new post is made? I thought that was a feature. It's even advertised on join-lemmy.org

New posts are currently added to the top of the page, regardless of sorting order. This is a bug.

Maybe if you were sorting by new, you’d want some sort of behavior like that. But it also makes it impossible to look at any posts or comments further down the page.

They are fixing this bug in the next release which will be 0.18.


Great, hopefully they roll it out soon.

Now we need some traction on Kbin’s biggest issue: the inability to collapse threads of comments

That's a major bug. They need a lot of work with federation also. Hope they can sort this out. It's great to have federation in future.

There is traction, and in fact already a fix in review.

How is that bug related to this issue? The problem OP is describing is that there's a high volume of new posts, each of which causes the page to auto-update. That might have been OK when traffic was lower, but during high traffic it makes the site unusable, as it's constantly pushing the post you were reading out of view. How will fixing the linked bug fix this issue?

It's a bug in a sense that it disrupts your viewing of the page - it puts those new posts (which shouldn't even be there because of the Top sort option I'm using) at the start of the page, thus pushing everything down. Countless times I have clicked one thing and was taken to completely another website because the page pushed everything downwards at the same moment.

That can even be a security risk!

It's also annoying when it refreshes the post that you're commenting on and makes you comment on a different post.

Thought I was the only one getting this!

Another one I keep getting is the timeout error.

This too.

And sometimes it momentarily shows my profile link as though I were logged in as another user.

I had that. Right after I logged in it briefly displayed another user's avatar where mine would go (I have none).

I assume this is on the website? I haven't had this happen on jerboa.

Change your default view from All/new to Subscribed/active.

That's not my issue, no matter what I select the new posts still appear constantly.

I've had better experience sorting by hot. Still some refreshing but not as bad since post positions don't move as much if they do

Worth noting, it's a full 24 hours later and this post is still close to the top of the "hot" sorting. Lemmy's algorithm is not good.

My problem right now is that even sorting by Hot on 'all' of Lemmy.world, almost all of the posts are a day old. It feels off and it's been the same posts for the last 8 hours or so. Is this because of beehaw doing their thing or what?

No, I have the same problem. It is why I usually check only local or subscribed communities

I'll be very happy when this update gets rolled out.

Talking about bugs, any word on when there will be a fix for the upvote count wildly jumping around on posts?

For people browsing on Kbin: this is the first federated posts I've seen on here, am I missing something obvious that tells me this is a post hosted on a different service? As far as I can tell this could have just been any other post on Kbin, which is cool but I'd love it to be clearer that it's not. It even says "kbin.social" under the title. (I'm on mobile if that makes a difference).

As a Lemmy user, I believe the way to tell is when looking at the top, you should see the user@instance, and it is posted to "lemmy.world@lemmy.world", this community is the home of the lemmy.world instance so it's abit confusing, but say "gaming@kbin.social" is how it should show for Lemmy users

Edit: and speaking of the "first time I've seen a federated post", I heard kbin.social turned off federation since it was getting overloaded with users, much less other instances. It'll slowly get better

We don't have that here on Kbin, at least not by default, maybe there's a setting I've not turned on. Your username shows as just "mitchacho74", no @ stuff unless I click into your profile.

I'm registered in lemmy.world and you appear to me as DannySpud and nothing else. If I click in your profile I can see that you're @DannySpud@kbin.social. However I see the full username for other lemmy users (from different instances)

Oh that's interesting. Kbin doesn't quite work the same?

I'm not sure, is part of the fediverse so we can interact (in the same way that mastodon users can read and reply to lemmy posts), but it's a different project with different code. Communities are called Magazines there, and there's also a microblogging functionality. I've lurked a bit kbin.social, but I won't create an account if I can use this one.

It also appears to not be fully federated or something.

Hmm federation has its pros, but I wonder how many communities are so splintered across different instances that they haven't had a chance to grow yet...

Yes, reddit has a similar problem (there's usually a few communities for any given theme), but being all of them on the same webpage makes it easier to browse and discover.

Yeah, new users aren't going to be able to find communities easily here.

Yeah, that's a bit weird .... kind of cool too, like we're all just part of a big party with no initial way to divide without specifically looking. With that said, the possibilities of duplicates are high and the opportunity for fuckery is even higher, lol

I tried kbin, but I left it behind when I realized I couldn't tell the difference between federated and non federated posts.

Yeah but now us people at kbin can see what you're up to. hi!

I saw the title and thought huh, it's working ok for me, then realized that it's from Lemmy. We're federated woot! For people on Lemmy.world, kbin.social is also having problems from the new influx of people. Different problems, but problems.

What problems?

Sorry, im kinda outta the loop and just signed up today.. Havent noticed any bugs yet though!

I been getting 503 error messages every once in a while. It usually resolves after a few minutes. There are also a few bugs with comments not appearing in federated instances, which makes sense since it's not complete yet. I'm pretty pleased overall.

Ironically, still some issues with the federation, so we can see them but they can't see us. We're in the walls.

Testing testing 1 2 3... can you see me from Kbin while posting on Lemmy.world from another Kbin account?

Commenting from Kbin here!

While I also created a lemmy.world account, I have been unable to sign in for over 24 hours, the little circle on the button just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning.
But right at this moment I can see the enormous potential of this federated network, and am now officially impressed.

Anyway... is my inability to log in with my new lemmy.world account due to the massive traffic spike and overload?

I had the same problem with lemmy.world. Turns out I just had to click the link in the confirmation email which ended up in my spam. After that logging in works fine.

I'm having the same issue on my desktop, but I'm logged in and able to write this comment from Jerboa. I definitely did the confirmation email. Something's definitely broken.

Most likely yeah, Ive noticed that the my posts and stuff seem like they take forever to post on my end but if I refresh the page it always posts instantly

Try the gerboa android client

Just for clarity in case anybody wants to download. It's Jerboa and can be downloaded from Fdroid, Play store or git hub APK.

Currently using this as it's impossible on mobile browser for me. It's nice and clean, but could definitely use some QoL features. Or I just haven't figured out navigating yet, either is possible.

Jerboa on android is pretty good. Mlem for iOS in test pilot is ok I believe.

Mlem for iOS crashes like every 30 seconds for me :( I’ve had to stick to the browser :(

@Barack_Ollama @LUHG_HANI I think the browser right now is the safest space for lemmy. until they get the apps out of alpha and into the hands of the people. once you figured out the browser then app's that come will be very easy. On android they have jeroba or whatever it's called but it dosen't have all the features. it's also in the alpha stage. Stay here for a while like a day or so then you will be navigating thru lemmy so easy. Especially on Desktop. Mobile everything is small but usable

The same thing happens on the app for me as well but it doesnt seem to update with new posts as much, this seems to be an issue with lemmy itself.

I was reading a post and before I got to the comment section the entire post switched to another one.

I can be typing out a reply to a comment in a post, and then all of a sudden the post has switched to an entirely new one and now the comment that I'm replying to is something entirely different. Clearly this isn't intentional, no? Because I'm genuinely having a hard time using Lemmy as a whole because of this.

My comments also just infinitely spin, making me think that it didn't get submitted, and so I have to constantly refresh the page.

If you have ios join the Memmy TestFlight group and use the app. Infinitely better experience

@Rick look for an Android app here https://joinfediverse.wiki/Apps and you should be fine. The scrolling is cause of the site specifically. The apps control it

The only android app there is Lemur, which is unmaintainted. Jerboa in the paystore is the way now. It works decent and the scrolling only happens on desktop.

Oh u e been getting this error too. That, and sometimes posts will go through but the "reply" button still spins and it looks like I haven't posted the content.

It's a bug in a sense that it disrupts your viewing of the page - it puts those new posts (which shouldn't even be there because of the Top sort option I'm using) at the start of the page, thus pushing everything down. Countless times I have clicked one thing and was taken to completely another website because the page pushed everything downwards at the same moment.

Why are people talking about this like this is a bug that can just be patched? I'm reading the comments in this thread, and it's like everyone's talking about a completely different thing. Am I crazy?

It's obviously not a bug, unless you consider "there is no way to turn off auto updates" to be a bug. The GitHub link doesn't mention anything about adding a toggle, though. It's talking about fixing some kind of deadlock in the database that was causing the homepage to stop refreshing. That is the exact opposite of what OP is asking for!

It is a bug, when scrolling your top posts, you are not supposed to see new posts as well its supposed to be only top posts.

Oh, wait, do you mean "new" as in "from the new section"? I thought OP meant it as in "newly created"

I am the OP lol, but I think I may have just worded it weirdly. I just meant that no matter what page you are viewing, new posts appear and pushes existing posts down.

It's almost as if Lemmy was a thing with a dozen or so users plus devs at most just a few days ago and is doing what they can with the influx of people. Be patient. And stop bitching. Nobody is forcing you to be here.

OP's comment does not contain any bitching. He's just asking. No need to be pissy.

You can say the same thing in a more respectful manner