A scandal about Bill Gates would be called Bill Gates-gate.

BarqsHasBite@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 195 points –

Up next after Elongate

I hope no one ever seriously uses that, because he suggested it himself.

I hope that’s what we call the media storm that occurs after we find out that he underwent surgery to lengthen himself.


Yeah you can just remove the S from Bill Gates and it works.
Also if he was a Goat he would Either be Bill Goats Or Billy Gates.

A scandal involving a gate owned by Bill Gates would be called Gates' gate-gate.

A law banning Bill Gates gate scandals would be called: Bill Gates gate-gate bill.

And if someone was caught taking bribes to vote a certain way about that, it would be Bill Gates gate-gate bill-gate.

If the scandal was a hoax it would be Bill Gates gate-gate-gate

A scandal involving Bill Gates riding a horse through a gate might be called Bill Gates’ gate-gait-gate.

If it is about multiple scandals all involving countfeit money, they'd collectively be Bill Gates' Billgates.

What about if he buys fence gates with that fake money?

Bill Gates Gate Bill-gate.

If it's for fence gates to a Shoebill enclosure?

Bill Gates' 'Bill Gates Bill-Gate

I was kinda hoping that in the current era, political scandals would get a new suffix. Watergate happened 50 years ago, so popular first-hand memory of it is waning.

There was a moment when I thought we could transition to [scandal]-a-lago, but it never happened.

maybe when independent inquires into government start happening again you'll uncover a scandal that can take the mantle.

I'll just be over here holding my breath.

Gatesgate. Put down the bong dude.

Watergate is just the name of a hotel/shop/office complex in DC. The Watergate scandal had nothing to do with water, it's just named after the place where it occurred. The -gate suffix for scandals is dumb.

Thank you, I hate this trend so much. I'd rather be called a gate-gatekeeping douche than see it spread even more.

Matt Gaetz tried that shit a few years ago when his taste in younger women (and maybe men, who knows) came to light, but I was really hoping people would have gone with "Pizza-Gaetz" just because it was more clever and pointed out that he was a sex trafficker to a minor.