Judge says Rudy Giuliani must pay $148 million judgment immediately

breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca to News@lemmy.world – 510 points –
Judge says Rudy Giuliani must pay $148 million judgment immediately

Rudy Giuliani must immediately pay the $148 million he owes two Georgia women he falsely accused of helping steal the 2020 election, a federal judge ruled Wednesday in a scathing order accusing the former Trump attorney of ongoing dishonesty.

Judge Beryl A. Howell wrote that there is a strong danger Giuliani is likely to hide his assets from plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye “Shaye” Moss and is unlikely to succeed in having last week’s the jury verdict overturned or cut down on appeal.

Attorneys for the two women still have to enforce the judgment against Giuliani, which may involve further court proceedings. But they do not have to wait the standard 30 days to begin trying to seize his assets.



It won't happen, but I would enjoy watching him spend his last couple of years of life walking the streets of New York all day, pushing a shopping cart and talking to pigeons as if they were Trump.

Then he'll run into a little boy lost in NY and save him from the revenge of the Wet Bandits that boy sent to prison.

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I wish I could ignore court orders with impunity. I don’t need to, because I’m not a corrupt douchnozzle, but still.

I'm in no way trying to normalize whatever the fuck Rudy Giuliani is, but it's honestly pretty common in civil cases for the party found to owe money to not pay, and the legal mechanisms to force payment are limited

That said, I hope these women's attorneys rake him over the fucking coals and he ends up homeless and destitute

When it happens to normal folk, their wages get garnished.

I assume he is technically unemployed at this point.

He doesn't really have any marketable skills.

are people at his level ever “employed”? they get checks but I doubt they are paychecks.

He was employed as Mayor. That's a job with a paycheck. Heck mayor of NYC probably has a pretty cushy paycheck.

According to a quick Google, the current mayor gets $258,750 a year.

259k/y right now. So back then less. a bit higher than most people but essentially paycheck to paycheck in nyc. His wife probably worked too, though and I'm sure the power got him a lot of special deals. I'm beyting that check was a drop in the bucket to the millions he made other ways.

You can garnish far more than wages. They can go after his bank accounts and various financial assets, property, vehicles, business income, and people/businesses that owe money to him can be ordered to pay towards the judgment instead.

I mean...what do they do to not normal folk? I assume the same. The issue is they have other workarounds it like getting everything paid by somebody else, live in somebody's else property etc I guess?

Does Rudy Giuliani have $148 million? Most people with $148 million aren't doing Cameo.

I get it, presumably this would mean garnishment of everything he does have, or has coming in. Which would be nice. Everyone can make him record humiliating messages and election workers who he defamed get the money for it.

Edit: Sad news, it's temporarily unavailable.

Roughly $30m in liquidatable assets, $400k/yr residual income, and the ability to generate between 5 and 10 million a year in speaking fees, IF people will still pay to hear him speak (and I have absolutely no clue if that's a yes or a no tbh... Kind of a double edged sword, ya know?). His cameo is very much small potatoes by comparison.

He's pretty notably competent at spending more than he has though, so it's kinda hard to put a price tag on his ass...

He has a Manhattan apartment he's been trying to sell for 6.5 million. Hopefully they can take possession of that and sell it and get at least a few million each, because I doubt they'll get anywhere close to the full 148 million.

Yeah. That "they do not have to wait the standard 30 days to begin trying to seize his assets" is a great sign to me. A lien on his apartment would be a great thing.

That's optimistic. The banks will get their 80% back first. Knowing this guy, he has probably pulled as much equity out of it as he can already

I didn't consider that. I'm not really a financials person. Well, I still hope they can scrape a little bit of the judgement out from his various holdings, however slim.

Edit: Sad news, it’s temporarily unavailable.

somebody check for him on OF.

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Immediately would mean he's running to the ATM and they're behind him waiting.

"Look, uh, I must have left my wallet in the car... i'll, uh, be right back....." is not going to work....though I'd love to see him try.

This is government.Terminal velocity here occurs in mud. So, immediate translates to about 9 more months. /s

I keep hoping Rudy or someone else in their circle gets desperate enough to try to get their hands on their hidden Russian mob money. Expose the entire network.

Would be so great if Rudy gets so desperate that he defects to Russia. I betcha the maga crowd would somehow rationalize it all despite the serious cognitive dissonance it would take to overcome.

I get that debtors prisons are a bad idea.

I also get that if a typical person is in debt, it's reasonable to allow them to keep their home, keep their car, and keep working at their job so that they can pay off their debt.

But, for someone who's rich but owes hundreds of millions, the same rules can't apply. That's how you have Alex Jones spending $100k per month while owing over $1 billion.

Also, while the judgements might get paid off quicker of these people can keep doing whatever their lucrative business was before they were sued, in many cases they were sued because their business is so toxic to the world: Alex Jones denying massacres, Rudy Giuliani siccing a right-wing mob on election workers, Trump threatening judges, etc.

Maybe they should be forced to sell off all their assets, everything, and then have the option to rent them back from the people they owe money to. Maybe they should be forced to sell everything and live in a rented apartment taking public transit until their obligations are met. Maybe the court could appoint a spending advisor who has to OK every request to spend money over a certain amount. I guess it's no surprise that a bankruptcy system that sort-of makes sense when dealing with poor or middle income people breaks down entirely when trying to deal with the rich.

people like him probably have $148 million laying around in spare change. seriously.

He doesn't have $148 million just laying around! ... he has it buried very deeply, and he doesn't want to dig past a certain someone to get it.

Not according to his daughter. Apparently, he's pretty well fucked.

Yikes, I saw your comment in my inbox with no context 😳

Ok but sorry it's a sad chapter for Rudy Giuliani

He's always been a greedy, fascist little troll. This is not a "sad chapter", but simply the just desserts from consecutive decades of blatant fraud, exploitation, and more. Don't feel bad for this fuck. Not one iota.

people like him

They are well schooled by their fellow Republicans at hiding their money, if they have any.

And the coward goes bankrupt. Seriously…. Why is this fucking dickhead still allowed to practice law?

DISBAR this cunt!

Once got a book in my hands, an unauthorized bio of him from the early 2000s, not bad speaking him, just stating facts, quite short. What an ass. Seriously.

Throw him in GenPop with a gallon of Astroglide and lumpy kneepads until he pays.

Don't worry about the kneepads. The inmates are creative. They'll appreciate the astroglide tho