Community note pointing out fake news once again 🫡 to Lemmy – 844 points –

Unfortunately, the rest of the tweet also isn't true.

He has too much cash to die and his investors won't allow it at this time.

He has too much cash debt to die and his investors won't allow it at this time


Debt is better than no money at all

Yeah, just ask Trump.

Normal people subtract debt from available wealth, but if you have a billion dollars and three billion in debt, you in effect still have a billion dollars. The magic of late stage capitalism!

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We should spread new elon death rumors and make what happened more and more embarrassing with each telling.

Edit: I love all of these already, lol

I vote for him pissing his pants, slipping in a pool of his own piss, and then falling and smashing his head against that sink he was carrying in that picture back when he bought Twitter.

Elon goes for a Sunday drive in his Space-Tesla, forgets oxygen.

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The founder of nothing

Yep he isnt dead, My source

Fully expected that link to just lead to a picture of an ass. Didn't expect there to be an article about one too.

This stuff is back again? A year or two ago FB and the like was littered with spammers posting fake news that some celeb or other had died or met some tragedy to get people to click it. This stuff is annoying as heck, there’s plenty of spammers, but for some reason this particular brand seems very ubiquitous.

It's because the sites refuse to police misinformation in any form. You want attention on that, you have to say something that someone in charge of that cares about. Falsely reporting their death is an easy, legal and fun way to make a content moderator or site owner or CEO pause and say "hey wait a minute"

Musk is not going to reflect on his actions. He'll scream, cry, and shid himself before banning them and posting a rant about lying liberals.

Is he the founder of anything?

Yes. Zip2 (as the money), SpaceX (as the money), Neuralink (as the money and the evil), the Boring Company (as the money and con ringleader)

Not sure what Zip2 does but basically he funded 3 companies that are his selfish shit, trying to abandon a dying planet for Mars, Neuralink to upload his mind to evade death, and Boring company for his Hyperloop shit to help sabotage highway rail project to keep Teslas cars to be sold which is where most of (almost all) his money comes from

Zip2 is basically the yellowpages online. I think it's unfair to say he just funded that company. He basically started the initial project (GlobalLink) that turned into Zip2 after a rename that came with a bunch of funding.

for Mars

Let's judge SpaceX for what they are actually doing, rather than a pipe dream the owner happens to have. The company did a lot of things that might be good or bad, but going to Mars is not one of them so it's not really a useful aspect to think about.

Where did I judge the company? Maybe read the comment properly and don't make up things to get upset about, I was talking about Musks motivation for funding these companies not what they do.

You don't even use punctuation correctly, which makes it hard to "read the comment properly". Moreover you don't explain that what you listed are the motivations for starting each company.

funded ≠ founded

I used funded deliberately mate, I know the difference...

for starting each company.

you see I used funded because Musk rarely starts the company he just comes in with the money...

Moreover you don’t explain that what you listed are the motivations for starting each company.

I mean I literally wrote this

basically he funded 3 companies that are his selfish shit, ...

if that's not clear what I meant then I don't know what to tell you man, go retake English or something.

He's my favorite zombie CEO and we're gonna ride dune buggies on mars because I said he was a cool dude on the 'net. We call it the 'net, me and Elon