Trump Has A Full-Blown All-Caps Freakout Over Nikki Haley to politics – 158 points –
Trump Has A Full-Blown All-Caps Freakout Over Nikki Haley

Wish one of his tantrums would trigger a fatal heart attack.

i would prefer he have a massive, pants-shitting stroke, on stage at a rally and in front of everyone, mid-rant... but i'll take what i can get.

At this point I don't think pant shitting would scare enough away from him. It would just translate into extreme passion or enthusiasm

Can’t wait for other magas trying to replicate it to show their support

"Seeeeee? Glorious leader DOES have a butthole!"

that's NOT where or how you do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

But it’s understandable you might mistake it for his mouth.

The split contest has generated plenty of controversy, with former state party chair Amy Tarkanian last year calling it “a nightmare” and “a debacle.”

It is so weird to see a full-blown "let's imprison our enemies and I can kill my opponents if I want to" fascist in the race, and party officials still calmly operating the same orderly processes that gave us Jimmy Carter.

If this is a nightmare, I don't know what words you could use to describe what Trump will do if he wins.

1 more...


Has not taken place yet.

It's even better than that. They are "competing" in two separate systems in Nevada. Because she isn't in the one he's in, he wins that one by default, and she "loses" by not competing. What a goddamn moron.

He knows his supporters are a bunch of dummies that don't educate even if the book hits them in the head. He isn't targeting people who tend to have 2nd thoughts.

Member when she ejected all semblance of seriousness or common sense by accepting the UN position from Trump and sycophantically parroted all his demented word-salad “talking points” for years?

Member that? That’s good karma. Karma moved on her like a bitch.

Everyone who throws their lot in with Trump gets shit on. No Exceptions


Like... When she was governor, I didn't necessarily like her, but I felt like she...was not as bad as the average Republican, at least. Which is honestly high praise for a Republican.

When she got the UN job I thought that was a great pick by the Trump transition team, that she'd at least be a bit of outwardly facing sanity to the world, to hide the shit that was going to no doubt hit the fan domestically.

2017 me had no idea how naive I was about how eagerly the entire GOP would drink from the Trump punch bowl.

Misogynist attacks woman competing for the same job, news at eleven ....

It’ll be over once she goes for vp

Lol that's not how fascists work. He won't choose her as VP after she decided not to capitulate and fall in line. No shot.

All caps is just the norm for him, isn't it? Is it really a freakout?


Actually mostly looks like uncaptioned links to far-right websites and friggin’ Newsweek.

Sheesh, Truth makes Twitter look wonderful & bot free (no idea if they’re real posters or not, but all the replies are like this).

PS: he topped at 30k likes in the past day. The pre-X-Twitter ban did the world some good I guess?

last picture: what do fascists have against him?

Trump knows people don't like the word fascist, so he calls people he doesn't like fascists.

also I guess antifa and fascists are on the same side now? why is Clinton still relevant and why does she care about Trump?

Yeah, I was going to say. It's been a few years since his dumb tweets would make national news every day, but this seems par for the course from what I remember. Misspelled, all-caps, grammatically incorrect word salad has been his thing since long before he was president.