E. Jean Carroll says she wants to spend her $83.3 million in damages on something ‘Trump hates’

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 297 points –
E. Jean Carroll Says She Wants to Spend Her $83.3 Million in Damages on Something 'Trump Hates'

'If it will cause him pain for something to give money to certain things — Perhaps a fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.'

E. Jean Carroll on Monday talked about what she plans to do with the $83.3 million former President Donald Trump was ordered to pay her in her defamation case.

"I don't want to waste money," Carroll said while on making an appearance on ABC's Good Morning America.

"I do have an idea. I'd like to give the money to something Donald Trump hates," she continued. "If it will cause him pain for something to give money to certain things — Perhaps a fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump."


Contact the lawyers of the Jane Doe who claims Trump and Epstein raped her at the age of 13. She dropped the case due to death threats. Maybe she could be convinced to go forward with it now if Carroll pays for legal costs and heavy 24/7 security for her. Trump would really hate that.

This is the best suggestion since it's what Carroll stands for and it would give others the confidence to confront their abusers.

“I do have an idea. I’d like to give the money to something Donald Trump hates,” she continued.


EDIT: I want you all to know that I beat Colbert in telling this joke.

Exercise equipment? Windmills? A safe for documents?

Buy out all the McDonald's near Mar-a-Lago and force them to close.

Also lobby the EPA to force the use of more energy efficient light bulbs, cars, and more water-efficient toilets.

Create a fund that helps people replace their gas stoves with electric ones.

Trump would lose his shit and spout incomprehensible nonsense until the day he dies! Oh wait, he's already in that state...

Buy a giant billboard showing trump without all his make up, with his gut hanging out

Every billboard in every red district in the country.

But really, funding other victims’ security and legal costs would be the best for everyone.

see also: The Emperor Has No Balls NSFW or maybe NSFL

The New York statue, in Union Square, was removed early that afternoon; the New York City Parks Department made a statement that it "stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small".

I can't

Run constant ads on Fox “News” calling him a rapist - at least that will be more truthful than the way he treated Central Park 5.

Don't they review their advertisers? No way they'd let that through for any money.

Donate some of it to Biden, his money funding Biden would give him an aneurysm.

Use the rest to fund the cases of his other victims that can't afford to go up against Trump.

Donate money to the rich ruling class!

Err fuck no?

Donate money to a charity that helps people like immigrants or LGBT community.

So not Ivanka('s body) or his own ego. She left herself a lot of room there.

She’s never going to see a penny of it, sadly.