A universal experience

ickplant@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 836 points –

Don't remember that but I remeber that I would wander around the classes I got told to glue myself to my chair. I got so tired of hearing this so I ended up doing it. I smeared a glue stick over my pants and sat myself down. My teacher asked me to stand up and pulled the chair up with me and yelled but you said to glue myself to my chair. She told the story to everyone class for the next 20 years. I worked in the same area and got asked by kids about it all the time. Don't know if anyone laugh but some clapped.

Then the janitor would come sprinkle that weird orange sawdust on it and sweep it up with a broom

I managed to puke ON somebody, I was talking to them and then out of nowhere started throwing up. That guy was probably traumatized for life...

That, or he grew up to find it's the only way he can get off now.

Then the janitor would come sprinkle that weird orange sawdust on it and sweep it up with a broom...

Once I was in a car with my cousin, fealing kinda sick, so I had a towel on my lap in case I threw up. I did end up throwing up, but I did so on my cousin, which prompted him to throw up right back on me.

Same but this somehow happened to me in HIGHSCHOOL

Absolutely soul crushing and i was nauseous/anxious for months after

I think I did it some time in middle school

Same here. We were playing patty-cake and then I was projectile vomiting. We were equally surprised.

My daughter farted in third grade and it took her until the sixth grade to get over it and realize her life wasn't over.

A kid threw up on the bus. The worst part was he was the new kid and for weeks no one would share a seat with him. Poor guy.

Omg yes. And it was blue. Because that dumb motherfucker had been eating crayons.

Yep. I remember his name too. We sat around a fake human skeleton and he puked. The teacher heaved him up and rushed him out the room, presumably to get the puke outside, but just ended up adding to the mess with a puke trail.

Don't ask me to remember what I did last week though.

I remember mine too. Was also one of the weirder kids in class. Hope you’re doing well now Jasper

I was that kid once

Me too. Couldn't quite make it to the bathroom. I remember our first grade teacher asked me to come to her office and told me to next time throw up in the bathroom.

I m S p a r t a c u s .

I was too nervous to finish a math test. Finished and went up to ask her if I could go. Did it right by her feet.

At the time, I was ashamed. Now, I'm a hero. Thank God most kids didn't like that teacher.

This was me once. Right before class ended. Too late to call my parents so they shoved me on a bus.... not a good ride. Backpack had to be replaced

How the hell do y'all remember first grade? I only have the spottiest of memories prior to high school. Heck even that is spotty, just more spots.

I've always wondered if people who don't have as many old memories are less likely to have depression, so as someone who doesn't have many old memories feel free to add to my data pool...

I have a lot of memories from around 6 and older. I have one memory that happened when I was 4.

Now I have a 4 yo and experience this once every few months. One session was on my leg and computer chair, another was all over his bed, etc.

one time i puked in my sleep and didnt even wake up until i was already cleaned up in the shower

i was like 12. no clue how that happened or why it took so long to wake up

A couple of weeks ago my 4.5 yo casually leaned over during lunch, vomited on the floor, then went back to eating as if nothing happened.

I suspect that you had concerns your kid wasn't feeling bad, proceeded not to believe them when they said they were fine, then got to clean up puke during your lunch.

The joys of parenting!

Yup that's me. In Latin class I was very sick and I was too shy to interrupt the teacher and go to the infirmary and puked all over some guy's backpack. He had to leave school with a trash bag containing what he could salvage from the mess.

I don't remember there being a student in my class that did that, but there was a kid in 2nd grade who could pretty much see his veins. You looked at him and always saw his blue veins all over. Don't know how common that is for 2nd graders, but it was a thing I remember.

It was Mac&Cheese, the noodles still surprisingly intact. Janitor came and sprinkled sawdust on it and swept it up off the carpet

When I was in boot camp there was a guy sitting next to me in the mess hall eating nothing but scrambled eggs... Then he threw up onto his plate.

I stopped eating eggs for awhile after that.

My version of this story happened in the gymnasium. My class, along with the students from three other classes, were all formed up as a choir and had just wrapped up practicing a song for the school's Christmas play. One kid let loose, and the whole assembly made a very hasty (and disorderly) retreat, leaving the poor guy standing in a puddle of his own vomit.

Somebody shakes their head and says something about milk and pizza

Oh yeah, it'd happen a few times a year. Seemed to be more frequent on the bus, which makes sense considering how bumpy the ride was. I still remember the bus driver using sawdust to clean it up.

I remember one kid puked, then Matt slipped in the puke wearing Penny loafers and wore his socks and shoes the rest of the day despite it all, and another kid puked from the smell (they were good for a puked anytime someone else did).