I just updated debian and upon reboot and login i get this

mariah@feddit.rocks to Linux@lemmy.ml – 100 points –

Are you running a proprietary video driver? It might be worthwhile to disable it in case it became incompatible perhaps after a kernel upgrade.

Did you perform a graphical login prior?

Yes to both. What should i do

First, you might try booting an older kernel to see if that runs for you. Your bootloader such as grub might help you pick an old one.

The older kernels are actually combinations of kernel + initial ramdisk that contains the version of your graphics drivers that were being used at that time. It could be a way to test the hypothesis.

Same error on older kernel

Hmm, interesting. That tells us that it's not actually a problem with your graphics driver or kernel version, and given that it was working on this version before, I would think some aspect of Xorg configuration, your graphics hardware has an issue, or your installation in general has been corrupted when it tried to upgrade.

You might try to detect corruption by using a tool like debsums to check for any obviously corrupted files.

What's the state of your debian packages I wonder... does something like apt-get update or apt-get check highlight any problems with the state of installed packages that could point to a failed upgrade?

I think its because / is full. Some packages cant update. Is there a way to combine them without gui as i am disabled and cant use a mouse? I know u cant edit partitions booted

If you can boot into terminal session, e.g. by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F2, you can try:

sudo apt clean
sudo apt -f install
sudo apt clean
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt clean

If sudo apt -f install doesn't work properly, you can create an apt-cache folder on, e.g. your home partition, assuming this is the one with sufficient amounts of free storage.

sudo apt clean
sudo mkdir /home/apt-cache
sudo nano /etc/fstab

In the fstab you specify where this directory shall be mounted:

/home/apt-cache    /var/cache/apt/archives    none    bind    0    0

Now you copy the files in place and mount the partition:

sudo cp -r /var/cache/apt/archives/* /home/apt-cache
sudo mount -a

Nou you should be able to run the fix-installation and update commands without the errors:

sudo apt -f install
sudo apt dist-upgrade

I booted into i3!

This means good news?

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A full root will absolutely kill your system.

You have unlocked a new achievement: the software hoarder!

This may seem like an obvious question, but are there files you can remove or perhaps move to another drive or USB stick temporarily to make enough space to get through your updates? You should be able to do those while rootfs is full.

We can certainly delete or copy files using the terminal.

Are you sure the root is full and not readonly due to other errors? Why do you believe root is full?

duf / lists 0gb as available. Idk what i should move

Here's a guide I found online that has some commands that might help you figure out where your storage has gone:


How big is the partition?

This is / Screenshot_20240227-142646 /mnt has my 2nd hard drive. /usr is big because of wine

ncdu -x / will only show you the files stored on / without counting /mnt and other partitions.

You can usually delete files (not directories!) in /var/log safely

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What should i do

Avoid Nvidia like the plague.

Wait months to buy a amd gpu as im on disablity? Got it

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* zoom in on the error message

Yep, of course it's Nvidia.

Every time I have seen a funky black screen with text against my will Nvidia was involved.

It's good to see that the same problems from Knoppix in 1998 still persist into 2024.

It's become my standard procedure to do a full backup before a major version upgrade of Linux nowadays as a result

Xserver has failed to start.


Looks like it wants to remove the cause but not the symptom.

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Did you solve it? Recently there was a problem with graphics thing and downgrading mess from 1.24 to 1.23 helped me. It was in arch with AMD graphics, but some people said Nvidia ones also had the problem.

Edit: mesa not mess

Yes. Apt-cache is mounted on /home which allowed me to update fully

I would be looking for ways to revert that update. Either using a pre-existing timeshift shapshot or maybe apt's built in reversion capability. (Which I'm not familiar with, sorry.) Hopefully someone with real skills will chime in, good luck.

I had same problem on Arch based distros, it's Nvidia problem. Try booting with LTS kernel.

if your updates included a new kernel try installing the kernel headers for the new kernel.

then if it's still not working reinstall the nvidia driver.

i used to daily drive debian with proprietary nvidia drivers and it would break with every kernel upgrade

from memory, so almost certainly incorrect, the fix was simply something like

sudo apt install linux-headers-`uname -r` && sudo reboot

You bought an Nvidia graphics card.

Yeah. Why would anyone expect one of the most popular video cards in the world to work in Linux. Those idiots.

Just to be clear. I understand why a proprietary card may not work. It isn't Linux's responsibility to make it work. However, what isn't acceptable is for the automated update system of an OS to break a working system. Proprietary driver or not. The update system should have thrown up some very strong warnings that proceeding would break the system.

This would implies the package management system to know the inner working of nvidia drivers so it can warn users when updates would break it. How one's implement it?

The distro should be testing the driver within their update system before including it in their repo. The package should include metadata about system settings that could potentially break the system.

Distro makers have test machines to test their packages before pushing them out, but they can only cover popular and common hardware. Expecting them to test it on all graphic card permutations is too much considering most distros are released for free and maintained by volunteers, especially since nvidia cards aren't cheap anymore.

isn't acceptable

Have you contacted whoever you pay for your support contract?

As long as you keep relying on this cliche excuse, Linux is never going to be treated as a serious desktop operating system.

Distros are trying to create usable, friendly systems. They failed at that if their distros are this fragile. That's what "unacceptable" means in this context. You can't just throw your middle finger up in the air at the user when their system fails by saying "you didn't pay for it" and scurry off giggling. Yet Linux advocates keep pushing Linux on inexperienced users, saying that it's the solution to everything; that it's so easy their grandma uses it.

I don't use Linux as anything more than a toy for this very reason. I'll start taking it seriously when its advocates do.

Linux is never going to be treated as a serious desktop operating system

Oh noes!

You can't just throw your middle finger up in the air at the user when their system fails by saying "you didn't pay for it" and scurry off giggling.

I disagree.

saying that it's the solution to everything


... And your reply shows exactly why no one should take anything you say seriously. You're just trolling.

You're just trolling.

Don't confuse laughing at you for trolling, they're not the same thing.

I know, shame on me. Its like i wasnt on linux when i bought this computer