I heard that images can't be deleted from Lemmy instances, due to bugs and various implementation details. Here is an image that has been deleted from the internet, to see if that fixes it.

7heo@lemmy.ml to lemmy.ml meta@lemmy.ml – 342 points –

Edit: I was searching for a "meta" community, since this is a post on Lemmy about current Lemmy limitations... But it turns out that this might very well be off topic. I apologise if it is the case... I would gladly take suggestions on what community would be best for this post, BTW.


"deleted from the internet" is an oxymoron, it's nonsensical. I still see that image everywhere

Yet the other image I posted in a comment cannot be found anywhere online anymore. At least I wasn't able to. I tried several search engines, reddit, etc.


This one? Tineye found 258, some are the unedited version, but some are edited with the tits.

Thanks for showing me tinyeye šŸ™. I didn't know of it. All I can tell is that google image search, duckduckgo and all the other image search engines I tried failed at finding it.

I use it all the time. I also use Yandex (often good at (reverse-)image search that Google and Tineye donā€™t display results I want). Iā€™m not familiar with DDG for image search because itā€™s usually too family-friendly (even with the preferences changed) and because I donā€™t think they offer reverse image search yet.

Are there others Iā€™m missing?


Musk allegedly had that imaged deleted from the Internet, while here is an article that highlights the current Lemmytations (pun intended, I know it's bad) wrt image deletion.

This was meant as a joke, since this image allegedly always ends up being deleted, maybe it can fix the issue. šŸ˜…

Also post pictures of Streisands house, Beyonce's real face and Putin on a horse.

There was a rapist from a university who also qualifiesā€¦what was his name and how did he look again ?

Brock Allen Turner but i read somewhere on the internet that he goes by Allen Turner now


Is that a picture of Rapist Allen Turner who raped a woman behind a dumpster?

looks like someone i would've hung out with in high school...
always has $5 to throw in on the next dime bag...

Fuck elon . But also he looks good in this pic too bad he looks like a pig now tho

Funnily enough, the picture raises my respect for Elon Musk. But I am surely not the type of person who he would respect.

Is this real? I tought musk wouldn't be able to go lower, but, dude LMAO