Luis Rubiales faces 30 month jail sentence for Jenni Hermoso kiss to World – 170 points –
Luis Rubiales faces 30 month jail sentence for Jenni Hermoso kiss

Luis Rubiales could face a prison sentence of two and a half years if convicted of kissing Jenni Hermoso on the lips against her will, court documents have shown. The former Spanish football federation chief has been charged with one count of sexual assault and one of coercion in the aftermath of the kiss, offences carrying jail terms of one year and 18 months respectively.

The 46-year-old grabbed ­Hermoso and kissed her on the lips on 20 August during the awards ceremony after Spain beat England in the Women’s World Cup final in Sydney, sparking global outrage and ­causing a national debate in Spain about ­sexism. ­Hermoso and her teammates said the kiss was unwanted and demeaning, but Rubiales argued it was consensual and denied any wrongdoing.


30 months?

For a kiss?

You're goddamned right.

Keep it to yourself, fucking creep.

Edit: Everyone move to the sidewalks, the anti-woke parade is marching through with their cute little batons and hats and the giant balloon mascots of their precious egos.

I don't know about that. Seems grossly disproportionate, some sort of professional disciplinary action would be more appropriate. Perhaps a fine he'd notice paying. It doesn't seem like a sexual thing, just an excitement thing, I really don't know whether you can pin in on sexism. Like, would I kiss a guy out of joy? Potentially yes, in this context, if I knew them well. Was it stupid? Also yes. If he squeezed her arse at the same time, I feel that would then be assault. But maybe not if you were to squeeze a guy's arse in the same context? Also, if they were Italian I wonder if we'd be having this discussion.

It's not the physical moves at all in this judgement. He threatened her to say it was consensual afterward, that is the most damning thing about this incident.

And then he wanted to remain in charge even after the team said they wouldn't play with him there. The last thing is not a crime, however it does show how power hungry and short sighted the guy is.

Had he just made an apology instead of a threat this whole thing would be very different.

That was a bad course of action, I agree. You'd certainly expect him to lose his job.

Assault itself is illegal, then pressuring someone to cover it up is more so. Has he handeled it better he might have kept his job. But he chose to be an unsufferable twat about it and they threw the book at him.

If you run a red light and get caught you might get off with a warning, if you're polite about it. If curse at the cop and then try to bribe him, you're probably going to jail.

So, it's Ok for a man to kiss a woman without consent as long as they are celebrating something? I just want to make sure I've got your permission to start snogging marathon runners. Or should I go to an Italian marathon, since nationality seems to play a role in consent in your mind.

It's not really okay, no. But it's not really "thirty months in jail" not okay.

Headline is a bit clickbaity, 30 months is the maximum penalty for sexual assault plus the max penalty for coercion, if he got both maximums and had to serve consecutively not concurrently.

There will likely be sentencing guidelines though.

Well, then, by all means, put a figure on it. Remember, justice should be blind, so "disciplinary action" doesn't really cut it on the civil side of things. What is a valid punishment for nonconsensual sexual contact in a court of law? What should any member of society receive if they were to do this?

If a boss forced an unwanted kiss (and bear hug lift) on an employee, and then insisted that it was consensual and that the employee was lying when they said it was not, tried to coerce them into saying they were lying, had other senior people declare that they were lying, and used the company website to declare that they were lying, after a years-long dispute with this and dozens of other employees complaining of sexism and creepy behaviour endorsed by this boss...

I'm not a fan of carceral solutions but I'd certainly like to see a lifetime ban on working in that industry, a lifetime ban on holding any position of authority over others without supervision, and massive monetary compensation to every complainant.

And if the criminal justice system in its current carceral context magically became laser-focused on rich people abusing their power instead of poor people trying to survive, that would be an excellent start, no?

A month maybe? Even child molesters rarely get 30 months.

Whew. You sure you want to argue that child molester punishments should set the bar on sexual assault criminal punishment? Cause I'd be OK with stringing up pedophiles by their ball sacks and letting fire ants eat them from the asshole out. But I digress.

What you are saying is that if you were out at a bar, and someone, anyone really, but lets say for the sake of argument it's Harvey Weinstein, came up and kissed your partner on the mouth without their consent, a month is fine? What if he kissed your daughter? Just grabbed either of them by the ears and planted a slobbery mouthful of sexual assault on them. A month is good? He could walk free? How do you think your partner would feel? How about your daughter? What if it was televised? What if it became their life for the next year in a very public court case? A month? Just let me know when you are out and about with someone you care about. I've got a few weeks of vacation saved up, I can take the hit and spend some time in the clink.

So you're saying if a female coworker that had a bit too much to drink at the office new year party gives me an uninvited hug and kiss, I can sure her and she gets 30 months in jail?

It depends.

  1. Is she the leader of a powerful group of cronies in the office that had been the subject of complaints about inappropriate sexist and creepy behaviour for many years, with all complaints dismissed because the offenders held all the power?

  2. When you complained about it, did she insist that it was consensual and that you were lying when you said it was not?

  3. Did she use the company website to publish statements calling you a liar, including threats to prosecute you for lying?

Yes. As the law states. If a woman or a man did this they would be able to be sued for up to the maximum sentence if found guilty of the crime. Why is this hard?

Hmmm. Well, that does change things, doesn't it. I hadn't thought about it from the opposite perspective, or even dreamed about the ramifications of what could happen if mind altering substances were in the mix. Fuck. Now I really have to think about it.






Yep. 30 months. Keep your shit together or face the consequences. If you can't be trusted to not get handsy when you are on the sauce, then it is your responsibility to stay away from the gutrot, not society's responsibility to condone your actions.

What he's saying is that if it was a mistake, a moment of excitement, it's forgivable if she wants it to be.

I think they're also suggesting is that the "professionally outraged" people on the internet, such as yourself, were more offended by this than she was

Yeah, she really wasn't bothered when she had the Spanish football authorities and her coach in her words "harassing" her to drop it. I'm sure she was just fine with it.

You should be a lawyer. That's a hell of an argument. I bet if you read a statement by her about the issue, or researched the court case at all, all of the things you just said would stand up.

No, wait, they wouldn't.

30 months is disproportionate for sexually harassing/assaulting an employee? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

And yes, that's what that was. An unsolicited kiss is absolutely sexual harassment and/or assault. Doubly so from a person I'm a position of authority.

Interesting! I disagree, but found your righteous indignation refreshing. It's just the thing Lemmy could use more of!

Wow. You’ve been working out your mental gymnastics muscles a lot lately, I bet! This is an impressive lack of logic. Congratulations, you didn’t contribute anything and are excusing sexism and sexual assault. You sound fun.

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss...

Now I'm falling asleep And she's calling a cab While he's having a smoke And she's taking a drag

Now they're going to bed

And my stomach is sick

and it's all in my head

but they're getting their cuffs now

I think my luck has run out.

Let me goooo

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Luis Rubiales could face a prison sentence of two and a half years if convicted of kissing Jenni Hermoso on the lips against her will, court documents have shown.

The former Spanish football federation chief has been charged with one count of sexual assault and one of coercion in the aftermath of the kiss, offences carrying jail terms of one year and 18 months respectively.

The indictment said the three officials harassed Hermoso by exerting “constant and repeated acts of pressure” directly on the player and through her friends and family.

Spain’s criminal code allows judges to “exceptionally” suspend jail terms if – as in this case – none of the sentences imposed individually exceeds two years.

Police were also reported to have raided an apartment in Granada belonging to Rubiales, who was banned from all football activity for three years in October over his misconduct at the World Cup final.

The RFEF issued a statement on Wednesday confirming its management commission will now ­examine “any type of contract that may be under suspicion due to the actions of its former president, Luis Rubiales.

The original article contains 519 words, the summary contains 184 words. Saved 65%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

So they want to get him off the street as the violent criminal he is?

What a joke...

So they want to get him off the street as the violent sexual predator criminal he is?

FTFY. The answer is yes BTW.

For a kiss? Ok, sure.

Thought you people hated the policestate but whatever... a fine, sure, but prison! This clown world man..

For the unwanted sexual assault, and the concerted effort to dismiss and reframe the event afterwards that was designed to silence her while never taking responsibility for anything.

Like seriously, the charges are in the article. And here you are, trying to dismiss and reframe the event afterwards...

The 46-year-old grabbed ­Hermoso and kissed her on the lips on 20 August during the awards ceremony

If that's sexual assault, that also should be punished with jail, remains for the court to decide. Not for you, though, since you have no authority at all.

And I think this whole thing is fucking ridiculous

If that’s sexual assault, that also should be punished with jail, remains for the court to decide.

It was sexual assault, and the punishment was jail as decided by a judge. But here you are, arguing against it despite having no authority at all...

But it's not decided..? What are you talking about man?

The conviction still has to be decided, yet the action has been judged to be sexual assault which is what brought the charges in the first place, and the judge had already decided the jail time involved. Try to keep up.

Whatever man, what you wrote was incorrect, next.

Next? What are you, a Facebook Karen?

'Next', like a waste of time 'next', like a stupid comment 'next' Like your comment.

Idk what the fuck do you want from me man?

Lmao don't worry I'm pretty sure no one wants anything from you specifically, what was it? Next!

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Did you even bother reading further or does your brain only have capacity for that single sentence?

Edit: I'm feeling generous so I'll help you:

The former Spanish football federation chief has been charged with one count of sexual assault and one of coercion in the aftermath of the kiss, offences carrying jail terms of one year and 18 months respectively.

Hermoso and her teammates said the kiss was unwanted and demeaning, but Rubiales argued it was consensual and denied any wrongdoing.

I'll break this down for you. Two scenarios.

Scenario#1 (where it could have gone):

  • Rubiales kisses Hermoso (does not look consensual)
  • Rubiales profusely apologizes in the aftermath and shows genuine remorse for his actions without spewing shit
  • He gets a fine and a slap on the wrist

Scenario#2 (where it went):

  • Rubiales kisses Hermoso (does not look consensual)
  • Hermoso says it was unwanted
  • Rubiales contradicts
  • Rubiales doubles down, gaslights
  • His team wants him to step down
  • Rubiales throws a tantrum

Admitting when you are wrong or did something wrong is manly. Rubiales is a powerhungry psychopath.

I just quoted a piece of the article....

So you would be cool if some dude grabbed you and kissed you in the lips against your will?

I've spent a lot of time in West Hollywood with my gay friends. I've had that exact thing happen. Was I cool with it? Not exactly, but I also understand it's different for women vs men because of both the power difference and the consistency. Do I think it warranted 30 months in jail? Jesus fuck, no. Do I think it deserved 1 month in jail? Again, no. A night in jail to think about what you've done plus a public apology so other men start seeing that it's not OK? That's starting to sound right.

Again, I understand it is different when this happens to women vs men, but I've had women in clothing stores walk by and grab my ass. That's much worse than this case, but I don't think that deserves a month in jail, let alone 30.

Now, the part where he tried to coerce her into saying it was welcomed and she was fine with it, that's where the real punishment should come from.


Now, the part where he tried to coerce her into saying it was welcomed and she was fine with it, that’s where the real punishment should come from.

According to the article the potential maximum punishment for coercion is one and a half times the potential maximum punishment for sexual assault.

They arrived at the 30 month figure by adding the two together. Given that ratio and the circumstances, I think it's likely that the bulk of whatever sentence he does receive will be drawn from the coercion charge.

No did I say that? Goddamn it can't people read anymore ffs

So what do you mean by?

I think this whole thing is fucking ridiculous

It seems you are uninterested in any kind of justice for the victim.

No clearly not

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No, not for "a kiss", for sexual assault and coercion just like it says in the article.

The kiss is the sexual assault

Making the words uglier doesn't change reality.

I hate the police state. Those people over there hate whatever made them mad in middle school.

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You have the impression only violent criminals get sentenced to go to prison?

You have the impression only criminals get sentenced to prison?

Of course not. This is why Murvel's question seemed so weird that I thought of asking.

Oh, I thought we were doing a bit.

Like I agree with you, just thought we were going for dark humor

It looks like we had different visibility of the fediverse, I am in kbin. It seemed like you asked me. Murvel's comment just arrived. It still looks like you ask me.

No, did I say that?

You wrote:

So they want to get him off the street as the violent criminal he is?

I asked:

You have the impression only criminals get sentenced to prison?

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