Audit says Arkansas governor's office potentially violated laws with $19,000 lectern purchase to – 351 points –
Audit says Arkansas governor's office potentially violated laws with $19,000 lectern purchase

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders ' office potentially violated state laws on purchasing, state property and government records when it purchased a $19,000 lectern for the Republican governor that’s prompted nationwide attention, an audit requested by lawmakers said Monday.

Legislative auditors referred the findings in the long-awaited audit of the lectern to local prosecutors and the attorney general, and lawmakers planned to hold a hearing Tuesday on the report. The report cited several potential legal violations, including paying for the lectern before it was delivered and the handling of records regarding the purchase. 

Sanders’ office, which has dismissed questions about the lectern, called the audit’s findings “deeply flawed” and a “waste of taxpayer resources and time.”


How the hell did that thing cost $19k? It looks like something you'd get from a 1970s Ikea.

Ohh right... Nepotism and/or money laundering!

None of the above. It was used to hide improper/illegal expenditures. If I recall correctly it was vacation expenses, or something else that stupid. Basically lecturn cost $1k or $2k, and the rest got funneled back to cover those costs.

That lectern as pictured is a cheap copy worth way less than $1000. The allegation is that she paid her friend for costs of a trip to Paris of which there are social media photos at expensive nightlife locations.

That’s…. Pretty much text book money laundering.

It's embezzlement. Money laundering is taking illegally acquired money and making it appear to be legitimate.

It has literally nothing to do with money laundering.

It's theft/embezzlement, and probably some other financial fraud related crimes, none of which are money laundering.

Not exactly.

They could have just straight up embezzled it. The purpose of buying something overpriced is to make that purchase seem reasonable on a line item.

The lectern itself is money laundering to cover up embezzlement, yes. Because some one is gonna notice 15k missing pretty quickly.

What if it was a really fancy lectern?

If you steal a lectern, it doesn't cost $19,000. This was Sarah's mistake.

Steal a $19,000 lectern? Nah, bro.

Steal $19,000 through buying overpriced office equipment with company funds from a friend who takes you on a fine Parisean experience with the profits? Yeah, boy!

I still can't believe SHS got elected governor. She's a horrible nepo baby whose only qualification was her big national gig telling ridiculous lies on TV every day. Like, what the actual fuck, Arkansas? Then again, Texas's elected officials are at least as bad worse. So, yeah.

But that's exactly why she got the job. The people who voted for her despise "the media" and live in Trump Reality™ so they love her for her Truth Telling™

Recognizeable last name means a lot when we never vote out incumbants

Look at all these shows from the 90s talking about future president Chelsea Clinton or how some wanted Michelle Obama to be president. I'm honestly amazed Jeb Bush didn't get elected .. but that came down to a more famous person bullying him I guess

I think an interrobang would have been a game-changer for Jeb's campaign. And yes, name recognition makes a big difference. It's maddening that consent for dynasties seems so easy to manufacture.

They could've at least tried to hide the blatant money laundering with a nicer looking lectern. That thing looks straight out of a church basement from the 1970s.

Of course, so are their ideas, so I guess it fits.

Its an audit, they know the law was violated. Theyre just not prosecutors.

That lectern isn't even wide enough to effectively hide an awkward boner from the whole room. Not the edges anyway. Poor design

Weird how it looks like a 1k lectern

Curves like that are always harder than simple angles. There had to be some level of skill involved. Not $17k in skill, though.

It also doesn't match its surroundings in any way, and it just plain tasteless.

You can find this exact lectern on ebay for 1000, it's just not painted blue

Best I can do is $7.50. Act now, and I'll throw in a pack of gum to seal the deal.

"Deeply flawed" and "a waste of taxpayer resources and time" seems to describe her governorship better.

My office, which knows Sanders' office is covering up a different purchase, called the audit's findings "encouraging" and "justice for taxpayers and voters"

Using MY money to Break Laws is MUCH more Preferable then having a Black Man run the state!

-Not Racist Republicans.