What is an unexpected food combination you enjoy?

The Giant Korean@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 56 points –

What foods do you like together that most people might not? Or what foods do you like together that people usually wouldn't think of having together?

I'll start - steak and pound cake. I kind of stumbled onto this combo by accident by showing up late to dinner when dessert was being served. So I put a steak and a slice of pound cake on a plate and just ate thrm together. Surprisingly good.


Visiting Iceland I was just introduced to licorice and chocolate (mostly in the form of chocolate covered licorice candy bars). In some parts of the world, like the US, I think this is an unfamiliar combination, but it's pretty good.

Man, I just couldn't bring myself to try it. I will eat just about anything, but black licorice is not my favorite. I did have hakarl and chased it with some Black Death, though!

Not sure if it’s just in Canada, but that describes Big Turk chocolate bars! They are indeed delicious.

I'm sure people like french fries and a hot fudge sundae together. But I actually like sticking the fries in the ice cream itself and eating it that way.

Oh yeah! Ice cream burger shop near me sells a Sicilian orange sherbet. So good with fries!

Waffles with cream cheese and blueberry jam. I personally don’t think it’s that weird but I’ve gotten looks from roommates.

I know PBJ is already a thing, but toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches are actual power food.

I can totally get behind this! I had an Elvis burger once (PB, bacon, caramelized banana, burger patty) and it was amazing, but I was also drunk at the time.

Drizzle a bit of honey in the sandwich. Also can sub in apple slices instead of banana if you want a bit of crunch.

Hmm, you appear to be suggesting that there isn't already crunch, thereby revealing yourself as a preferrer of smooth peanut butter and undercooked toast. Not impressed...

No, I just occasionally enjoy the contrast between the toasted bread, warm peanut butter and cool, crisp apple.

Sometimes I like to dip the end of a french fry in just a bit of pickle juice, then into some good powdered parmesan cheese.

Am bodybuilder. Canned tuna + cottage cheese w/ salt + pepper

Match made in heaven and hell

Former PLer/OLer here. I used to eat some strange combos to get my protein/macros. I feel you!

Dude, a small spoon of cottage cheese on a Lay's original potato chip. It's so amazing.

Chicken nuggets dipped in apple sauce. This discovery dates back to when I was a kid, and it was Dad's turn to cook dinner.

Rice with mayo. It was pretty much all I ate when I was 16.

I lived in Micronesia when I was young, and I have memories of people, including myself, eating that. Now I can't imagine wanting that combo, but I believe it was not uncommon there.

Here in Brazil it's very unusual. Rice is usually combined with beans.

Peanut butter and cheese.

Peanut butter and pickles.

Peanut butter and raw onion slices.

Peanut butter and tuna fish.

I've tried peanut butter combined with the strangest pairings I can imagine. They've all been excellent.

Mandarin oranges/clementines in cottage cheese

I like any tangy fruit! Chunky pineapple works well, too. The salty and sweet and tangy combo is amazing.

Just a heads up, let's try to phrase post titles in the form of a question, please. The rule is pretty lax for the moment, but will be enforced further down the line with the use of an automoderator bot.

I put some pickled cowboy popcorn salt on some rice with seasoning salt. Tasted ridiculously good.

Nilla Wafers and sharp cheddar cheese. Sometimes I add grapes or berries to the mix if I’m feeling saucy.

Popcorn and siracha, eaten with chopsticks to keep your fingers clean.

Goldfish and dump in a "sharing size" bag of peanut m&ms. It's that perfect mix of salt and sweet ... I call it my fat kid trailmix

When I was young, I put ketchup and apple sauce on my broccoli because I hated the taste of it. I don't put it on the broccoli anymore but I still mix ketchup and apple sauce together.

Soy sauce and sour cream. As in, a cold dollop of sour cream on reheated leftover Asian takeout. For breakfast.

yesterday i added an entire little can of chipotles and their adobo to my bolognese sauce for pasta. turned out very good.

Peanut butter, jelly, salami, and giardiniera.

When I see suggestions like this o don't know of it would ever work for me. I could eat peanut butter out of the jar by the fistful. I tend to go way overboard with it when I use it.

The only reason I tried it was because it was free. My friend's sister was the manager at a Potbelly and said she'd make me a new sandwich if I didn't love it.

I love all the ingredients separately but it sounds absolutely disgusting together....but it was not. DELICIOUS!

Jello and Ice cream.

Little cubes of jello (I had red) with a vanilla or neutral-ish ice cream.

I was skeptical, as two tasty things don’t always mesh, but this was too intriguing to pass up, I’m glad I did not.

I think my Aussie friend eats this? She refers to jello as jelly, but same thing. I don't know if it's just her or if it's an Australian thing.

A peanut butter and mayo sandwich.

My favorite food combo of all time:

Original Rold Gold pretzels with ripe purple grapes and extra sharp cheddar cheese all go into the mouth at once. Then as your chewing take a sip of Dr. Pepper. Life changing.

Peanut butter pickle sandwich. Toasted bread, spicy pickles, and crunchy peanut butter.

Fresh cheddar (bonus if in curd form) , warmed in microwave with maple syrup. Sweet, salty, fatty.

So, less of a food and more of an interesting drink... but pickle backs! I have only met two kinds of people, ones that have never tried them, and ones that love them!

You get a shot of cheap well whisky, and a chaser of pickle brine. Different bars that have em will have different pickels, so there's a big of variety. IMO, its best with brine that is a little sweet, and medium on the spice.

I'm also a fan of herbal drinks, so sometimes I'll throw in a bottle of underburg as a chaser to the chaser.

A woman I one introduced me to these years ago. They're good! We used tequila, though.