Elon Musk Says He'll Reinstate Twitter Account Of Hitler-Loving White Supremacist

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 302 points –
Elon Musk Says He'll Reinstate Twitter Account Of Hitler-Loving White Supremacist

birds of a feather...

are the advertisers ok with this stuff?


They'll be responsible! The world is their judge! They'll see, they'll all seeeeeeee!

Love how Musk is unironically an actual super villain and still, still I have to talk to people that think he is a genius.

Anyway, I truly hope this dipshit ends up impoverished and or in jail from the insane bullshit he's been doing for a decade now.

“Nazi bar owner lets Nazi in Nazi bar.”

I’m SHOCKED I tell you; SHOCKED!

Reminder that musk grew up a rich white boy in full apartheid South Africa and has remained a reactive, unthinking manchild over the years. He doesn't think white supremacy is either wrong or even unusual.

But his parents said he had such a good relationship with the servants!

What? No! A billionaire helping a fascist? What's next, a landlord raising rates?

Well, of course. Aren't they the only ones using Twitter these days?

“Very well, he will be reinstated, provided he does not violate the law, and let him be crushed by the comments and Community Notes,” Musk said. “It is better to have anti whatever out in the open to be rebutted than grow simmering in the darkness.”

Looking at the state of public discourse and the rise of right wing extremists, I don't think bringing all the nazi's and other haters into the light of the internet has helped. That shit is definitely growing.

I also like-

let him be crushed by the comments and Community Notes

...which still leave the tweet up where everyone can see it and no one will even see those if the tweet is embedded elsewhere.

Handing them a platform is the exact opposite of “crushing” them. What does crushing them mean in the context of online discourse? That people don’t like what’s being said but absolutely nothing is done to stop the speaker from carrying on and continuing to speak? How are they “crushed”? I’m sure spanking them with downvotes will hurt their feelings?

The opportunity to crush them was taking their soapbox away. Giving it back to them is the exact opposite of that. Internet downvotes are absolutely meaningless.

“He’s not a Nazi!!”

-other Nazis (with a wink)

Anyone who’s still on Twitter either doesn’t care, doesn't think or is actively part of the problem

I am in academia, and I hate how everyone in my field interacts there. Even my supervisor posts relatively important news there (new papers published or conferences etc).

I used to check it without logging in. But now I can't see a thread without logging in. From all the fields, I thought academia was the first to leave, but no. I tried the mastodon but it is still a ghost town..

Is it okay to use Twitter to look at gay porn?

I mean sure why not, but I'm sure there are better sources for it though, no?

No. But trans porn, yes. In fact, I encourage you to send as much of it in response to Elon's posts as you can.

Makes sense. He let Nick's Hitler-loving buddy Kanye back on a while back.

The EU needs to just fine this fucker into the earth

How shocking. Why is he even involved in these decisions. Attention?

I still have twitter installed because too lazy to uninstall, I guess, but it always was a cesspool, but at least I got nice tweets from humor accounts.

Over the last year, the recommended tweets went from funny satirical stuff to full right-wing fox news shit FAST, and all pushed and supported by Elon himself.

At least 2-3 times per week I get a recommended post from Elon and it's always an "amazing!" reply to some right wing conspiracy bullshit post.

He’s reinstating his own account?

well it's the Nazi social media platform, of course he would.

I'm pretty sure he likes the letter X so much because it's the letter that's most similar to the swastika.