Traffic rule to – 1007 points –

The monoliths in the US fucking suck, but the ones in Canada are much nicer. I passed one near Toronto and it gave an ominous hum and slowed down so I could pass. Some guy tried tailgating it and got banished, but as long as you aren't a dick, they'll leave you alone.

The ones in Texas all roll coal and good luck if one comes up behind you in the fast lane.

The Canadian Rectangle Monolith Dicks are the worst. Go back to France with your maple cider and health care.

Honestly, this might be the only way to get people to drive the speed limit.

I was convinced to play Pacific Drive, where the land attacks your car. There are many good hazards in that game to help slow people down. The random columns rising from the ground might do the trick, and help get bad drivers off the road.

If anyone is wondering, that artwork is "Red Monolith" by LostVegas !

I actually got a print of that piece on my wall cause I like it so much haha

Bah, that's a Twitter link. Lemmy on mobile needs a better system for seeing URL's before you click.

Oh wow I remember loving their work when I was on Twitter. The atmosphere with all of their pieces are so cool and unique. Shame all of their work seems basically impossible to look at without making a Twitter account πŸ˜•

Ugh, same. I'm still picking sand out of my crack from the twenty years I was banished to a barren desert betwixt our reality and another. Those and Dodge Chargers really grind my gears.

So he was banished to Alabama? That really must of sucked!

Not exactly the same vibe but I keep a good memory of getting engrossed into this anonymous writer that made a whole story in Reddit comments:

It's very dark and mysterious, it was crazy cool waiting for the next comment to drop but I think there's a repository somewhere so you can just read them all in order.

They never pass the ball, they don't want to play defense, and they take five steps on every lay-up to the hoop