RFK Jr. Lands Coveted Kevin Spacey Endorsement

jeffw@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 381 points –
RFK Jr. Lands Coveted Kevin Spacey Endorsement

Kevin Spacey, Woody Harrelson, Rob Schneider, Jeremy Piven, Russell Brand, Bobby Lee, and Tony Robbins are all pitching in for RFK.

It's a veritable 'Who's Who?' of 'Him? Really?'

Damn, not Woody.

its dissapointing. he was a real 60s hippie. celebrities aren't people we should look to for guidance though. Still sad. Ol' wood

Every time a hippie becomes a yuppie, an angel loses its wings.

I was sure the first guy was joking, but your serious reply has me scratching my head.

Yeah. Jerry Rubin becoming a capitalist still fucks me up.

“Not the anti-vax guy?! How could he endorse the anti-vax guy?!”

Yeah I get that but that due to him being more of an all natural hippie guy. His wife owns an all natural company and he stays in shape by doing yoga. He's been that way for years. RFK jr believes the conspiracy shit. Never forget Woody discovered that Liem was related to Chris Hemsworth after making two movies with him. He's smart but not bright.

To be fair, he thought he was supporting Rampart Francis Kennedy.

Maybe if Scott Baio and Kevin Sorbo endorse him, he'll siphon voters from Trump.

It's pretty damn hard to siphon voters from Don Cheeto Poorleone, they way they've attached their face holes to his blistered pucker en masse. How else are they almost as full of shit as he is?

It's a real shame that politicians can do literally the most awful things and still have hundreds of million of people dick ride for them.

Seems to be aiming for the sexual harasser crowd, as multiple of these have allegations against them.

Sooo... RFK Jr. is a child-molester? Who would even want that endorsement???

Holy shit, read this title and genuinely thought it was The Onion. I had to read the sublemmy name like 3 times to realize this is Not The Onion. My fucking god what reality do we live in. We split from another universe some time in the 1970s and are living this shit show, LOL.

I read the headline outloud to my wife and she laughed, then i pointed out that it's a real fucking headline and shes quiet now

It's just clown shoes as far as the eye can see.

I don't follow American politics very closely, who is this RFK guy and between Biden and Trump, how bad is he?

The high baggage Spacey endorsement likely won't attract many Democrats but might impress the Lindsey Graham and Matt Gaetz types on the Republican side.

Lindsey Graham and Matt Gaetz types

Openly closetted gay and child sex trafficker types?

Whoa we came full circle to “Kevin Spacey”

Coveted Kevin Spacey Endorsement

WTF, Rolling Stone- Who exactly aside from maybe RFK is coveting an endorsement from him?

They're being sarcastic. You can tell by the list of people that have supported him linked with sexual assault.

At first I ready the title as "Kennedy Space Center" for some reason and I was really confused.

What the fuck man

That's what I read it as, too. And it doesn't look like that at all.

Maybe my brain just saw it was about Kennedy and something about space and filled in the rest. It's weird.