Trump Posts -- Then Deletes -- Rant About Stormy Daniels Testifying

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 406 points –
Trump Posts -- Then Deletes -- Rant About Stormy Daniels Testifying

11th violation of gag order : lock him up.

No, it's okay. He deleted it and nobody saw it. Absolutely nobody. Any rumors otherwise are just that, rumors.

He's not getting locked up. I doubt he'll even be sentenced to any time in a cell even if he's found guilty. He's not even going to get probation. He's going to completely show that the Justice system once again is not equal and fair but not for the reasons he will continue to whine about.

Lock him up and Epstein away the key.

Why would you turn off the cameras and hang his key from the bars of his cell? That sounds like the easiest prison break ever

Nah you just gotta tie it just out of reach

Place it in a plastic box. The box opens when he learns to speak about himself in the first person. It'll be a life sentence I'm telling you., Trump can reach any height with his totally accurately reported 6'3" 215lb frame!, Trump could easily wrench open any box you can imagine with his 100% for real large-man hands that are not even anything like a tiny baby's at all!

What, real consequences for deliberately and publicly ignoring yet another court order? You must be imagining if one of us was a defendant.

I don't know what they'll do to him, but I can tell you: if you were to do what he did, the twelfth time, there'd surely be some sort of stern admonishment, or maybe even real consequences!

She detailed having met Trump at a golf tournament in 2006, when she was 27 years old and — as she tells it — Trump was already older than her father.

I'm sorry to be pedantic, but wasn't he always older than her father? Like, that's how age works.

You should absolutely be pedantic about a paid, published article having writing like that. It’s not some random internet comment from someone who may or may not have graduated high school, this was approved by multiple people who allegedly went to college for the writing related jobs they have. It should at least pass the “does this make sense if you think about it at all for more than 5 seconds” test.

And yeah I know reporters and writers facing the same overwork/underpay squeeze as everyone else. This is more about the corporations that run these papers and magazines being responsible for things deteriorating to this point.

I think you could also read it as "was already [so old he was] older than her father."

That's the same reading. That doesn't change the meaning at all. Am I taking crazy pills?

It highlights the age gap between her and Trump by using her father's age as a reference point. People are joking about how it sounds like they're saying the age gap between her father and Trump has changed over time as if they age at different rates.

Folks know that the author was trying to point out the age gap. But it was really poorly written, and they're criticizing that writing.

I dunno, the person I replied to originally seems to be losing their mind over this even though it makes sense even if a bit clunky and if everyone knows what they're trying to say then is it really that bad? Conveying meaning is the entire point of language and it seems to have done the job.

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I used to be older than my little brother.

I still am, but I used to, too.

I’m a simple man, I see Mitch Hedberg, I upvote Mitch Hedberg.

Well done. 👏🏻

No, he paid for age reduction surgery in 2017.

I'd say they should give him his money back, but we all know he never paid the bill in the first place.

Odds are that someone did at som point, and it technically constituted a felony

That's the thing where you bleed yourself down and transfuse the blood of a young person, right?

My dad stopped aging in 2015

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you, that's very sweet of you. While my statement was a bit tongue-in-cheek, if I live to see my 60th birthday, I'll officially be older than my father ever was.

Maybe it's one of those "at the time, Trump was older than my father ever was" kind of statements

Maybe they meant "already older then than her father's current age?" They probably didn't, and I'm too lazy to fact check that, but agreed, what a weird comment to add to the article

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The former president seemingly remembered that violating his gag order by commenting on witnesses could land him in jail

Oh, he remembered. He just thinks he's playing 4D chess by tweeting then deleting because "it doesn't count."

I really don't think he can retain anything he finds boring for more then 5 minutes. He's not playing imagery 4D chess. He really is that stupid.

Maybe he pulled it back to proofread for spelling, grammar and clarity

Or to fact check it. He doesn't seem like the type to jump the gun

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something. Tremendous things, really. So, I tweeted something, and people are saying, “Donald, what’s going on with that tweet?” And I said, “Look, folks, it was a tremendous tweet, the best tweet, believe me.” But then, I thought, maybe it was too tremendous. Maybe it was too powerful. So, I deleted it. And people are saying, “Wow, that’s leadership.” And they’re right. Because I’m a leader, and leaders lead.

Little bit too coherent. And he would never second guess a decision he claims he made.

Maybe trail off in the middle of a sentence, and then mutter something about the liberals making Twitter delete it? Because everyone is in awe of how much sense he makes, and how right he is all the time.

I've tried to write things in Trump's style before, and it almost literally gives me a headache. Thinking down to that level of incoherence takes effort.

something about the liberals making Twitter delete it?

That would be impossible, as he didn't post it on Twitter. I'm not sure if this is you not being aware of the actual post, or you taking a jab at his followers being dumb enough to believe the liberals could make Twitter delete a post Trump "thruthed" on Truth Social (aka a Mastodon instance).

You didn't go off on a random tangent halfway through. Not believable.

He wouldn't want a repeat of the embarrassing 'hamberder' incident, which haunts him to this day.

Dumbfuck has never heard the term 'surprise witness.' And this one wasn't even a surprise. Of course she testified.

Now he’s threatening me with JAIL, & THEY HAVE NO CASE

I thought this shithead was ready to go to jail for speaking his mind committing multiple contempts of court. I guess that's not the case when it's not him talking.

Merchan ruled as court began that Daniels can testify about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump and “how she felt about it,” but that he didn’t want to hear any of the nitty-gritty regarding the alleged affair with Daniels. We don’t need to know the details of intercourse,” Merchan said. Prosecutors assured the court that Daniels would not be describing “genitalia” in her testimony, ensuring the jury would not be subjected to another mushroom-comparison session.

Anyone else notice the closing parentheses but no opening paren? Again, I'm sick of not having proper copy-editors in journalism!

Look, I'm just gonna say what no one else is brave enough to say: he's awesome, let's elect him again, it's ok when he breaks the law. Fucking pig.