Republican defends child marriage: I'm "pro-choice" to Not The – 361 points –
Republican defends child marriage: I'm "pro-choice"

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Republican defends child marriage: I'm "pro-choice"

A New Hampshire Republican lawmaker who has been under fire for defending child marriage has lashed out at his "haters" while insisting that his stance is "pro-choice."

State Representative Jess Edwards inspired outrage last week after describing underage teenage girls as "ripe" and "fertile" while arguing against a bill to raise the age of marriage in the Granite State from 16 to 18. The bill passed by a vote of 192-174 despite objections from Edwards and others.

Edwards described critics of his underage marriage stance as "an army of control freaks that want to entice a pregnant woman into an abortion rather than allow a marriage" in a Facebook post on Monday.


Because I have this avalanche of hate, I really don't want to apologize in the face of that, because I don't want to encourage this behavior for the next guy who says the wrong word," said Edwards.

yes, dont want to start that terrible trend of apologizing for your terrible actions or words.

Having witnessed the lockstep Christofascist talking points of the Bush era GOP, I’m pissed off that the successful conservatives now are the ones that are so fucking stupid. Having grown up in the middle of their voting demographic it confirms every nasty thought I’ve ever had about conservatives.

At least during the 00s defeat felt understandable, when the opposition was a well oiled machine. But losing to people who think a conspiracy theorist with literal fucking brain worms has some good points? Christ! It’s enough to drive me mad.

Pro-choice for a man to marry a child but not pro-choice for any women to make their own decisions on their bodily autonomy.

He also doesn't want books that have gay characters in public or school libraries. Or kids to know sex exists.

Ok for them to be married. But not to have the vocabulary to identify when they're being abused.

right wing co-opting other peoples movements to twist into their own?


Pro choice like a gunman asking "left or right kneecap"

Pro choice like a rapist asking "ass or cunt"

Pro choice like an addict wondering "should I take another hit"

Pro choice like choosing between an impossible child and an illegal abortion

Pro choice like working overtime or starving.

Pro choice like having a cell phone or not having a job.

Pro choice like going back to prison or being homeless.

Great choices. The only way they could be more coerced is if someone held a gun to your head.

Pro choice like the ability to choose between financial or medical ruin

Pro choice like that implied by a cop between "obey or get extra-judicially murdered"

Pro choice like the choice both a rich man and a homeless man have between sleeping on the street and sleeping indoors.

Pro choice like the choice between which bill you can put off this month

I do not want this brand of freedom.

The brand where some people are purposefully more free than others? More freedom sounds more better, no?


People who think child labour and child marriage are acceptable in a civil society need to be barred from government.

If we barred people from government positions for shitty/creepy/weird behaviour, republicans wouldn't have anyone to vote for.

I believe an LLM would be a better representative than a Republican.

I think we're overlooking the 173 other people that voted against this bill, too.

I mean, yeah, this guy is exceptionally bad, but a lot of other people also voted against it...

Yeah, as much as the state tends to vote blue in presidential elections, the NH GOP is one of the worst in the whole country. We're talking "mask off racist in the comments of every political article praising Rush Limbaugh turns out to be an 8th term state Congressman and vice chair of a committee" bad.

That's not even a hypothetical.

Anyone who describes underage teenagers as "ripe" and "fertile" should be under heavy investigation.

Don't let that guy near your kids.

Reason number * I'm glad I don't live in america

Fucking sickos like these

I’m glad I don’t live in america

When this law is signed New Hampshire will have stronger child marriage law than Australia and their existing law is roughly equivalent to Australia's. (Basically 18 with controlled exceptions down to a minimum of 16).

Your horse isn't nearly as tall as you are pretending it is.

Reason no * I'm glad I don't live in either the US or Australia.

The person he replied to is Australian, though, so I don't get the downvotes. Seems like a pretty appropriate reply to me.

No, it's simple whataboutism.

Is it?

There are issues in America

Whatabout Australia?


The opposite is true as well, but don't let nuance stop your victory dance.


"Reason x as to why y" is the same amount of whataboutism as the comment you replied to. Ie. You're being obtuse and using whataboutism to deflect legitimate criticism.

Okay, you're coming in a little hot there. I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not deflecting anything. I'm saying that pointing out that there are issues in Australia does not absolve the fact that there are issues in the US. I'm literally only pointing out that it is, in fact, whataboutism. That's it. I haven't even touched on the issues themselves, so whatever persona you've painted on me and are clearly so passionate about is in your head only.

Comment you replied to : Australia better than USA because x = whataboutism

Reversed comment : Australia not better or worse than USA because x = same amount of whataboutism.

You're painting all whataboutism as a negative when in reality that's not always the case and in fact sometimes like this case it is indeed legit criticism.

My choice is to air these weirdos out and put the wolves on em. Corral these sick fucks up, take away their egregious religious rights, make them pay taxes, correct the ass backwards southern legislation, and put them on lists for being perverts.

Start lighting up their weird clubs and shame them for their perverse lifestyle.

Ok then do it, talk is cheap.

Or are you expecting other people to do it for you while you sit on Lemmy acting tough?

Lol I do my thing little buddy don't worry about me 😗

Being a keyboard warrior isn't doing anything

lol hey man work on that troll game you pathetic little fuck. maybe you'll get promoted from stain on lemmy to an actual cock sucker in your local politics

Get some good sleep tonight and come back with better material after some reflection. Rookie shit 0/10

Oh... right-wingers are pro-rape - who woulda thunk it?

I have a friend who got married at 16 to an 18 year old, with his parents' permission. It didn't really work out. Most 16 and 18 year olds don't even know who they are yet, let alone who they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

10 bucks says this guy has CSM on his computer and phone.

I'll get on this. $100 he got that shit.

Part of me wants to start naming charities to benefit from the bet. But I also presume he has disgusting shit on his computer