Raw Milk Enthusiasts Demand Milk Infected With H5N1

ylai@lemmy.ml to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 300 points –
Raw Milk Enthusiasts Demand Milk Infected With H5N1

Anti-science has gained too much traction in recent years, I doubt USA will survive if H5N1 starts spreading from human to human.

Covid has a mortality rate of about 3% while H5N1 has a mortality rate of about 56%.
If it starts spreading from person to person and it has an r value similar to Covid, we're fucked.

Probably not. If a virus is too deadly, it kills its hosts before it can spread. That's why SARS didn't turn into a pandemic.

Covid has a mortality rate of about 3%

hah great, makes the 1 in 50k risk of a certain vaccine's side effects even more ridiculous to think about

At this point, if they're asking for the scientifically specified strain of virus to be served to them, I'm not sure it sounds like "anti science" , more like "braggadocious risk taking"

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Let me guess. These are the same people who refuse vaccines with miniscule mortality rates, but are demanding milk infected with a virus that has more than a 50% mortality rate in humans? 🤔

Also, how is intentional getting infected to aquire immunity better than doing nothing at all? I mean, just don't worry about it. If you get infected then you're either dead or immune, and if you don't get infected you didn't need that immunity anyway. Plus, you've saved money by not buying your weirdo raw cow juice.

These people show up on my Facebook, they just want the opposite of what the government says no matter what, often they imagine the government saying something just so they can do the opposite.

Ah yes, and just like in Corona days, a serious number of them then dies, and the remaining ones will cry “why is the government doing this to us?!”_

UC Davis researcher Michael Payne told the LA Times. "Deliberately trying to infect yourself with a known pathogen flies in the face of all medical knowledge and common sense."

I, too, remember when this was more of a bug and not necessarily a feature.

If we give these knuckleheads a bit more time they'll reinvent variolation 500 years late.

Wow. Terminally stupid. All while you can get immunity from pasteurized milk, just without the risk.

Can those people be put under observation for "suicide risk", please?

In this instance, ok. Bodily autonomy and all that.

They can't vote in November if they kill themselves.

Yeah, but if they end up contagious before kicking it then we could end up in another pandemic…

Evidently the first plague wasn't enough.

It was actually the 3rd plague if you count the black death as the first, Spanish flu as the second and covid as the 3rd

Technically of course The Black Death was not a pandemic, it was an epidemic. It's just people didn't really move around very much so they didn't notice.

It kept returning to Europe multiple times because the focal point of the disease would move somewhere else for a bit and then come back.

So they take up precious hospital resources when their enthusiasm gets the terribly sick.
