Ya feel me?

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 259 points –

Because it's a fun hobby to build systems capable of doing that and seeing just how loud you can get them, granted my group is the only one in town that only uses them deep in agricultural fields so we dont burst people's eardrums. Regarding people that use them in cities, especially at night, i am absolutely with you.

Long ago I built up car stereos. Mainly for fidelity, but that cane along with bass, not for bass or volume's sake. But with the same behavior as you, I would never turn it up in a populated area, and it was in fact tuned for depth not volume.

I agree with OP, but not many of the negative replies. There is a time and place for all hobbies.

Same reason children cry, they want attention.

From Lullaby by Palahniuk:

"People who would never throw litter from their car will drive past you with their radio blaring. People who’d never blow cigar smoke at you in a crowded restaurant will bellow into their cell phone. They’ll shout at each other across the space of a dinner plate.

These people who would never spray herbicides or insecticides will fog the neighborhood with their stereo playing Scottish bagpipe music. Chinese opera. Country and western.

Outdoors, a bird singing is fine. Patsy Cline is not.

Outdoors, the din of traffic is bad enough. Adding Chopin’s Piano Concerto in E Minor is not making the situation any better.

You turn up your music to hide the noise. Other people turn up their music to hide yours. You turn up yours again. Everyone buys a bigger stereo system. This is the arms race of sound. You don’t win with a lot of treble.

This isn’t about quality. It’s about volume.

This isn’t about music. This is about winning.

You stomp the competition with the bass line. You rattle windows. You drop the melody line and shout the lyrics. You put in foul language and come down hard on each cussword.

You dominate.

This is really about power."

Outdoors, a bird singing is fine

Disagree. Nobody wants to hear you shouting from the treetops about how you want sex, a-hole. Fuck birds.


Fuck birds

How do you decide when to censor yourself or not?

I wasn't censoring myself, I was speaking casually. I'd have said asshole if I were going for a more formal vibe

its not that deep I just like my music loud and to feel the bass

The above piece isn't trying to give a deep reason for your actions: that would be ridiculous. You have proved that true with your post.

What the post is trying to convey is how other people feel about your selfish "it feel good to me (sic)" invading their space and awareness.

Be a better one person than this. Do you realize how much noise pollution negatively affects the most vulnerable in our communities the most?

I absolutely understand listening to music loud: it can sound better. I use headphones while at home that ensure I can listen as loud as I like, WITHOUT BOTHERING ANOTHER FUCKING BEING.

Try to to process the actual content here, and find a way to enjoy your shit without annoying others.

The people around you don’t.

Almost every explanation given in this comment section boils down to "I'm a selfish prick who only cares about what I'm doing in that moment. Fuck the lot of ya"

The way I do it is to sound good in the car. If you can even hear it at all with the doors closed that's by accident not design. I don't go nuts with 4 dual coil 18s in a civic hatchback either though so I'm probably not the best one to answer. 🤷

You can definitely hear it. You can hear someone on a voice call or talk radio pretty clearly just walking near them.

But this is really asking about the cars you can hear coming down the block that sounds like they're trying to work out sore muscles with their subwoofers.

I like to feel the vibrations and a car is the most efficient space to have that environment in.

Fun fact, loud bass sounds louder outside a car than inside. They're literally trying to blow out their own ears but missing.

Uhhh. What?

My guess is theyre talking about the energy grom their speakers being wasted on mechanical energy vibrating the entire vehicle and structures in direct vicinity, vs more efficient speakers that focus the energy into sound waves that go straight up in the air where your ears can catch em

Can't pump up music at home, too many nosy neighbours

I like feeling my music as well as hearing it

It's a cheap and easy thrill

It sounds cool to hear the low notes and it’s easier to have a good sounding stereo in a small area that’s fully upholstered. Loud music covers up the road noise.

It’s cool to listen to music loud.

Same reason why you would fire a gun in confined space. It makes deaf fasters, so you don't have to listen to the shit music you are forced to listen due to peer pressure.

  1. Capitalism has alienated us from collective experience in shared public spaces. Blasting loud music is an act of protest. A violent rebellion that creates a shared experience by force. A momentary slap in the face to wake you up and remind you that we are all connected and these places inherently belong to all of us, for us to use together in loud, chaotic, contradictory ways — not to be parceled up, individualized, isolated, and reduced to sheer utility value.
  2. Haha windows go brrr

Edit: I guess I needed a /s

My vehicle is less aerodynamic than a cow, and wind noise is loud.

You left your si in that link. Now Google is gonna track anyone who clicks on it by connecting them to you

So you can know how cool they are, obviously! Same with loud engines.

with loud engines.

I thought that was a secret code to other gays that you’re not out yet but wanted to meet

Maybe that was just because I associate them with giant pickup trucks

So you can know how cool they small their penises are, obviously!

I always joke with my partner when we see a midlife-crisis sports car: "His dick works great!"

They're chasing that high and excitement that a rockstar feels when they blare music on stage. Sometimes at car shows or downtown parking lots they got tons of encouragement.

But I do feel you fr fr.

It is the only time when I can really pump up the jam and go nuts. You can't do it at home because your neighbors will murder you if you are loud enough. It is also unfair to lay all the dB's on the same people all the time. That said, I only use the kind of volume that makes it hard to see straight during the morning commute. It is annoying for the closest 400 cars, but not as annoying as if I fall asleep and plow right into you. Yes, I have already OD'd on coffee to the point of seeing god in the rear view mirror by that time, but I am still fully capable of falling spontaneously asleep, thank you very much. So think before you get too annoyed in the future. That obnoxiously loud asshole may just have saved your life by playing bagpipe music at a volume that makes the clouds shift above her car. You're welcome.

Edit: ohhh, that wasn't very popular at all, was it? Some folks even took it seriously. To be fair, I actually started sort of seriously, but the post got away from me. Hate when that happens. I like loud music and the only time you can ramp it up a bit is in the car. That much is serious. The rest was an attempt at humour, but I see I failed. Again.

I actually play loud music to sing along with as voice training as I spend maybe 2h in the car every day on average. Whitney's got nothing on me, lemme tell you. She is dead after all.

No, that sounds more like you have a sleep issue you are neglecting and now you're making it everyone else's problem...

Grow up and fix yourself before you start being proud about being broken, ffs. If it's remotely a problem to stay awake after sleep and caffeine, you should be talking to doctors.

This is late stage capitalism. We all have bour long commutes and work 9 hour shifts. Half the day is dedicated to work at this point, and that is assuming you just get up and go straight to work. So if you want to watch some tv, make dinner, and spend time with your kids when you get home, you have to take that time from somewhere else, and the only place to take that is from time set aside for sleeping.

That doesn't mean it's magically OK to be so irresponsible that you put others in danger.

Correct. We need a better system that prevents these dangerous activities. You can punish the persin sharing rhw story all you want, but it wont change anything and other exhausted drivers will take their place.

The problem wasn't having a problem. The problem was "fixing" the problem by introducing more problems.

You can't do it at home because your neighbors will murder you if you are loud enough.

Doing that in a car just makes it everyone else's problem, though. You'd think living in a city would have desensitized me by now, but I still get woken up some nights by people playing music in their cars loud enough to shake my window screens as they drive by.

If you need that just to stay awake, I don't think you should be driving to be perfectly honest.

Get some decent headphones and stop being a selfish jerk who might hurt people. You can transcend without driving a fucking car.

Please don't drive with headphones on 🤯

My last sentence was meant to convey exactly that: OP should get some decent headphones and stay at home for his musical enjoyment. Apologies if that was unclear.

So…. To summarize:

Because you are irresponsible, everyone around you has to suffer though whatever it is you feel they need to listen to regardless of their wishes?

I get that you probably think you’re clever, but this came off as selfish and cringy. Unless I missed the obligatory /s.