Hiker finds pipe feeding China's tallest waterfall

AnActOfCreation@programming.dev to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 539 points –
Hiker finds pipe feeding China's tallest waterfall
  • Hiker finds pipe feeding China's tallest waterfall, sparking social media controversy and investigation by local government officials.
  • Yuntai tourism park operators admit to using a pipe to enhance waterfall flow during dry season to maintain visitor satisfaction.
  • Social media users express mixed reactions, with some understanding the situation while others criticize the artificial enhancement of natural landscapes.

Gotta be a lot of wasted energy pumping that water up, too.

"Its just spring water, bro. That shit never runs out."

It's okay, it's hydro powered.

It’s not wasted energy. The water now has potential energy from its height.


inb4 tankies say that China is super based for doing this somehow

The China love on the Lemmys is a bit odd.

You gotta block hexbear and .ml

I haven't yet I like to argue with them I know I can't win cos winning an argument requires the opposition is intelligent enough to apply logic but its still entertaining.

you should have seen lemmy ml when Russia invaded Ukraine. It was almost the death of the entire platform.

A lot of the communities I frequent have "no tankies allowed" listed clearly in the rules. It's not that all of lemmy likes them it's just that we haven't decided to purge them, yet, given the ideology of a decentralized network of federated content feeds.

On the flipside, the American exceptionalism on the Lemmys is par for the course...

The site is founded by Communists, it's not odd at all.

If you're a communist you can't like China

China is a Communist state...

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic.

China isn't Communist enough for you?

By definition a communist society is stateless, moneyless, and classless. Non of which China has achieved.

None of which any Communist state in history has achieved.

Wth are you talking about?

None of which any state which has nominally aspired toward Communism has achieved. There have been no Communist states. There have been states which have claimed, perhaps earnestly, that they are trying to transition to Communism. There can be no Communist state, it's a contradiction of terms.

Some incredible fucking insight, especially as it goes against probably all historical literature we have on the subject.

And what's is your source for all of this?

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China isn't communist. China is a capitalist dictatorship with one man at the top, a few people taking decisions and raking in all the profits and everyone else wage slaving away. Tell me what it reminds you

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I think you mean more like China actually went and did the hard work to make a pipe version of nature because China actually gives a damn about elevated water unlike the USA where it’s all fascist gravity flow and evaporation.

But by all means, go on about how China’s “suspiciously like a waterpark” or “harvesting organs from family pets and covering it up with United Airlines pet death stories”. Go on. I’ll wait.

Poe's law tells me this is a real comment from a real tankie

............... what the hell is a tankie?

(no, I haven't been here long, how could you tell?)

Furthermore, why have I not heard this term anywhere outside lemmy?

Hyper-authoritarian leftist, usually hard-line CCP supporter.

Welcome to Lemmy.

::: spoiler Tap for some copy-pasta from wikipedia Tankie is a pejorative label generally applied to authoritarian communists, especially those who support acts of repression by such regimes or their allies.
More specifically, the term has been applied to those who express support for one-party Marxist–Leninist socialist republics, whether contemporary or historical. It is commonly used by anti-authoritarian leftists, including anarchists, libertarian socialists, left communists, democratic socialists, and reformists to criticise Leninism, although the term has seen increasing use by liberal and right‐wing factions as well.[5][6] :::

You'll also see them around here commonly blaming anything negative on "capitalism" as well (while ignoring the fact that pure capitalism doesn't exist since the economy of almost every country is really a mix of capitalism and socialism).


Maybe in China they understand sarcasm.

Dude based on the comments I translate from Chinese on youtube shorts, they’re definitely smarter over there. It’s kind of alarming.

Ive seen the same thing at waterfalls in state parks. Its probably super common around the world by now.

Edit: Logging back in to Lemmy like Dang thats a lot of mad neoliberals confusing an inconvenient fact for defense of the CCP.

Yeah. I'm trying to think of a tourist attraction with a small waterfall, that doesn't do this.

The park staff is typically pretty open about it.

Small waterfalls are seasonal, and tourists are, well differently seasonal.

But that's nothing that a little cheap plumbing can't fix.

Its not like there's a garden hose at the other end lol. That would be more of a scandal but for real I was just at one last weekend and when I hiked to the top there was a road and a gutter system.

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So I think the important thing here is how this waterfall is being explained to visitors. If it's open information that the waterfall only flows naturally in certain months and is artifical in others and people still want to see it when it's artificial that's fine. However it seems this is being sold as a natural waterfall when it's artifical part of year which is the problem.

Bases on thr park's comments, it seems the move to make it artifical part of the year stems from their lack of openness that it only flows naturally part of the year. In comparison, Yosemite National Park (US) has a whole web page explaining when the waterfalls flow and the peak months to see them. https://www.yosemite.com/yosemite-waterfalls-spring/?amp=1 In my opinion, his park should be more open about the natural flow months so visitors can choose when to visit.

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I don't think it's an issue of what they've done. I'm sure everyone makes a change to such tourist attractions to aid tourism or nature.

What's weird is that they lie about it. Anyone else would have issued a news article, even a local one, saying the rivers are dry and this is what we have done to save tourism/nature etc etc.

These fucks blatantly hide the truth because it makes it look like everything is perfect. And they do a fine job of it. This country is one one of the finest built bullshit producing machine and it won't change until someone at the top decides to have a change of heart.

Hold on America is still way far ahead in term of fine bullshit

Well that's an impossible statement to verify if I ever saw one.

The fact that people still find it hard to accept the similarities between the US gov and the CCP is wild

I mean all government organizations are similar to the CCP, I'd just have to say that most governments don't have multiple massacres of their own ppl on a mass scale for disagreements with how they are being governed. Once a massacer accurs too protesters, then I won't see this as a false equivalent.

It's like when they were spraying the trees with green paint.

Yeah, this is the most Chinese shit ever

I’ve seen more than one artificially-fed waterfall in my own US city, so I don’t know what you’re on about.

China? Dishonest? Say it ain’t so!!!

I've found the article here, gone in, and immediately forgot that it wasn't the onion as it didn't sound like something remotely true. Then I was immediately confused about how they'd made the satire look so real, with even fake-pipe photos. That's been a confusing 5 minutes...

a lot of waterfalls redirect water with pipes, its especially useful on dry season.

I don't know anything about this particular waterfall but the existence of a pipe doesn't mean anything nefarious here. It definitely doesn't have to mean water was pumped up there unnaturally. It could be that a short segment of pipe was used to keep a river flowing under a segment of rock to control flooding or erosion. I'm not saying that's what it is but on its face this is a non story without context or evidence of water being pumped.

It definitely doesn’t have to mean water was pumped up there unnaturally.

If you had read the article before posting, you would have learned that it was pumped there unnaturally.

Holy cow, even looking at the picture … I spent so much time trying to figure out what the bright yellow thing was that I entirely missed the top of the fall being completely dry

You don’t even need to read the article to know the pipe is supplying the waterfall.