What is something that was once well respected that is now not?

Lanky_Pomegranate530@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 78 points –

Having a long career at a single company (that tended to treat you well).

I’d argue it’s not not respected, but it is considered foolish.

This coming from someone who’s been at one company for almost 7 years trying to get a new job.

I work at a company that pays for all of the education it would take for me to run my own insurance brokerage, I'd be foolish not to stay. They also have pretty low turn over, there are dozens of people who have been there for 15-40 years.

It really depends on the situation. It's not foolish to be content in a good situation.

Hiring manager here. It depends on the company doing the hiring. If they have a culture of hanging on to people by treating them well, you tend to look for people who like to stick around when considering candidates. I know it's not as common these days, but these companies do exist. It's not uncommon to run into people at my company who have been around for 15 or even 20+ years

I was at my last company for 15 years. Went from cubical minion to VP in that time, still got a lot of raised eyebrows when I was looking for something new a couple years ago.


Was Reddit really ever well respected? From what I've seen even before the current drama it was recognized as "the neck beard platform" or something along those lines.

It was well respected by me as the only social platform that wasn't a form of self torture that countless people inexplicably partake in daily.

Now I consider Lemmy to have that singular position.

Yeah, there was always some stigma involved, even when it became mainstream


I’m American and for as long as I’ve been alive I always got the sense that Americans are not respected but just tolerated. Mostly because of our military.

I don't know how old you are, but I feel the same way. However, I suspect that immediately after WWII ended and before it became common knowledge that the US was in the game of empire, there was a brief period where the US was seen as a place where people could seriously upgrade their station in life through hard work and a bit of luck.

But that might be the same propaganda that taught us that we were special when I was in school. I honestly can't tell and I don't have anyone that I can ask of the right age that wasn't born here.

I was born in the early 80’s and I remember a lot more pro America propaganda when I was a kid compared to now. I had some friends from Albania and Poland in high school and I think when their families moved to the US they bought into the pro American media stuff a few moved back pretty quickly. I’ve been to Europe a few times and some people I met told me to not tell people I’m American they will treat you different. Some straight up said they hated all Americans to me.

Thats kinda just terminally online folk. That and western europe, but those guys suck any way.

Bank managers used to be very well paid and respected on par with doctors and lawyers and now are just clerks


Unsure if intended? You probably meant clerks

But then again clerics also works since they probably do worship capitalism as if it were a religion

By bank manager, do you mean like the manager of a specific location? Or do you mean higher up than that?

Like the manager of a bank location, the physical building and its operations. Mostly because before credit scores they were the final word on all credit offers through the bank so it was a much more relationship driven process

The Branch Manager (of the bank) used to be very respected within the community at large.

The post office.

You can send a letter to anywhere in the US for less than a dollar and it gets there quickly. You don't even need to leave your house to do it. Now people complain about lines and that it isn't profitable.

The only reason why it isn't currently profitable is that Republicans forced them to fund their retirement plan decades in advance and all within a few years time. They were having to save for future employees that hadn't even been born yet.

There's also this weird discussion trap that damn near everybody falls into regarding the post office - why does it need to be profitable at all? It's a government service - nobody expects schools, police departments, fire departments, NASA, public works departments, health departments, departments of transportation, the military, or basically anything else to be profitable.

Yeah I think that comes from it being one of the few government services that has private competitors. I'm sure a few campaign contributions helped sway a certain party's membership to hammer profitability. We saw what they did when Trumps lackey was appointed to the post office and began gutting sorting centers and anything else that would help efficiency and profitability.

Business Leaders. Before the CEO salary explosion, the opinions of business leaders were respected. Now everything they do and say is suspect as gaming the system for short term stock gain.

Nightly news broadcasts. It certainly was never overwhelmingly factually butat point it was widely regarded as being so and was not so clearly partisan.

I see you're talking about TV news, but speaking about journalism in general, partisanship is the norm in US history. Three networks and your local paper who all basically agreed is the anomaly.

Early newspapers were explicitly partisan, often being organs of political parties. Abolitionist newspapers were hyper-partisan in their coverage of the most contentious issue in US history. The "yellow" journalism of Hearst and others is blamed for stoking the Spanish American war over sensational (and false) claims about the sinking of the USS Maine.

The "objective" journalism of the early-mid 20th Century happens to coincide with the height of government censorship and corporate control of the national narrative.

Law enforcement officers. They deserve the lost respect from the public.

Law enforcement has never deserved the respect it got. Things like closure rates dropped sharply once police had to read Miranda rights to people and stopped being able to beat confessions out of suspects. Forensics further eroded the ability of law enforcement to close crimes, because they could no longer pin the crime on people they didn't like. Surveillance cameras and people taking video with cell phones continues to erode confidence because the public is seeing how the police actually treat people, people that are in many cases not guilty of any crimes.

If law enforcement wants respect, people in law enforcement need to start acting in a respectable manner. That means they need to clean their own fucking house, and get the shitty cops out, rather than letting all the shitty cops push the few decent ones out.

I think detectives and other police that legitimately solve crimes and help the community should be lauded. Law enforcers can tend to be thugs who like brandishing big sticks though. Sometimes they may start that way, other times they may end up that way due to constantly having to deal with horrible situations and people over and over again. I can imagine it would tend to skew your view of people, thinking that they tend to be worse than they actually are, and that affects how you interact with them. Not excusing, just attempting to understand why someone would choose to be that way. Some are just sadists and awful people, of course, but I don't think that's how the majority start. Probably partially the gang mentality of looking after your own no matter what as well.

Stocks. Investing in a corporation for earnings and dividends was once seen as a valid way to invest your money. Now stocks are all about finding the next wave and cashing out before they collapse.

Profitable companies should be legally required to dispense a minimum percentage of profits as dividends.



It used to be respected science, but now it isn't anymore because of how it was used to try and eradicate people of racial minorities as well as people who were considered mentally ill.

Eventually though people realized that it's not great and actually quite dystopian to allow for people to be murdered for being mentally ill (some places actually did kill people) or trying to prevent people from reproducing. Hence why it is no longer respected in most countries and for good reason, it is fucking evil.

Being a pro-market libertarian left anti-capitalist is not respected. Pro-capitalists basically view this as anti-market communism. The left sees you as personally defending every bad aspect of capitalism despite your opposition to capitalist appropriation, monopolistic aspects of private property and privatization of natural resources. Historically, this position was prominent with examples including Proudhon and the classical laborists