California Moms for Liberty chair’s shocking attack on drag queens goes viral to – 241 points –
California Moms for Liberty chair’s shocking attack on drag queens goes viral

The article itself is worth reading, but it includes a link to a Sacramento bee article about this woman and her trans kid. It seems like after the kid came out as trans, the mom really went off the deep end :

This woman is so wrapped up in her anti-trans crusade that it's not just ruining her relationship with her child, but it's consuming her to the point that it's all she talks about. The article mentions that her friends and co-workers have had to ask her to stop sending articles about it. And now she's been kicked out of the hotel she was staying at because she saw some guys in dresses and started throwing a fit. The hotel even offered to refund her stay, but she persisted and got escorted out by the cops instead.

She seems stuck in a misery of her own making. At least her kid seems to have a level head about all of it. I will never understand how some parents would let stuff like that get in the way of their relationship with their kids.

Drag queens are not even trans a lot of the time. Some aren't even queer.

It's fucking performance art.

Well if there is one thing conservatives have never understood (and feel angry and small and left out because of it), it's art. Especially performance art.

Goebbels understood it quite well. He just wasn't a stupid Nazi.

I don't know enough about the man himself to confirm or deny... I guess he was the propaganda minister when Leni Riefenstahl was "discovered" (though according to wiki, it was Hitler who was mesmerized by her work and had Goebbels assign her to the task)

Spending your ENTIRE LIFE crusading AGAINST your Child is the EXACT Family Value that Jesus preached!

She doing a speedrun of hag-maxxing her PC

They are trying to normalize assault and I'm terrified they'll get their way.

Did the article mention assault?

Considering this was verbal assault, it should have.

You do know that 'assault' isn't just a legal term, right?

I feel that "normalizing assault" might paint an inaccurate picture of what the article contains.

I, a trans woman living in the American South, am already living under the sword of damoclese when it comes to the threat of unprovoked physical assault. I personally prefer not to add onto this stress with misconceptions.

Verbal assault is still assault. If you want to differentiate between verbal and physical assault, I can't argue with that. But this was clearly a verbal assault. I don't know what else you could call making deeply offensive and hurtful statements in front of marginalized groups with the clear purpose of being hurtful.

Hey Hon, I don't have anything to contribute to this talk, but I see you talking about your fears. So just wanted to give you a lil internet hug and tell you how important, valued and brave you are. I'm sorry it's like this, but for what it's worth, I'll keep you in my thoughts. ♥

Gunna preface this as "knowledge few outside the trans community and even some inside aren't aware of" so please don't feel like you did anything at all wrong because this is DEEP lore and like, we know you're good. This is just my PSA attempt to make future support avoid a potential trigger and be more effective.

Inside the more toxic aspects of the trans fem community "Hon" is a derogatory slur used to refer to non-passing trans women with the implication to belittle or condescend.

I haven't heard Hon used that way since 2006.

Is it still actually a thing?

Only in the cattiest and worst circles does it live on but I know some folk who are still quite sensitive to it.

Well, I am trans, active in the community and I am aware of the concept you are talking about. But I also know it's incel / 4chan language, specifically with being a "passoid" or "non-passoid hon", as a deviation from referring to women as "femoids". So right off the bat, it's not something I take too seriously purely because I don't care too much what they say on the worst part of the net.

But more to the point, I go to a lot of meet up events with trans folk and the conversation has been brought up a few times. I've yet to meet someone who is actually upset by it. Few people aware of it, as you said its a deep lore type thing, but even of those that know most don't seem to care.

I see it kind of like the whole "Queer vs LGBTQIA2S+" debate, where to my mind Queer is more ecompassing, easier to say and commonly considered a reclaimed word for the queer community. But, there are absolutely some people have had "Queer" used derisively against them and do not feel comfortable using it as a label. I entirely respect and support that, and if I know that a person feels that way, I will go out of my way NOT to use the word Queer around them. So, if I upset you or the person I was originally replying to with my word choice, I sincerely apologize.

Apologies, I wasn't sure where it was coming from and it's one of those things that strikes me as something people outside the 2SLGBTQIA+ say without realizing that it's even a thing. I do know folk who still have a pretty visceral reaction to it... I think it depends on what part of the community you have a history on interfacing with as some folk found their initial community in places which were very solidly terrible and unlike "queer" there's never really been a solid attempt to reclaim "hon".

more states need to have battery as separate from assault. Fortunately, most do.

Beth Bourne, an employee at the University ofCalifornia Davis and active chair of the far-right extremist group Moms for Liberty in Yolo County, Calif., launched into an unsolicited tirade against a group ofdrag queens who were officially invited to partake in a video shoot promoting an upcoming pageant.

Fire this piece of shit. She gives the school a bad name.

I wouldn’t feel terrible if this asshole got zapped by lightning. And hit by an asteroid. And launched into the sun.

I’m worried about the boys of my community who think that they could become women because they’re effeminate, care, and they like wearing makeup, and they like wearing drag.

Ah, so attacking someone and making a scene is going to fix this how...?

Also, has she tried talking to those boys?

I mean, if they're so easily swayed that just seeing drag queens will turn them into women[?] then surely they can be easily swayed back. Maybe show them well-oiled, handsome muscle men without their shirts on to inspire them to be manly?

The volleyball scene from Top Gun should have you covered.

Directions unclear, now I'm in the hot sun in blue jeans, diving into the sand.

You know Maverick never got the sand out of those jeans, absolute psychopath.

When I find myself feeling particularly queer, I just watch Turkish oil wrestling to man myself back up again.

Ah yes, that definitely makes me feel generally heterosexual and I don't know why any male child would find that anything but something that makes them really want to have sex with a woman.

I also recommend they go down to the park and play some shirts vs. skins full contact football which is very much not homoerotic.

Also, if a boy wanted to wear makeup and a dress while still being a boy, you know this lady would still have a problem with it.

Moms for Liberty in Yolo County, Calif.

the name gives me the giggles

I thought for sure the article was pulling my leg when it got to that part

Unfuckable white women are the cause of all life's ills

Oh right, so not the actual gun toting fuckheads with a Union Jack flag running around out there in sundown towns. Or the drug lords. Or the rapists out there protecting their livelihoods and given too much power.

So is the only reason you’re siding with the drag queens in this situation because they aren’t actual women and therefore scare you less? Cuz you should side with them here but not because you’re just that much more scared of women. Wrong lead to be taking here.

Oh right, so not the actual gun toting fuckheads with a Union Jack flag running around out there in sundown towns.

Fuckin’ Red Coats…

Your assessment of which women people might want to have sex with is not indicative of what those women believe or act upon.