Twitter Sues Hate-Speech Research Group Over Claims That Hateful, Racist Content Has Proliferated Under Musk’s Ownership to – 882 points –
Twitter/X Sues Hate-Speech Research Group Over Claims That Hateful, Racist Content Has Proliferated Under Elon Musk’s Ownership

Twitter filed a lawsuit against the Center for Countering Digital Hate. “Despite our continued progress, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) and its backers have been actively working to assert false and misleading claims encouraging advertisers to pause investment on the platform. X is a free public service funded largely by advertisers. Through the CCDH’s scare campaign and its ongoing pressure on brands to prevent the public’s access to free expression, the CCDH is actively working to prevent public dialogue,” the company said in a blog post Monday.

“Musk and his legal team, led by attorney Alex Spiro at Quinn Emanuel, have engaged in an aggressive campaign to intimidate, bully, and silence CCDH,” the organization said in a statement released Monday. “While Elon Musk proclaims to be a ‘free speech absolutist,’ his actions against CCDH show the lengths he will go to silence those who seek to hold him to account.”


The CCDH do not have the resources to fight Twitter alone. This is clearly an attempt to scare them into silence with legal fees.

Those who wish may donate here.

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It blows my mind how CEO's can make such obviously shortsighted and stupid decisions.

Elon is elonning Twitter's reputation faster and faster every day.

I mean the alternative possibility is that people dislike Elon and are trying to inflate small things into big ones.

Not that I don't actually suspect hate speech hasn't increased on his platform since he fired most of the staff anyway, but a company does have the right to defend itself legally against accusations and decide it in court.

It's like if you made a company and I had a claim that you were eating babies during lunch. Your defense against me would be a lawsuit in court.

Ok, but if you fire the team responsible for making sure no babies are consumed, and your company cafeteria menu suddenly has a section called All Baby All Day, the only people who will defend you are probably also eating babies at home.

The situation of one of the largest social media platforms in the world, and the proliferation of hate speech in it, are not small things. That place has had real political impact.

Yeah, he has the right, sure. Nobody says he doesn't, nobody says he shouldn't. But right now it's in the media. It's stupid. Now there's more attention drawn to this, and if they lose (though Elon's musk will likely try to bleed them dry rather than try to straight up win) it's now not just a claim, it's a claim backed up by law. He has very little to gain with this stunt.

Just because you have a right to do something, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Something that Elon clearly doesn't understand.

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Free speech is for my group, not the others - hypocrite.

You can write Musk instead of hypocrite. Synonyms are fine.

My comment got deleted in this post lol

To moderators: if the mega thread style doesn’t work, could we consider splitting out Musk-news to some other community? The topics comes rapidly and gain a lot of interest, but it’s such a narrow perspective on technology and just drowns other news.

EnoughMuskSpam is a thing on

Why would people who want to talk about Twitter/X even go to a community created by people who want to see less of it? We consider this Technology news.

The name is a way of acknowledging that people are tired of hearing about him. It's (I think; I didn't create it) saying, for those who want to read about this asshat but without spamming other channels, not no one cares about this.

I am also tired of him but what can I do if he keeps doing newsworthy bulshit? I'm not going to go to a community just about him, because I'm not that personally invested in him, but I also don't think talking about current relevant events involving him is "spam", particularly when it comes to Twitter.

At least on Reddit I used RES filters to block all posts with certain people in the subjects. Cuts down on a lot of low-effort gossip from people hate-posting news.

low-effort gossip from people hate-posting news

Thank you for the terms. Couldn't find them anywhere. Made it hard to fit my comments in with communities not realizing this was the meta.

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"How dare you give me factual information about me to my face! I will sue you!" - eturd musk

Musk about to find out what the "Streisand effect" is

Yeah, seriously. Anyone who pays attention know that the new Twitter with the new X might as well have been a Swastika or the cross of a Confederate flag, so what the research group is claiming to have data on isn't really news at all.

But him making a lawsuit out of it makes it much more likely that this will be reported and mentioned across most of the western world, your parents might even hear about it.

Just a correction, Hitler and Nazi party never used Swastika, the original name of the symbol was "Hakenkreuz" in German.

There is no mention of the word "Swastika" in any of the writings and speeches of the Nazi party.

Hakenkreuz was wrongly translated to Swastika when the translation was carried out in English from German.

The correct translation of Hakenkreuz in English would be "Hooked Cross".

Swastika is a similar looking sacred Hindu and Buddhist symbol, maybe because of it's similarity this error occurred and it went unchallenged in international forums as Hindus and Buddhists didn't even know how their sacred symbol was misappropriated and misrepresented because of mistranslation.

Assuming they're relying on established metrics... good luck with your trashfire-smokescreen of a libel case?

Given the the CCDH is not the government, how is any of this about freedom of speech?

Musk uses that term in his own way - the "free speech absolutist" line came from him talking in reference to Twitter moderation. He consistently claims to allow his critics to say whatever they wish without consequences.

Let's ignore how retarded hate speech is as a concept for a second and think about this from a simple point of view. Organizations like CCDH, ADL, SPLC, and so on serve no value to society. They don't offer products, services, and they don't help anybody. Their job is justify their own existence, and they do so by publishing bullshit under the guise of morality. If you ever looked at their publications it always nonsense. It is either hyperpartisan bullshit that seeks to censor opposition, hyperbalized claims that aren't sourced, or made up solutions that aren't backed by any evidence. All these non profits are run the same. They're run by fraudulent figures who make money by coercing institutions into donating to them in hopes of gaining credibility and avoiding a slander campaign against them. It's basically a ponzi scheme with elements of extortion. Fuck them. As much as I hate Musk and Twitter, these parasitic organizations are 1000x worse.

I still want to see an example of hate speech before I make my judgement. Could be actual nazi shit, could be counting nonsense.

That didn't come up in my google search. Is it just me, or is google just not good these days?

It is very much not good. It has been enshitified. It is no longer trying to deliver the greatest possible value to its users; it is compromising our interests in order to extract more value from us.

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