Trump expected to attend funeral of man killed in assassination attempt

Beaver [she/her] to politics – 81 points –
Trump expected to attend funeral of man killed in assassination attempt

Apparently he didn’t even call the victim’s wife after the incidence. On the other hand, Biden called her but she refused to take the call because her husband - the one who was killed - was a “devout republican and won’t have wanted his wife talking to Biden”.

It’s beyond a cult at this point

With all respect to the lady, I highly doubt her husband was particularly keen on taking a bullet.

"But it was a bullet meant for our god-king!"

Yeah, and it missed. Hubby didn't even have time to yell "Get down, Mr. President!".

I know it's callous. However, we MUST be callous and unmoving right now. WE do not have the same room for pity and remorse as our politicians, whose jobs are to play that part. Unfortunately for the Right, we have a job to do.

I'll wash my hands 4.5 years from now when we all have some breathing room.

"Get down, Mr. President!"

I think you mean "Donald Duck!"

His Twitter feed was full of toxic bile as well.

Lmao, wow these people are fucked mentally.

I blame lead plumbing and alcohol.

I’m not wishing anyone dead but I’m also not shedding any tears for this guy. I read some of his social media posts and he was an absolute psycho.

he knows what he signed up for

Got a link? Sounds reminiscent of /r/HermanCainAward

He also made one about wanting to drive over bicyclists in his truck.

Photos of Ivana Trump's pauper's grave.

Wow.. I've seen better graves for pets than that.

It gets worse the more you think about it.

It's a golf course; there are literally people whose only job is making the place look nice.

Second, she was Ivanka, Eric, and Don Jr's mom. None of those three could do anything?

He gets a tax break for having her buried on his property. Not even joking.

I thought that went without saying.

Really, the tax thing was covered a lot at the time of the burial. I'm just surprised that no one around him pushed him to do more.

I mean, they eventually pushed him to have his picture taken at Arlington after he blew off the WW1 Centennial.

I'm betting the dead grass is from Trump pissing on the grave. I wouldn't put it past him.

If he speaks, I hope his family is okay with an angry tirade and the election, crowd size, or whatever.

"Best assassination protection ever, didn't somebody say that? The best ever! We have the best people. My people are the best ever, I do the best ever, so don't even question it, right?!"

Itd be funny if he gets assassinated at the funeral, like some dude just fucken gets him and they just find a note on him that says "this is how ya do it ya fucken amateurs!"

The most human thing Trump could have done, kind of surprising.

He didn't go to Ashli Babbit's funeral.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He’s still liable to make the funeral about him

I just hope he cleared the decision with the family. And by "he", I mean the campaign. Otherwise, I can't imagine having a funeral for a loved one get turned into a clown show.

If Trump's there it's going to be a clown show regardless.

If he has an opportunity to speak at the funeral, it's going to be all about Trump. Hilarious but sad.

I'd offer to bet you that he'll make it all about himself, but I doubt anyone on Lemmy is stupid enough to disagree.

He is probably going to suggest the dead guy vote anyway.