Porn website posts reportedly linked to Robinson deleted after CNN story to – 319 points –

Salacious posts that North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson purportedly made on a pornography website have been deleted in the 24 hours since CNN first drew attention to them.

The posts in question, which Robinson denied were his and had previously appeared on on the “Nude Africa” pornographic website, have been removed. POLITICO confirmed the posts’ removal after reviewing message board threads on the website that previously featured comments from a username Robinson has used on other platforms.

A profile page for the account in question remains on the website, and “mark robinson” is listed as the account holder’s name.



I mean, it's not like Forgot Password forms are a modern day thing

Unless you're just making a joke that I whooshed then you can just ignore me lmao

I think their point was just that he has control of the account. Whether that's because he knew the password, or used a forgot password link doesn't really matter, he would have to control the email for that account to reset the password.

It’s unclear why the posts were deleted after the CNN story published.

OMG that is making me laugh

Ive got s sneaking suspicion why... but after cnn reports on it... why would you bother?

Im not saying that this move makes it more incriminating but... Wait. that does make it more incriminating. What was i thinking?

What a dumbass.

"It's not me, it was AI! Also, I deleted them all!"

The official name for that logical fallacy is "Kettle Logic".

Makes sense. Just curious if it was robinson or Nude Africa who nuked the posts. Because I am sure plenty of users did not want to experience the scrutiny of people looking for more dookie chute posts by a politician.

How the fuck is he supposed to prove he didn't make those posts?

He isn't because he obviously did. If someone had maliciously created an account on a porn site registered to his full name and using a screenname he also used on other websites over ten years ago, then posted his own political views and declared his love of transgender porn, all in order to smear his name, I very much doubt that they'd sit on that for ten years.

I'm not questioning his guilt, I'm questioning how someone possibly proves they didn't make a post.

After all this time, probably only of he can prove someone else did it. I doubt the site still has IP logs from back then and obviously there's no having an alibi in this case.