Project Veritas Deletes Tweet Claiming Boss ‘Just Fired Us All’

Flying to politics – 392 points –
Project Veritas Deletes Tweet Claiming Boss ‘Just Fired Us All’

Project Veritas has apparently imploded. I can't be happier.


I've found most things with any form of the word "truth" in their name to be anything but.

Similar to countries with "Democratic" in the name.

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I'm not sure I'm familiar with this org, what did they do? From the article I was able to gather that they're some kind of conservative activists, but I'm curious about what they do

They do little covert missions recording the organizations they consider to be political enemies, push employees to say things that appear bad, and release selectively edited videos that appear damning but end up being nothing much of substance.

Wow, imagine being the PV morons, surprised that not all journalists are as stupid as you are.

How could the guy who came up with the dildo boat not be one of history's greatest reporters?

This article came out the DAY before the "Because of the implication" meme episode. Fucking life and art man, I don't even have a joke, James O'Keefe is a special kind of douchebag.

They covertly recorded conversations they had with employees of charities and corporations they were opposed to. Oftentimes the person recording would ingratiate themselves at a bar or date and any jokes, deprecating humor, or mistakes would be taken at face value. Somebody making shit up on a date would then be used as evidence against their enemy. Certainly there may have been small nuggets of truth buried under the shit, but they were massive scumbags.

This is the group that made the anti-abortion "documentary" filled with lies, and heavily edited and out of context footage a few years back.

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Normally I'm concerned if someone loses their job. But these cunts? I hope they go broke and have to move in with their parents for all the damage they've done to political discourse in this country. I hope they hurt. May their actions hound and tarnish them until they publicly apologize and ask forgiveness for their bullshit.

Hell, I hope these bastards are reduced to living in a cardboard box under an overpass and eating out of dumpsters.

Right wing propaganda network goes belly up after TFG proves himself to be a weak, pussy bitch.

More like right wing propaganda outlet starts to go under after founder discovered to have [allegedly] embezzled, stolen, or otherwise have misappropriated funds from right wing propaganda outlet [again, allegedly].

I hope for nothing but bad things for James O'keefe and crew, absolute garbage people.

O'Keefe is already gone. They kicked him out earlier this year. Totally imploding.

It happened after they fired O'Keefe. I think O'Keefe is already building a new company from the ground up.

Maybe they can go back to Russia and see if there's work for them there

I was incredibly confused why everyone seemed to think the YouTube channel with fun physics videos was the scum of the earth, until I realized they are named Veritasium and not Veritas.