Who knew 1989 was an uneventful year in China

Godric@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1318 points –

There really are a lot of commies on here aren't there?

Well not real ones, obviously, but like 15 year olds whose parents work late. Lots of those types of communists.

Lol, I've been wondering how to describe them...

Like, I have a buddy who's a communist, and we agree on everything. I come on Lemmy and say I don't agree with the most extreme forms of socialism and communism, though, and I get straight up shit on and banned as if I said something incredibly offensive.

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The irony of saying this when the students at Tiananmen were literally protesting against the CCP for not being communist enough.

Go on. What's ironic about my statement and what you just brought up? Why do you think me saying that there are a lot of commies here, has anything to do with my view on what happened in Tiananmen Square?

? your comment makes no fucking sense. Why do you people try SO HARD to have a dissenting but relevant opinion constantly? its tiring, go fuck yourself.

There's nothing ironic about it at all.

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Uyghurs when they're detained sent to a concentration camp free job training program:

Chuckles. I'm in danger immensely grateful to the glorious Chinese Communist party for graciously offering me this tremendous opportunity.

I'm saving this cuz I wanna see if anyone defends the CCP

Bonus points if they're from .lemmygrad

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The CPC doesn't deserve defense. The most reactionary Tiananmen protester was more communist than any Dengist since then was.

But muh productive forces!!! You don’t understand, Deng HAD to crush the people’s communes it was the only way to build socialism by 2050!

It's especially wack since deng initially encouraged the people's communes. Only when he realized that the state would have to cede power did it suddenly become bad lol

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Ah yes, history according to the hexagoons. I'm so glad to not see their bullshit anymore.

I poked my head in Lemmygrad once, and that was plenty. Shit like this but unironic. Fuck em.

I am quite envious of you .worlders in that regard.

"Posting the pig shit emoji is still funny, right guys?.... Right?"

man if the CCP catches you, just hope you have some condition that makes your organs undesirable.. at least that way you can starve in the mines for however long you hold out, instead of going straight to the organ farm..

Just tell em you recently had Fukushima fish lol

Lol at all the shit talking about an instance world never federated with.

Y'all have nothing better to do than spew state dept propaganda?

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It's a bit different from the old one but I think you did it well and it was a bit of a heads up but I think you did the wrong thing for me to say that you are well and I hope you can come back with the rest in your favour ASAP

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