[USA] Massive emergency alert test scheduled to hit your phone on Wednesday. Here's what to know.

TheOneWithTheHair@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 263 points –
Massive emergency alert test scheduled to hit your phone on Wednesday. Here's what to know.

"Get ready to not freak out. On Wednesday, October 4 at 2:20 p.m. ET, every TV, radio and cellphone in the United States should blare out the distinctive, jarring electronic warning tone of an emergency alert."


Maybe include the country in the title...

Well, Rule 4 says, "4. Post titles should be the same as the article used as source." And the source didn't put the country in the title.

This indeed raises an important issue with our current rules. I will be discussing a potential change to those rules with other mods to make it more clear that, if the article isn't very clear, you are allowed to alter the title (within reason).

If you could edit the title to make clear this is about the US, that would be great (:

Sorry for the confusion.

Can you put something in the sidebar to clarify whether this community is primarily for US news? We do have the worldnews community explicitly for non-US news.

This community is for all news at the moment, not primarily for US news.

The rule should probably be that it's required to be as descriptive or more as the title of the article. If you want to edit out click-bait, that should be allowed. As long as it's still just as descriptive it should be fine. (I understand this would be hard to enforce though.)

There's the rules and there's courtesy.

I mean, the website is usatoday.com

the subreddit isn't though

  1. Post titles should be the same as the article used as source.

applying rules without thinking why those rules exist makes you an idiot. And in this case it leads to confusion and US-Defaultism.

you could have done it like r/convenientcop and put in a [USA] title goes here for example. And that's just an Idea that i came up with in less than a Second. I am sure there are other elegant ways to solve it.

Well I didn't make the post, so no, I couldn't have. Also, if you have a problem with the rules, take it up with the mods instead of harassing the posters about it. Thirdly, nothing about the post suggested "us-defaultism". Nobody assumed anything, they just posted the article. That you can't be bothered to read the article or even look at the source before lashing out suggests you need to look into a mirror before calling others idiots.

Perfect. I have a 1-on-1 meeting with my manager during that time.

"That must be the President of the United States calling me."

Iโ€™ll be in a status meeting with my Canadian colleagues. I sense an opportunity to mess with them, here.

"Whoot was that eh?"

"The American call to arms. It has been a pleasure to know all of you in times of peace. I hope you all fair well and survive the battles to come. I suggest you surrender your petroleum products to the embassy before the conquest reaches here, that is your best chance at survival."

And just walk out of the room whistling The Star-Spangled Banner.

We test the same system in Canada a couple of times a year. They'll be familiar with it.

Ours is a lot different in sound and use, but those who live near the border will also be very familiar with the American EAS.

Everyone in Canada who has cable TV knows what the American EAS broadcast warning sounds like.

Cool. Another alert that will make it more likely that I'll ignore an actual alert.

My phone keeps sending me amber alert/silver alert messages from the other side of the state. I live in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. I get these alerts from El Paso. El Paso is closer to San Diego than it is to me. Las Cruces, just on the other side of the TX/NM border from El Paso, won't get an alert but I will.

Good. Now I can bring a pair of pants that day because I shit myself where ever that annoying noise goes off

Did anyone else read it as 4:20 for a second and think it was a joke at first? Just me? Okay.

kwel. News communities over on lemmy are becoming as on Reddit: US news

I heard if you don't start furiously fellating an effigy of president bidet, you will receive a 5g covid pegging.

Jeez, everyone is a comedian in this thread.

Who shit in your Cheerios this morning? Half this thread is just you bitching about other peopleโ€™s sense of humor.

Nobody. I'm just calling out bad humor for what it is.

If you don't like it, then maybe you should learn to take some criticism.

Hmm, interesting that this is going to be a worldwide event that is going to affect every Lemmy user no matter from which country they are...

... you dropped this /s right?

Edit: y'all, the article makes zero mention of this test outside the US

Not sure. I'm somewhere lost in Eastern Europe and i've been hearing about this supposed test all day.

No shit? Per the article posted, it's supposed to be a US national test, hadn't heard about it in other countries.

Maybe that's because you've been reading articles from a newspaper called "USA Today"

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